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Messages - Action80

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Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 05:54:37 PM »
Post the math supporting your claim.
Here's a simulator. Set the altitude to 80,000m - about the height Branson went - and set the view angle (bottom slider) to about 45 degrees and in the simulation you can clearly see curvature.

The source code of the simulator is linked to if you want to check their workings.
AATW - "I do not know how the math works, but I trust the source because it agrees with me."

You don't know the math, nor do you even know if the math they use is correct, plus you do not know if this type of view would be possible, even while viewing from the "LARGEST WINDOWS EVER!"


Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 05:51:55 PM »
Provide the math that backs up your specious claim you can see a curve at 35 km or higher.

My preferred maths involves calculating the maximum viewable distance on the surface for a spherical cap, the size of which is dictated by the observer height.

Ideally, in order to compare this with the footage, one needs cameras which provide a view all around the craft, so I'm not sure if this can be applied to Bezos/Branson flights, but I did consider this extensively for the Red Bull Space Jump, where Felix B free fell, then parachuted to the ground, having jumped out of the Red Bull capsule.

The method is simply to determine what range would be visible to the horizon, and compare that with visible landmarks on the ground. If the visibility of the landmarks matches the predicted visibility based on the spherical cap calculations, that would appear to confirm the presence of a sphere.

The camera view from the red bull jump tried to depict the entirety of the US Portion of the NA Continent as occupying 100 percent portion of the arc on a nearly 90 percent cutaway of the sphere in the background.

If you are able to see a sphere at the red bull apogee, where's the water?

You're funny.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 05:41:03 PM »
Good luck with what?
Trying to separate fear from its children of shame and ostracization.
Blaming you and everyone else who refuses to get vaccinated on the grounds that you shouldn't have to for all the problems we have from here on out? Um, ok.
With no evidence. Which would be just as whimsical as everything else in your life.
Not sure where you think the challenge is. Whether you want to couch it as a rights issue or not doesn't change things. You are the reason we are seeing a surge right now.
If a variant comes about that is resistant to the vaccine, it's because you refused to get vaccinated ( the fact that you choose to remain ignorant rather than actually look into the science behind it really doesn't remove any blame). If we have another oppressive lockdown, it's because you chose to exercise your right not to benefit the greater good by getting vaccinated.
Not sure where you think "luck" comes into it. I can blame you with no effort at all!
Sure you can. As if I care.
Also, you are a puppet. But don't worry, most puppets don't realize they're being controlled in the service of someone else's agenda. It's what makes you folks so useful.
Promoting MSM fear mongering makes you the biggest puppet in the conversation.

Like I wrote in the other thread, people like you are directly responsible for the deaths of my brother-in-law and sister. Promoting policy actions such as a lockdown or even remotely thinking it could have possibly been justified.

The deaths are on your hands, not mine. Mine have faces.

I won't forget.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:48:20 PM »
Look it up yourself. I am not going to do work for you.

There are 7 billion people in the world.

Even if you take the inflated death toll numbers of this disease (and that is a fact the death toll was overreported and misattributed), this disease is a NOTHING BURGER and the only reason for its hype is to serve the BIG LIE, successfully promulgated and promoted by people like you.

There's no point in debating if you don't understand statistics, the basis for why this virus was so dangerous, hospitalization rates, or that 99.99999% of species "great and small" can't get this disease so the survival rate for them is 100%
There is also no point in debating if you do not have a point at all, but that has never stopped your attempts to do so in the past and I'll doubt you'll stop any time soon.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:32:41 PM »
What matters to determine the shape of the Earth is that the footage of these 2 events clearly show a  curved horizon. These facts are undisputable.
I trust that you will also consider the parts that appear to show the Earth to be concave to be indisputable facts? What about the ones in which no curvature is apparent? Why is one of those 3 states, each present in the footage, "indisputable" to you?

Can you pls point to the part(s) where the Earth appears to be concave? I didn´t see that in the footage.
At lower altitudes it is normal that the curvature is not (yet) visible. That´s the same as with airplanes. At 10 km altitude the curvature is barely or not noticable. Concorde flew higher, and even there the curvature was extremely difficult to be noticed. You need to be at least at an altitude of about 35 km to clearly see a the curve.
I will ask you since no one else has done so.

Provide the math that backs up your specious claim you can see a curve at 35 km or higher.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:28:08 PM »
^ Claiming that a single disease wiped out over .3 percent of the world's population last year.

