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Messages - jessiejames

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I answered you in the other thread before seeing that you posted this as its own thread.  My answer:

why doesnt anyone (with a small amount of money) organize to fly a drone over the South pole, heading due south (for as long as it can fly) ?
this would rest the lid on whether flat earth people are correct or not.
First off, it isn't a "small amount of money".  Travel to the region could easily cost upwards of $40,000. 

Second, while drones are allowed there are rules, one of which is you must recover the craft.  This means you would not be allowed to simply fly south until it dies, unless your machine has the range (both flight range and radio transmitter range) to actually cross to the other side of the continent (round earth assumption) for recovery.  I don't think any drones can do that yet.  (Another rule prevents flying over the pole itself, to prevent crashing there, but a flight nearby should satisfy the challenge.).

Third, even if such a flight were completed, with full HD video and a GPS track the whole way, the wiki itself says "In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence. It is too easily manipulated and altered....With this litany of problems, it's easy to see why photographic evidence is not to be trusted."  If the video is likely to be rejected a priori, why should anybody (on either side) bother going to the effort and expense of shooting it in the first place?

And fourth, a reason that will sound harsh but I include for the sake of completing the list: of those people who even know there is a modern Flat Earth viewpoint, the vast majority believe it to be either fake (internet trolls pretending to believe) or folly.  Very few outside this forum take the Flat Earth viewpoint seriously, certainly not to the level of spending time and money to prove it wrong.  The rest of the world considers the matter settled by thousands of years, and if a modern person doesn't believe round earth already, one more piece of evidence is unlikely to change that.

in reply to you:

(1) Money is NOT the issue (as i am sure there are plenty of wealthy Flat Earthers who are 'game' to fund this sort of project). I mean,, if someone believes in a Flat Earth and the huge conspiracy by the illuminate to cover it up, then any wealthy person would put good money in this direction, because the results could be LIFE CHANGING !   
(even if the results of the experiment are not accepted by the public, it would be of gigantic life changing reward to the people involved in the project).
would you pay $100 towards this project if you knew you would be part of the team and be able to access the actual Video Feed of the Drones entire flight ?
So, ask yourself: Do you think a wealthy flat earther would give a few hundred thousand or more ?  (i believe they would). 
 - a friend of my family is waiting for Virgin Galactic and all four of them want to take a seat. (thats about half a million dollars for the family). if he was a flat earther, he would invest for sure.

(2)  I dont think the Legallity really matters because:   if Flat Earth is true, then obviously one would be going AGAINIST the "powers that be", and therefore, any actions to prove them wrong would be an illegal act. 
So, this is more of a private group who are out to find out the truth. (and they try not to get caught). No one need know about it until AFTER the event (if they so wish to speak out).
 i also disagree that one just needs to fly NEAR to there. I think its more of a: "keep flying till you find something".
i dont know the technical data on drone planes,,, but I know that Autonomous Software onboard the drone can pre-program the flight pattern. (ie: the drone plane can be outside of the reach of the remote control, because its simply following an autopilot flight map which is on board the drone.

You mentioned that the drone needs to be Recovered!  (are you talking about complying with the law??) 
Honestly, this is not of any concern to a project like this !!
Does one worry about getting 'permission' from the teacher if you want to graffiti on the wall of the school toilet ?   
As long as the camera Signal can be picked up by the team, then the drone does not need to be recovered.
a one way mission will fly much further over antartical than a round trip.

Also: i dont think its necessary to fly in the area of the POLE, coz if there is a flat earth, the Pole location is Meaningless.   
The drone-plane would fly in an area far away from the pole.

(3) & (4)  Even if the Drone got video footage of an incredible alien base, or the "Worlds Edge" or something amazing, there will always be disbelievers.
at least for the people Funding the project, they can live the rest of their lives with an altered perspective and regain a lot more hope and wonder about the entire universe.
and I am sure tens of thousands of other people will believe it on "Faith". 
just look at the rest of the conspiracy stores out there and how many people follow them blindly.
so there is always an audience.
whether you personally would believe it, I cant say.
but getting involved in such a project would be life-changing.
(unless of course the illuminate assasinates everyone involved.. Lol)  !!!!!!

Flat Earth Theory / Re: edge of the earth
« on: May 08, 2016, 02:33:32 PM »
So why has no flat earther hired a plane flown at 30,000 feet got as far they can get before having to turn around? at least they could confirm a minimum distance which the earth would stretch beyond the wall?

#1 it's illegal
#2 some have tried, and been shot down; others, simply vanished.
#3 HP Lovecraft predicted the above #1-2, plus whatever shenanigans exist today, as well as elder gods shenanigans, over 100 years ago.

I dont think the LEGALLITY of it matters to anyone!  (if Flat Earth is true, then obviously one would be going AGAINIST the "powers that be", and therefore, any actions to prove them wrong would be an illegal act). Hence, being illegal is not at all the issue.

being shot down or vanished is the reason why a DRONE AIRPLANE is PERFECT for this experiment.

and Money is NOT the issue (as i am sure there are some wealthy Flat Earthers who are 'game' to fund this sort of project).

[sorry, i wrote this question in someone elses thread before realizing I could start my own thread]

Why doesnt anyone (with a small amount of money) organize to fly a drone plane over the South pole, heading due south (for as long as it can fly) ?
this would rest the lid on whether flat earth people are correct or not.
Surely its not much of an investment between some flat earth people who have some private funds.
its a drone, so there is no risk to human health.
and CCTV will record the entire thing  ;)
PS:  if anyone reads this and gets an idea, then PLEASE DONT USE FISH EYE LENS CAMERAS !!!! as it really distrots (bends) the horizon and important features.
if a group of similar minded people do this, then they could also do and fund a Rocket launch (maybe 70 miles high) to proove/disprove flat-earth.
 and again, DONT USE A FISH EYE LENS!!!!
Go Pro cameras suck because they are not realistic. (they BEND and give a false horizon).

anyway,, so why doesnt anyone do the remote control drone plane over Antartica Due South ?
really.. that would be the icing on the cake !
such a simple idea.

why doesnt anyone (with a small amount of money) organize to fly a drone over the South pole, heading due south (for as long as it can fly) ?
this would rest the lid on whether flat earth people are correct or not.
Surely its not much of an investment between some flat earth people who have some private funds.
its a drone, so there is no risk to human health.
and CCTV will record the entire thing  ;)
PS:  if anyone reads this and gets an idea, then PLEASE DONT USE FISH EYE LENS CAMERAS !!!! as it really distrots (bends) the horizon and important features.
if a group of similar minded people do this, then they could also do and fund a Rocket launch (maybe 70 miles high) and again, DONT USE A FISH EYE LENS!!!!
Go Pro cameras suck because they are not realistic. (they BEND and give a false horizon).
anyway,, so why doesnt anyone do the remote control drone over Antartica Due South ?
really.. that would be the icing on the cake !

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