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Messages - Excelsior John

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Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Zetetic Council
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:54:39 AM »
I like it with Parsifal's suggestions; I'm a little wary about the whole idea since, yeah, anyone having absolute power sounds like a bad idea. So yes, the constitution will help a lot (even if this is sounding incredibly cheesily 1700s America)...though I do fear that we may end up with a situation like Congress, where the Zetetic Council just sucks and there's nothing nobody can do about it. Not sure if there's much that can be done about that, though.
I love cheesey 1700s America! :D Anyway yeah we just need to have a stric esplicit constitution so that were not in the same controversey about "being a dick" implys. We should also have a peoples vote (as in direc democracey) for more major things

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: FES Video
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:48:14 AM »
I could donate my voice if given a scrip

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: FES Video
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:33:08 PM »
A person (Crudblud or Thork) could use their voice in the video without compromising their anonymity. 

I was thinking an animation in the style of  We would need to write a script, have one person record it, and then have another artsy type draw the animations. 

That's basically what I was thinking too. Minute physics videos are interesting. They get the point across and it's fun to watch. Add in a voice like Crudblud's and we'll go viral.
What does crudbluds voice sound like?

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Zetetic Council
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:31:12 PM »
I think it would be a vary good idea to have a zetetic counsel to reduce coruption and bring democracey to the FES. How would once aply to become a member of thus counsel?! :)
I suspect the initial members will be people who have been at FES for several years. Over time they will then vote in new members that they feel can enhance the Council.
Sounds legit to me :)

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Saddam's Troll concerns
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:30:08 PM »
Guys, end of discussion regarding EJ. He's been warned, and he will be banned if he keeps up what he was warned for, end of story. Any more posts about that issue in this thread will be deleted.

Let's return to the topic at hand, of a general policy for such issues.
Thank you Parsifal because im geting sick of the personel atacks but I shall certanley end my ofenses
Let's return to the topic at hand, of a general policy for such issues.
Sounds like the kind of thing a Zetetic Council should decide upon. :D

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: FES Video
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:25:24 PM »
I don't think animation is necessary, someone explaining the basics at a chalk board or paper easel would be informative. Having a real person talking would be nice. He/ she could show the website on the video. Animation seems like it would be harder to produce than a plain old video recording of a live person. Rooster would be a good person to do the video (she is closest thing we have to a FE fox)
 On the other hand, what person would want to put their self up as a FE believer to the world. Animation may be the way to go.
I reley like that idea hoppy. Ive always loved those comerciels where someone will be explaning something like writing about it in a board and quickley drawing animations (like the glass is half full/emptey comerciel)

On a side note rooster is a girl? And whats an FE fox

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Saddam's Troll concerns
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:21:00 PM »
He's breaking the site's only current rule. We're trying to be patient, but it's not working out. Perhaps a short ban (or series of thereof) will help him.
And you would be breaking the same rule by banning him.
There is some truth to this
And you would be breaking the same rule by banning him.
We're giving him many more chances than we should be. It just so happens that this one is the last.
And I shall sureley folow I am sorey for any past ofenses
I have hopes that he will turn it around. 
Who will turn what around?
I base this on absolutely nothing.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Zetetic Council
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:18:39 PM »
Ok, so to set up a Zetetic Council, we don't really need a lot from the administrators. Literally just a forum we can post into. We'd also need an agreement from the administrators that any vote from the council that is passed is binding and that they will endevour to do whatever they can to make it possible whether they agree with it or not. The Zetetic Council should have absolute power. Not Parsifal and PizzaPlanet. That's kind of weird and frankly could be destabalising.

Rules - cos we all like rules.

Ideas will be put into the new forum and discussed by those in the council.
Votes will be publically cast for transparency.
A resolution needs 50% or more the votes in order to be passed.
Nothing can be voted on twice in the same month. Saves repeated lobbying.
Any member of the council that isn't voting regulalry can be dropped from the council as this will prevent making 50%. This is no big deal, they can always be added again if they start posting again.
It isn't to become a clique like the old beliebers club was. If you stop posting, you are off the council until you return. We don't want it just the same 10 people from now until forever. That is irritating.
The forum for discussion should be public, but only accessible to the members of the council.
Being a flat earther is not a pre-requisite. Just a hardcore member of the forum with the society's best interests at heart. 

Ok, what do people think?

I'd expect the council to be voting mostly on matters of FET and how to promote it. Whther to appoint presidents, have memberships, what goes into a goodie bag, should we contact such and such a media outlet, who should respond to whatever event, - that kind of thing.
I wouldn't expect too many votes for technical stuff, because frankly our technical team know better than we do. But the council's vote has to be binding, otherwise there is no point in the council.

