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Flat Earth Theory / I have been all around this planet
« on: December 10, 2017, 05:27:34 PM »
Well the thing is I live in Central Europe and when Im in the Alps and look around everything looks flatt o me, of course we have the valleys and mountains so the whole area goes up and down but if you on top of a mountain and you look 360 degrees the wole landscape looks flat.

I have been to LA and when I looked out the plane the whole area looked flat, the same with bangkok, vietnam, abu dhabi, and when i landed in central europe and you look down it looks flat period.

And im sure if we ask people all around the world and they should go on the highest roof in there area and describe how they see the landscape around them everyone would say flat.

So if everyone sees the world as flat how come the world aint flat?

Furthermore that the earth is flat has been a believe since centuries, they killed people back than when they said the world is round.

And how come all the water stays on the planet if its round, try to balance water on a tennisball - impossible

and another thing with water is that that we actually build buildings homes walls based on a waterscale, how can always be sure that the water inside the scale shows you if you even or not.

water doesnt bend on the small scale but yet on the big scale its bending 360 degrees.

Looking at the water i also cant belive we fly through sace with 1200 miles per hour, i dont know

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