Is that a response to me? How the hell did you get that from my post?
You really have to stop straw manning people.
Not a straw man.

Coronavirus has not killed .3 percent of the world's population.

The disease is a nothing burger.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:26:49 PM »
The most absolutely morally reprehensible thing ever foisted upon this forum is the fear mongering pushed by the usual crowd here. A disease that has a survivability rate of 99.7 percent for ALL creatures, great and small.

Think about it. A vaccine for a disease that has (at best, as the numbers were acknowledged to be inflated from the get go by Dr. Birx) a 99.7 percent survivability rate for EVERYONE!

Those pushing the fear agenda should go lie down in a corner somewhere.

I'm really not trying to fearmonger here. I'm just being real. If you want to put your individual rights above getting rid of this thing for good that's your prerogative; you're right, you have the right to be a douchebag and ruin life for everyone else.
At this particular point in time you have ZERO evidence for even making this statement.

Hence, you are not being REAL, you are being FALSE.
Just understand that that's what you're doing by standing up to the rights that Tucker Carlson tells you you should be standing up for.
Just understand I do not do what others tell me to do, unless they are in a position of authority over me (at this point in my life that would be my father and my current supervisor, and even in those cases, I would weigh any potential consequences in a determination as to whether or not I would comply with the directions given, as all thinking people should do). So, you are still not REAL and remain firmly FALSE.
Enjoy that empty exercise of "freedom".
I will enjoy every moment of my life, not bound by your ilk.
But I will be blaming you personally for everything bad we have to deal with from this thing from here on out, including any further restrictions on our freedom. If we have another lockdown it's your fault, Lackey. If a variant comes about that is resistant to the vaccine it's your fault, Lackey. Because Tucker Carlson told you to stand up for your rights, you puppet.

At this point I'm not going for fear. I'm more going for shame and possibly ostracization.
LOL!!! Good luck with that.

Both actions you describe are "children of fear."

You entire post is simply weak and silly. Not surprising in the least.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 01:41:25 PM »
^ Claiming that a single disease wiped out over .3 percent of the world's population last year.


Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 01:04:00 PM »
What matters to determine the shape of the Earth is that the footage of these 2 events clearly show a  curved horizon. These facts are undisputable.
I trust that you will also consider the parts that appear to show the Earth to be concave to be indisputable facts? What about the ones in which no curvature is apparent? Why is one of those 3 states, each present in the footage, "indisputable" to you?
Have any of the people who experienced it said they saw a flat horizon at that height though?
It is likely they were more actually concerned with behaving and acting like kids on a rollercoaster, experiencing the temporary weightlessness one could achieve on said rollercoaster or the vomit comet, rather than actually looking out the window. As if your eyesight wouldn't be affected by the requirements of the glass in both of the craft in question, to begin with.

But, as I stated earlier.

Present the math indicating one could see the globe earth from an altitude of 55 miles.

Come on, do it. You made the claim, remember?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 12:59:32 PM »
Look it up yourself. I am not going to do work for you.

There are 7 billion people in the world.

Even if you take the inflated death toll numbers of this disease (and that is a fact the death toll was overreported and misattributed), this disease is a NOTHING BURGER and the only reason for its hype is to serve the BIG LIE, successfully promulgated and promoted by people like you.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: July 26, 2021, 11:22:10 AM »
The most absolutely morally reprehensible thing ever foisted upon this forum is the fear mongering pushed by the usual crowd here. A disease that has a survivability rate of 99.7 percent for ALL creatures, great and small.

Think about it. A vaccine for a disease that has (at best, as the numbers were acknowledged to be inflated from the get go by Dr. Birx) a 99.7 percent survivability rate for EVERYONE!

Those pushing the fear agenda should go lie down in a corner somewhere.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 11:03:19 AM »
Whether or not Bezos or Branson officiaaly reached space doen´t actually matter. What´s important  is that they went high enough to clearly see the curvature of the Earrh.

If they are lying about going to space, why suddenly trust them when they say the earth is a ball?

Nobody doubts the measurable facts: how high they went, which device they used to get there, how this device was operated (automatic pilot or not), etc...
For the FE debate it does not matter whether they can be called astronauts or not. That´s another debate in which I´m not interested. What matters to determine the shape of the Earth is that the footage of these 2 events clearly show a  curved horizon. These facts are undisputable.
For decades NASA, ESA, ROSKOSMOS,CNSA etc and all the corresponding governements have been accused by FE adherents of fakery. I sure hope commercial businesses won´t be added to that list. Soon the whole world will be full of liars if we want to believe FE adherents.
Easy enough to get a curve out of a camera lens.