Is this something people are interested in?
Do the administrators agree to this?
Other suggestions welcome.
I think it would be a vary good idea to have a zetetic counsel to reduce coruption and bring democracey to the FES. How would once aply to become a member of thus counsel?! :)
Ok, so to set up a Zetetic Council, we don't really need a lot from the administrators. Literally just a forum we can post into. We'd also need an agreement from the administrators that any vote from the council that is passed is binding and that they will endevour to do whatever they can to make it possible whether they agree with it or not. The Zetetic Council should have absolute power. Not Parsifal and PizzaPlanet. That's kind of weird and frankly could be destabalising.

Rules - cos we all like rules.

Ideas will be put into the new forum and discussed by those in the council.
Votes will be publically cast for transparency.
A resolution needs 50% or more the votes in order to be passed.
Nothing can be voted on twice in the same month. Saves repeated lobbying.
Any member of the council that isn't voting regulalry can be dropped from the council as this will prevent making 50%. This is no big deal, they can always be added again if they start posting again.
It isn't to become a clique like the old beliebers club was. If you stop posting, you are off the council until you return. We don't want it just the same 10 people from now until forever. That is irritating.
The forum for discussion should be public, but only accessible to the members of the council.
Being a flat earther is not a pre-requisite. Just a hardcore member of the forum with the society's best interests at heart. 

Ok, what do people think?

I'd expect the council to be voting mostly on matters of FET and how to promote it. Whther to appoint presidents, have memberships, what goes into a goodie bag, should we contact such and such a media outlet, who should respond to whatever event, - that kind of thing.
I wouldn't expect too many votes for technical stuff, because frankly our technical team know better than we do. But the council's vote has to be binding, otherwise there is no point in the council.

Is this something people are interested in?
Do the administrators agree to this?

Other suggestions welcome.
Check you out, trying to take Parsifal and PP's power away. They may decide to share power or give it away, or decide to set up a Zetetic Council. Who are you to say that they shouldn't have absolute power?
I do agree that thus far pp and Parsifal have been vary fine leaders however there must be some type of limitation. Pherhaps we could keep them as the supreme leaders with limitation by the counsel
I am in agreement with the principle of a Zetetic Council. I have two suggestions to make.

First, formalise the process of appointment for the Council. Who/what decides who is allowed into the Council? If it is by Council vote, who makes the initial appointment decision? I would suggest that Council appointments be by general vote of all official Society members, since they are the ones being represented.

Second, write a Constitution which defines what power the Council does and does not have within the society. I don't agree with absolute power; the Council should not be able to do ridiculous things like dissolve itself and hand all authority to Arnold Schwartzenegger. Then you can have a 50% majority vote required to do anything that the Constitution allows, but a two-thirds majority vote required to amend the Constitution.

There is some overlap between this issue and how I had planned to do moderator appointments for the forum. What are people's thoughts on moderator appointments? Should they be appointed by the forum admins, or the Council? My viewpoint is that they should be appointed by the forum admins until such time as that creates conflict with the Society, and then the Council should have the power to make an overriding decision.
Ah a constitution good idea!!! :D Vary good ideas here parsifal good job and im especieley glad to see you arent abusing your power but insted advocating limited goverment!!! God bless FES!!!

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: FES Video
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:29:16 AM »
I'll get this rolling with its own thread. I suggested that if we want more traffic we should make a video that links back to this site and start posting it around.

So far we have Pizza Planet willing to edit the video.
Thork (or possibly Crudblud) can do the voice over.
And Spoon offered to provide background music.

Maybe we could work on the script together here. Now what kind of video should this be? Should this video describe the FES as a whole and the movement up until this point?
Ooh I reley like that idea we should come out with an oficiel video!!! :D Good luck on this and im here if any help is needed we must spred FET to the literel ends of the earth!
I suggest for a title "*LEAK* *RARE* *NEW* *GIRLS KISSING* flat earth society" to maximise veiw potential.
Lolz ;D

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Saddam's Troll concerns
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:27:11 AM »
What rule exacley am I breking?

The "Don't be a dick" rule.  The only thing that you had to agree to when you created your account here.
Well im sorey if I came across as the d word when I entered the new site and try to be nicer to evereyone and treat even the REers as my FE brethren

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Hebrew conception of Earth.
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:25:38 AM »
I should point out that modern Jews don't believe in FET, @ least I never met one that did. The ancient concept was one that was shared throughout the Levant & the Fertile Crescent, by people as diverse as the Hebrews & the Babylonians.
I am well aware of that RET has taken over even the most traditionel folk but it is rooted in Hebrew cosmologey

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Saddam's Troll concerns
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:17:33 AM »
Although the thread on .org turned into a quagmire, I wondered whether TFES admins had decided what their policy would be regarding trolls? I know that in my introductory thread it was implied that so long as they don't do anything grossly in violation of The One Rule they'll stay, but I don't think it's unreasonable to demand that persistent thread-derailers and trolls keep their clown acts to AR and CN.

