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Messages - Dr Van Nostrand

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 24, 2022, 06:51:48 PM »
You are quoting things that Miller said in that passage, not Trump. Trump wanted sufficient numbers of National Guard and Soldiers at the protest.

Then why didn't he call them when shit was going down (and don't say he did call them because one of his excuses was to blame Nancy Pelosi for not calling them.)
“I thought it was a shame, and I kept asking, why isn’t she doing something about it? Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi doing something about it? And the mayor of D.C. also. The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge,”

Way to spring into action Mr Commander in chief.

For real scary reading check out section V. (events of the day)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 23, 2022, 12:31:23 PM »
January hearings quick summary.

The sad thing is that just like the Mueller Report, it's the object truth, in black and white, in their face, kicking their ass and the dim-witted right will still willfully ignore it. Like Nixon, everyone around Trump will go to jail and he'll walk away.

The whole thing would have been a complete waste except for this bit...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What is the Gospel?
« on: July 15, 2022, 01:50:10 PM »
If you fear your father, he's probably abusive.

To fear God means to have great reverence for Him. Reverence means respect and honour.

Of course you fear your God, he's a judgmental, hate-filled, rageaholic swinging the sword to decapitate people he doesn't like.

My God is a god of love and harmony. He looks at your nasty, dark soul with sadness and pity but still harbors hope for your redemption.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 14, 2022, 09:10:02 PM »
Ah but the Jan 6 insurrections were antifa. Simultaneously they were also Maga lunatics.

A quantum extremist superposition.

Heisenberg's mongoloid.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 14, 2022, 07:57:24 PM »
Based on the leaked Bannon audio, it seems pretty clear Trump was knowingly pushing falsehoods and planned it before the election.

That is how the Donald rolls. It was clear during his first year in office when he tried to federalize the elections and claimed that 3 million people illegally voted for Hillary Clinton.

You would think this audio would be some kind of bombshell but it will have no impact at all. Most normal people already knew Trump was full of shit. His radicalized followers will simply dismiss this as part of the space lizard liberal conspiracy.

The Trumpians cannot accept that they are not national heroes saving our country from a vast conspiracy but just a bunch of idiots who got scammed by 1990s flim-flam man.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 04, 2022, 01:22:52 PM »
The Republicans defending Trump fall into two categories.

There are the idiots who still believe the election was stolen because they are willfully ignorant. Even though, the creators of the lie are now being revealed as the creators of a lie with an agenda to motivate the micro cephalic dumb-asses to attack their own government in accordance with Putin's agenda. A good example of this is the 'My Pillow' imbecile.

The second category of Republicans are the ones who know this whole stolen election thing is bullshit. But, they also know there is a large segment of the population that is so dim witted and indoctrinated to right-wing, paranoid propaganda that they can be manipulated into anything. They also know that they will get extra election support from Russia if they politically support Russia's attempt to reconstitute the Soviet Union. They don't give a shit about anything other than getting their power.

All those years listening to Republican bullshit about, "AOC is such an extremist!" "Ilhan Omar will trap us with Sharia law!" and now we got freaks like Boebert, Greene and the whole Hee-Haw gang taking over the Republican party. I'm sick of hearing about how they have to protect us from the homosexual agenda. The streets of America are being flooded with cheap accessible guns, we have global virus pandemics and Russians attacking our infrastructure and social media but the Republicans are focused on the threat from drag queens.

I spent years supporting conservatives. Now, I will do everything in my power to stop them.
Fuck Republicans.

BTW: The punchline to the joke is the zombified, right wing freaks telling me that I'm a victim of the lame stream media shaping my world view because I don't believe their stupid shit.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 04, 2022, 04:49:00 AM »
What would have been wrong with Trump marching with the protestors? He didn't tell them to enter the building.

