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Messages - puk13kie

Pages: [1]

After watching several hours of Flat-Earth movies on you-tube ( good & bad ones ) ...
I suddenly got this good idea for a very interesting test - which I could find being performed yet -
It has to do with Sun-spots !
There are several sunspot video's on 'you-tube', but they claim or approach a different question.
My test is different !
On the current Flat-Earth model, the sun Cir cum navigates the the flat earth on a trajectory +_ in the middle of the flat-earth disk.
So I am now looking for a Flat-Earther living in South Africa ( near the 20th Eastern Meridian ) ( CapeTown area ),
to perform a synchronized experiment with me. ( I'm Living in Europe near the 20th E ) ...
We both take a picture of the Sun at the exact same moment ( day & time )
- Through a filter ( CD, empty bad of crisps , welding goggles,, ... ) --> filter dark enough so we can see the Sun-spots on the picture.

Then we publish and compare these 2 images.
On the current model, with a near-by sun,
 and with this sun approx. being in the middle between me and my south African companion,
 we should be looking at a different face from/at that sun at that moment !!!!
... and these pictures could then acknowledge that ! ...

Who's in ?? Who can help me ??  8)

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