So far, the only real offender is EJ, but if the likes of Healthy Earth or Nimp arrived to carry on their tedious campaign, would we have any policy in place to stop them from turning tfes into .org?

I'm putting this here so it's nice and official, and people can join in without having to wade through the crap in AR.

I would like to suggest that the mods reconsider the laissez-faire approach to trolling that they seem to have recently adopted.  It's not working.  In theory, it's a great idea, sure.  Just let the marketplace of ideas ensure that we maintain quality content in the forum!  The trolls go away frustrated when we refuse to bite, we're a stronger forum for it, etc.  But that's not what's happening.  Instead, the trolls are being replied to, being encouraged, being given exactly the replies they're looking for, and are continuing to spread their garbage all over the forum, ruining it for everyone.

In short, this community cannot be trusted to keep this forum from turning into little more than a joke.  We need guidance.  We need babysitting.  We need an adult to come in and turn off the hot stove that we keep touching.  Yes, it's immature and pathetic, but it's clearly the reality, and there's no point in ignoring it until this forum has been reduced to "i amm teh tipicul falt earter, sory abut my smelling" and "If evolution is real, why are there still rocks?"
Look I still stand by the fact that I am not a troll but if I have been breking the rules in any way I will stop imediateley for the love of FES. I apoligize if I come across as one im just vary emotionel and I will try to supres any type of bad behavior. I love FES and am a FE philosipher and scientist and I will do whatever posible to forwerd FES morels
I do have some thoughts I'd like to share on setting up some rules, but in the meantime, could we please just ban EJ?  Every single one of us knows that he's a troll and an alt who's just here to be as annoying and disruptive as possible.
Look Saddam your reley testing my pateince here im asking what im doing wrong but you just are just so quick with the ban button I mean thank God your not a mod. If im upseting anyone I apoligize I want everyone to know I do it for the sake of FES but ill try to be more low key. Once again im nether a troll or an alt
I do have some thoughts I'd like to share on setting up some rules, but in the meantime, could we please just ban EJ?  Every single one of us knows that he's a troll and an alt who's just here to be as annoying and disruptive as possible.
I just had a chat with Parsifal. We issued him one last warning. If he ignores that, it's bam time, promise.
And I recieved that warning and I apoligize for my actions I did not know I was breking any rules. I promise to stop any bad behavior
If he would just quit with the bullcrap "flippin" shit, I think it would be fine.
Cmon your aloud to use the s word but im not aloud to say flippin?
EJ will be missed.  :(
I see his name, I dont even read the post.

What's the problem? Some people reply. By definition he is contribuing to discussion. He's only still here because people interact with him . Its not my taste, but its not hurting anyone.

For me, he is getting something out of it. He obviously enjoys posting here. So great. That's what the site is for.

Just ignore posters you don't like. Its wrong to exclude people. I can't expect to enjoy the posts of a 12 year old troll, but the site isn't just for me.
I agree with Th*rk that one shouldnt jump to conclusions. If you dont like me dont respond to me its as simple as that. And yes I cant lie I do indeed enjoy posting here and just philosiphizing upon FET in generel. And im nether 12 years old or a troll but whatever
He's breaking the site's only current rule. We're trying to be patient, but it's not working out. Perhaps a short ban (or series of thereof) will help him.
What rule exacley am I breking?

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Hebrew conception of Earth.
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:47:33 AM »
Greeting! I have 3 images on my computer re: the Hebrew concept of the Earth. My ancestors believed the Earth to be flat, w/ mountains holding up the firmament of the sky. Above the sky were the waters above the firmament. Above that was the Throne of God. The Earth itself was held up by the columns. Sheol, the abode of the dead, was below the Earth. Around all this was the World Ocean. I'm on my phone, so I can't upload any images. But, you can Google them, I expect. For you FEer's, what do you think of the concept?
I hath seen these types of pictures before and tis indeed find them intresting! I do beleive there is some type of truth to them and I beleive you know my beleif in the four corners of the world and im begining to beleive in the infinite earth thoery but im still not totaley sure. For example I look at the waters in the firmanent to be the clouds and I also beleive Sheol to litraley be in the earths underground but it is phisicley imposible to get to pherhaps existing in a spirtuel dimension/plane. And if the infinite earth is real then the world ocean sureley surouds it. Anyway im glad that you have decided to share this with people umfamilar with Jewish flat earthism :)

Flat Earth Community / Re: Another FES site?
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:07:43 AM »
Anyone know anything about this site?
Yes I have seen it when serching Flat Earth Society on google. As jroa said its a parodey so flip them

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The flat earth society
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:04:34 AM »
Like I just said, I'm Saddam Hussein.  Who else would I be? ???