Plenty of other photos indicating a flat horizon.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 11:00:39 AM »
Bah. I literally came on here to post this.
Who gets up at 5am to post stuff like this on here?!

Anyway, well done Thork. I mean, they still both saw the globe earth but you’re the real winner here.
No, they didn't.

Post your math supporting this outrageous claim.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 26, 2021, 10:57:12 AM »
Whether or not Bezos or Branson officiaaly reached space doen´t actually matter. What´s important  is that they went high enough to clearly see the curvature of the Earrh.
No, they didn't.

When will people stop making this ridiculous claim?

But go ahead.

Post the math supporting your claim.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 22, 2021, 10:38:43 AM »
The ISS or the Space Shuttle didn't have larger windows.

So you agree that the ISS and Shuttle have both been to space? Really?
Funny, but agreeing that things have been occupying an area above the heads of humanity for a long time wouldn't cause the response "really?" from most thinking people.

But for clarification, since RE has only a subjective view concerning what constitutes space, they cannot even claim certainty on this either.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:46:42 PM »
Looks like Bezos just made it up to the Karman line and is currently plummeting back to Earth.
I didn't watch it live, but I saw the replay of the live stream they had on YouTube.

I am going to need to watch it again and make note of the graphics on display.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 20, 2021, 11:22:58 AM »
"with the biggest windows flown into space, offering stunning views of the Earth."

I mean, it is interesting but I suspect you're getting at something else here and I'm not clear what.
Interesting in two ways.

The ISS or the Space Shuttle didn't have larger windows.

And that using the word space, while being totally subjective in its application, isn't really engaging in the process of seeking or reporting of truth.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Branson to go only 55 miles up !
« on: July 20, 2021, 10:31:53 AM »
"with the biggest windows flown into space, offering stunning views of the Earth."


Science & Alternative Science / Re: FE and ICBMs
« on: July 17, 2021, 10:47:57 PM »
In your follow up BS iteration program, you claim it demonstrates a final altitude of nearly 10,000km!
Well yes.
And that is over double the claimed apogee of the rocket in question.
Just calling it "BS" without explanation is meaningless and doesn't advance the discussion.
I already wrote why it is BS.

It is BS because of two reasons, one being the rocket in question only achieved an apogee of 4500km, the other being a classic example of your worn and tired schtick - an interjection of meaningless dribble in order to detract from your prior failures in this thread.

I will also point out you set g = 9.8m/s2, which is the value at sea level, not at 250km.
Yes. Correctly. Because when I calculate the value of gh at each step - the g at a certain altitude - I use g0 as the starting point.
In this line:

gh = g0 * ((re*re)/((re+hn)*(re+hn)))

As I said, it's possible I made a mistake in my code, but that isn't it.
h0 = 250km cannot possibly be g=9.8m/s2, according to RE.

You are obviously trolling.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: FE and ICBMs
« on: July 17, 2021, 03:55:02 PM »
Can you show us your calculation? It could put this to rest once and for all.
Obviously he can’t. He had to use an online calculator to effectively work out the average of 2 numbers, and didn’t understand why that wasn’t appropriate for this problem.
^This is a flat out lie.

I was the first here to point out the average velocity of the rocket to an altitude of 250km in a time frame of 5 minutes, using d=rt, comes out to 3,000 km/h.

I also acknowledged on numerous occasions, that (final velocity + initial velocity)/2 is indeed a linear calculation.

I then pointed out that an average velocity calculation derived by calculus would not help you or the rest of the RE crowd here. In fact, it would only further serve to prove your bogus flight times and velocities provided at t+1, t+2, etc., as the bs they are.
I may have made a mistake.
Nope, you just posted a lie, as the record of the thread demonstrates.

In your follow up BS iteration program, you claim it demonstrates a final altitude of nearly 10,000km!

The maximum height would be 9,831km
As a reminder, the rocket we are discussing is claimed to have achieved an altitude of only 4,500 km.

I will also point out you set g = 9.8m/s2, which is the value at sea level, not at 250km.
Initial height h0 = 250km
g0 = 9.8 (g at sea level, roughly)
In total, your contributions to this thread have been entirely worthless.

Quite simply, you need to go back to following your own advice which you offered to me a couple of pages back.

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