He didn't stop them. Our capitol fell and DC cops were injured and killed because that communist piece of shit, Trump, didn't call the National Guard, he didn't call Homeland Security. The Commander in chief did nothing to defend our nation while the capitol fell and then, being the no-penis, Putin sucking, piece of crap that he is, wants to blame Nancy Pelosi for it.

The rioters who were arrested (or 'short bus retards' as their own lawyer called them) genuinely believed Trump called them to attack. They sat expectantly in their jail cells expecting that Trump would bail them out. Where would they get such idiotic ideas?

I wish Trump had gone with the rioters so General James Mattis could have pointed a gun at Trump's head and said, "Mr President, I regret to inform you that you are under arrest for the criminal act of sedition against the United States of America."

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 03, 2022, 03:02:09 PM »
Notice that Putin's Republicans are going on and on about how this video doesn't show anything. We're not hearing anything about the crystal clear video of Bob Barr saying the 'stolen election' was bullshit.

Trump and his traitors perpetuated this lie knowingly and they did so with the specific goal of overturning the will of the people. He left our capital defenseless so his mongoloid mob could sweep him back into power.

The Republican party has money, global connections and an army of armed, mindless idiots to carry out their orders. It's time for Americans to rise up and defend our democracy from their corrupt agenda to align with Russia and seize control of our nation.

Fuck those assholes. The resistance has begun.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 01, 2022, 08:31:33 PM »
What's happening in the United States now is the same thing that happened to Venezuela.

Venezuela used to be a U.S. ally but now they're a Russian Nation state. Russia flooded their media with bullshit propaganda and got their ignorant, uneducated population to elect corrupt pro-Russia politicians. Then these corrupt politicians changed the laws so they could not easily be unelected.

Our democracy is under attack from the Republican party. They are working to put corrupt people in positions of electoral power, state officials, election judges. The honest people that blocked their attempted coup in the last election are being replaced.
This crap about stockpiling firearms to protect themselves from the government is a lie. They are stockpiling weapons to overthrow our government. They have shown they are violent people with no integrity and no honor. They're supporting Russian expansion in Europe because they know Russia will support them in the next election.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 01, 2022, 04:07:42 PM »
Democratic Socialist NAZI's

Are you sure putting those 3 words together makes any kind of sense?  I'd throw in fascist and globalist too, just to be extra sure it's utter rubbish.

Don't forget pedophile, transvestite, cannibal also.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 01, 2022, 03:59:04 PM »
Why are you perpetuating hearsay and a story that has been flatly denied by senior officials with the Secret Service?

First, it was denied by one of Trump's Royal guardsman toadies. Secondly I don't give a crap about her or this testimony. We have Bob Barr, Ivanka and many others on tape talking about the lie. They were lying specifically to get the willfully ignorant redneck subnormals to believe this stupid shit. They knew it was a lie but they knew they could convince dumbasses that it was the truth.

These hearings are just fodder, designed to keep everyone's attention off the fact the US is totally broke, our Democratic Socialist NAZI's are keeping Democratic Socialist NAZI's in power in Ukraine, in order to promulgate and perpetuate human trafficking and the slave trade, along with bioweapons manufacture.

Why are you perpetuating Russian propaganda specifically designed to damage our democracy and a story that has been flatly denied by senior officials with the Secret Service?

I grew up in a conservative state. I'm a conservative Libertarian. But I will never vote for another one of those traitorous piece of shit Republicans ever again for the rest of my life.

You and all these Qanon losers are a big joke. Some of us are involved in the situation in ways you can't imagine and we know the real truth. Disinformation is the weapon of the future and it'll be carried by zombie armies of the stupid.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 13, 2022, 09:53:34 PM »
If you don't have large scale studies involving their specific side effect you are in no position to claim it to be false.

The vaccine turned me into a newt!

But I got better.

We need to investigate the side effects.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 12, 2022, 02:03:52 PM »
Most stainless steels are nonmagnetic, a few are barely paramagnetic.

Anyone notice that the only place we see this effect actually documented is in fake ass Youtube videos and obscure studies that can't be verified.

