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Messages - Mr. Blackwell

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Flat Earth Community / Re: Earth's rotation
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:15:02 PM »
Thank you, I will check out the link.

I'm not sure what you're asking here. The Earth moves up at 9.8m/s^2, which emulates what you know of as 'gravity'. Round Earth science teaches that gravity is what holds us to the Earth, but it's really an upward momentum that holds us down. We know this to be true because the speed of an object falling freely near the Earth's surface will increase by about 9.81 metres (32.2 ft) per second every second.

I guess what I am asking is a matter of perspective. If we are only on one side of the earth and the force of the earth moving is what holds us to the ground then to me it doesn't seem to be very important which direction the earth is actually moving just so long as our back are against the wall and facing the direction in which the earth happens to be moving. I guess I am thinking of something like centrifugal force. Or like the feeling you get whenever you are in a car that has a lot of horse power which can take off at a high rate of the car accelerates forward it is moving faster than your body at that moment, you feel your body being pressed against the seat.

So to me, lets say if the earth wasn't moving up and we jumped...then we would never "fall" because the earth would not be moving to catch up with us. In my mind it works the same way if we are facing down. The downward moment of the earth moving faster than our own body after we jump would be the same wouldn't it?

I don't know if I am explaining my question clearly. I just don't understand why the earth necessarily must be moving up.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Earth's rotation
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:50:46 PM »
I visualize the earth as falling down, not moving there a significant difference between how the force of momentum would keep us firmly rooted on the ground between up vs. down? Right vs. left or any other direction?

Is there a graphic to illustrate how the flat earth moves through the galaxy or how the sun and moon move around the earth? Is every large celestial body a disk? I am a visual learner. Since I am new to this I will naturally have a bazillion questions. Thank you for answering the first two.

They really didn't make much sense to me but I don't expect much here will...that's not a slam against flat earth theory mind you, I also do not have a great understanding of the currently accepted model either.

Fair warning, I am not smart enough to debunk anyone and won't be trying to prove anything. All my questions are born from natural curiosity. I don't often engage in dialectics. 

Flat Earth Community / Earth's rotation
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:21:45 PM »
Hi, I don't know anything about flat earth theory so I hope this question hasn't already been asked or addressed a million times. If it has, please accept my apology and point me in the right direction.  :)

I think I have a vague understanding of how the earth rotates on it's axis according to round earth theory. How it tilts a little and wobbles.

I guess I have two questions about the flat earth.

1. Does it rotate like a frisbie or like a coin being flipped?

2. Is everything on one side or is there something on the other side?

Here is a short video which illustrated my current understanding of how the earth moves through the galaxy based on being a roundish sphere falling into the suns gravitational well.

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