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Topics - Roachman715

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Sun/Moon & 3rd Celestial Body
« on: October 05, 2018, 11:57:51 PM »
Hello, I am fairly new to the Flat Earth subject; so please forgive me if I'm a little bit ignorant on the subject. But I've seen a little bit about the supposed 3rd celestial body near the moon. I do have a thought on that. I don't necessarily think it's near the moon but what if it stays more so around the North Pole. It would make more sense to me, that way it wouldn't necessarily have to be opaque; and that much distance would still allow for some amount of sunlight to radiate into the shadows casted on the moon from said celestial body, making the surface of the moon still visible within the shadow. That would also explain why there isn't always a shadow cast on the moon and why you can't see missing stars around the moon that would be blocked by said celestial body. Still haven't heard or seen an explanation as to why the shadow is sometimes opposite of the curvature of the earth tho.

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