How come we haven't seen this on Fox News, the Oracle of All Truth? Or even OAN?

I used to laugh at idiots who believe the stupid shit on the internet. Time travel, med beds, lizards, anti-gravity, it's an amazing world of bullshit and the suckers who eat it up are clowns.
But Vladimir Putin has discovered that the willfully ignorant are a powerful force that can used as a weapon. Atomic warfare is obsolete suicide. The war of the future will be fought using armies of idiot rednecks being commanded by propaganda. Victory will go to those who can most effectively harness the power of human stupidity.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 10, 2022, 09:35:25 PM »
Just out of curiosity, what is the harm in becoming magnetized?

I don't see any harm. I totally want to get magnetized.
Imagine freaking out your friends.

Dude! Imagine impressing the ladies. You could get so much poontang, awesome.

I want to have some cool science fiction kind of name. Magneto's already taken so I'm thinking Magnetaur.


The Rise of Magnetaur

I like it.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 10, 2022, 07:37:30 PM »
What Tom and people like him don't understand is how incredibly easy it is to fake a YouTube video like that. That's why you only see this phenomenon in YouTube videos and not in actual medical data.

In fact, I might do a magnetism video, post it online and see how many idiots I can get to believe it.

I'm going to laugh and laugh. Just the same way the people who made these videos are laughing.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 10, 2022, 06:20:09 PM »
That's not actually evidence that it's false.

So you do not have evidence that the study or videos are fake at all. You don't have evidence showing that these results and videos are false.

You have no evidence that it is fake in your favor and only declarations that all evidence is fake. Is that right?

You have no evidence the videos are real and only declarations that the evidence is real. Is that right?

What about all these time travelers from the future that we have on YouTube? One guy even has an actual photo of the future. It looks like a screencap from The Jetsons but still.
Do you believe them all to be real?

You do understand that a lot of people put a lot of fake ass crap on YouTube right?  They get off to fooling gullible rubes.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 10, 2022, 04:43:16 PM »
I don't have bone cancer and I don't know anyone who has bone cancer. Wow, I just disproved bone cancer with Rama Set's method of science research.

It's a fake study from a Russian propaganda website.
I know hundreds of people who are vaccinated and none of them experienced any magnetism whatsoever.

You want us to prove that magnetism in vaccines doesn't exist. You can't prove that it does exist. I challenge you to reproduce the results in that fake study. If the statistics shown in that Russian propaganda were correct, I would know dozens of magnetic people.

American coins are non ferrous and specifically designed to not be magnetic. Anybody doing the trick with American coins is bullshit.

Btw.  I know lots of people who had all kinds of cancers. Many of them died.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 09, 2022, 09:09:22 PM »
Holy crap!

Tom's right!

I'm sticking keys and coins all over myself.

The vaccine worked! I am magnetic!

My time has come! I will destroy my enemies with my magnetic power!

Oh shit they're falling off...

Oh wait... if you lick them they really stick. Saliva obviously increases the magnetic power.

I'll make a YouTube video of it. Then these non-magnetic losers will fear me!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 09, 2022, 12:16:03 PM »
You can't trust doctors or anything they say.
Remember Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a leading medical expert censored by the media, she said the vaccine was turning people magnetic. She was harassed by the mainstream medical industry even though they had no conclusive evidence she was wrong.

Turns out, it's all bullshit. Dude, I wanted to be magnetized. I got three vaccines and still no magnetic anything.
I was going to be Magneto but turns out the these anti vax freaks were just making shit up. It's like they're just saying what we want to hear.
Can you believe it?

Fortunately, through direct Zetetic observation, I saw the truth.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: June 08, 2022, 09:05:35 PM »
Nowhere was it claimed that it was new. It was claimed that there was an increase, with doctors issuing warnings about it.

I'm still looking for the numbers indicating the percentage of increase. Did I miss it?

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