That was a low blow.
I am truly sorry, I usually try not to cut somebody down so badly. Please forgive me.
Yeah that twas pretty harsh. Even for saddam

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:02:23 AM »
11 spelling errors in one post. Granted, that's better than 57.
Shut up yakoov nobodey cares what you think and say. How about insted of low content posting you actuley respond to what I said stupit pff

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 07, 2013, 01:21:45 AM »
And what the heck do you mean your not a fan? Are you a rascist?
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and I am white. He did nothing for whites. He was the racist. Be careful with the accusations you throw about.
How could you say he was a terorist he was vary peaceful!!! He loved people of all races he was 100% not rascist your the rascist so shut up!!!!!

And what the heck do you mean your not a fan? Are you a rascist?
He was a terrorist.

If he'd been a white man with the same actions he would still have been a terrorist.

There's no racism there.
Uh sorey bucko but im pretty sure its obvous to all of us that this is raciel. Go flip off!!!
EJ, I realise you're not the brightest bulb in the batch, but how can you call Mandela an African-American?! He never lived in the US! African, yes. African-American, no! I think, in fact, that your bulb is entirely dark.
What the heck do you mean "britest bulb on the batch"? And whatever hes African South African
You beat me to it Yaakov.
Shut up
EJ, I realise you're not the brightest bulb in the batch, but how can you call Mandela an African-American?! He never lived in the US! African, yes. African-American, no! I think, in fact, that your bulb is entirely dark.
Stop being so stupid. He says things like this on purpose and you fall for it every time.
Well yes I do say things on purpose. All I say is true and genuine so I dont know what your impling here
Apartheid was disgusting.

Nelson Mandela fought against it and won.

He deserves acknowledgement. R.I.P Nelson Mandela
Amen brother :)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 05, 2013, 10:42:51 PM »

I was not a fan.
Nelson Mandela was truley one of the gretest men and one of the gretest African Americans who ever lived and crushed the white opresion and brought equelitey and tolerence to all the world and was a modal for the whole world!!! Being an African American he is HUGE role modal and without him I doubt we couldve elected the first African American president Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D May he rest in peace with dr king and all the grete African Americans in Heaven!

And what the heck do you mean your not a fan? Are you a rascist?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Which Economic System is Best?
« on: December 05, 2013, 10:37:47 PM »
1 spelling error in 1 sentence. I'm not sure about capitalism breeding racism, but it does breed the other 2. I agree w/ EJ, which is unheard of.
It breeds rascism because it causes prejidice and discrimation for my felow African Americans by bringing us down in the system and causes major class divide. Wereas in socialism the people are equel and it does not mater what your race. Oh yeah and people in socialism...ACTULEY CARE ABOUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 05, 2013, 10:31:28 PM »
57 spelling errors. And the word 'Palestine' was 1st applied by the Romans, in an attenpt to de-Judeaise the Land. It actually applied to the Philistines who were dispossessed of the Land by the Hebrews by order of God. The term 'Palestinian' only started being used as a nationality when Egypt & Jordan gave up their claims to the Gaza Strip & the West Bank in 1976. Before that, the term 'Palestinian' didn't exist. So... & how can 'Gentile' be racist when it doesn't refer to a race, nor is it used by a race?
Hey were not talking about names here were talking about ETHNICITYS. The opresion gave them this name and there just trying to get there homeland back. And whatever gentile is religionist. Happy now buddy ::)
Yaakov, unless you have a short word for ethnic discrimination you will have to accept that people will use racism in its place, and not entirely inappropriately. It is common to include ethnic discrimination in the definition of racism. Get over it.
It should be noted that the terrorist Yassir Arafat went to college in Cairo & served in the Egyptian armed forces. In most cases, serving in a country's military makes you a citizen of that country. Gazans were Egyptian. West Bankers were Jordanian. When those nations surrendered claims to the 2 areas, international law dictated that the residents of those areas be allowed to move into their respective countries of citizenship. Neither Egypt nor Jordan allowed this, rendering those people stateless. Israel would have been w/i rights to deport all of them. The point is that no nation known as Palestine has ever existed, nor does it exist now. It is a geographic designation only, invented by the Romans. 'Palestinians' do not exist. Stateless people exist. That is all.
Okay now your trying to say palestinians dont exist? Wake up and smell the cofee! Go into West Bank and look for yourself and see thousends of palestinians! Like they dont exist what an idiotic thing to say
inb4 he calls you a racist for using the term "black", instead of "African American".
Apparently he's got the idea that all black people are African American, whether they're American or not. want to call African Americans by a name that has hanted and hurt African Americans for years. You are a rascist and a bigot. And a moron. Musnt forget that
Fine, I won't use the word black. So what term should I use when referring to a non-American person of African descent? A person who has never in his whole life lived in America is NOT an African American.
I dont know african canadein or something?!!

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