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Messages - supaluminus

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If it has been YOUR experience that there are as many atheists and other non-believers in the supernatural among supporters of the flat earth model, or maybe just more than I'VE seen, I'll assume that's YOUR anecdotal experience. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being honest, and I'll take your observations with the same grain of salt you would presumably accept mine, for the sake of the conversation.
Virtually every proponent of FET on this forum is atheist or agnostic (though, of course, there are a few exceptions). As such, regardless of the validity of your experience,  you will struggle to find anyone here with the answer to your question.

In other words, asking an overwhelmingly atheist community about why there are so many religious people among them is unlikely to yield much.

I'd like to speak to some atheist flat earthers.

First point is totally fair. I've only been at this for a short period of time, and mostly on Facebook. This website and its forums are definitely new to me, and if you're saying it's the polar opposite to what I've been experiencing so far with respect to the supernatural, I'll take your word for it.

As for the second part, hey yourself, stranger! I just had a conversation with a flat earther last night. We met on Omegle of all places, and that led to a phone call.

We didn't really get to talk about his belief system with respect to the supernatural, but neither did we get to really hash out the details of the flat earth model and why it is or isn't consistent with reality. Perhaps you can do a better job.

Do you mind if I ask the first question, and we just start with a subject under the umbrella of flat earth, picked at random from out of a hat, or would you prefer to ask something first about the globe model?

Some people think the earth is flat because of their (mis) interpretation of Scripture.
I think that accounts for a lot of this.
Not all do although ironically some do treat this as a religion.

Part of the reason I say what I do is because, when I try to drill down to the finer details and things don't pan out, it inevitably leads back to the global conspiracy to pull the wool over our eyes about the nature of reality. Sometimes this involves Biblical scripture exclusively, sometimes they draw from all kinds of holy and ancient texts, but there's almost always some element of the supernatural.

I don't think it's a coincidence that there's a lot of overlap between religious faith and susceptibility to conspiracy theory. A lot of people take offense to having that pointed out, but I don't think it's a coincidence. I think they're both informed by the same kind of thinking.

Or: Why There Are No Atheists In Flat Foxholes
I do not know where you are obtaining your numbers, but I do not readily accept the OP as being accurate or truthful.

Okay, that's fair. Let me qualify my question.

This is just based on my personal experience. My only evidence in this PARTICULAR subject is anecdotal. I neither have any empirical polling data to corroborate this observation nor have I suggested that I do; again, it's just my opinion based on my experience. Take that for what it is.

If it has been YOUR experience that there are as many atheists and other non-believers in the supernatural among supporters of the flat earth model, or maybe just more than I'VE seen, I'll assume that's YOUR anecdotal experience. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being honest, and I'll take your observations with the same grain of salt you would presumably accept mine, for the sake of the conversation.

Either way, I'm not stating this as a matter of truth. I'm asking a question based on what I've observed. You can challenge that and say you haven't observed the same thing, but if that's the case, I'd like to speak to some atheist flat earthers.

Flat Earth Community / Why are there so few atheists among flat-earthers?
« on: January 10, 2018, 04:57:51 AM »
Or: Why There Are No Atheists In Flat Foxholes

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