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Messages - Loominaty

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: July 03, 2014, 12:03:54 PM »

For now I believe the researchers who have done that a million times before with published results that confirm my statement from earlier. You can of course believe what you want but it sounds pretty dumb if you have your own theories which seem to contradict and you can't even prove them.

I prefer to think for myself, but if you're fine being a sheep then more power to you.

Either I believe in your theories or in science. There seems to be no difference from my point of view. Thus, believing in science would be the better choice I guess, wouldn't it?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:21:01 PM »
Also, have you personally done the tests to prove that the light from the moon is the same light emanating from the sun? If so, please post your research logs. I'd love to see them.

I might for sure do that, but I'm only a student, I don't have enough money or time to get good instruments for reasonable results right now.
For now I believe the researchers who have done that a million times before with published results that confirm my statement from earlier. You can of course believe what you want but it sounds pretty dumb if you have your own theories which seem to contradict and you can't even prove them.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:54:06 PM »
I get the feeling that the explanations are getting more and more ridiculous. I mean, "self-luminous life, that grows and dies with the Moon's phases" that sounds pretty retarded. If you compared the spectrum of the sun's and moon's light you would see that they are identical, leading to the conclusion that they both come from the same source.
All these explanations seem to me as vague assumptions without any evidence and no logical connection. I mean, if you've seen the Anti Moon or Shadow Object or however you want to call it, then why not show us? No one said they would deny photographic evidence here or am i missing out something? It's just you, Mr Vauxhall, who doesn't want to deliver these lovely shots of the Anti Moon you took.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: July 02, 2014, 12:08:13 PM »
When I say "easy to spot" what I assume you'd gather from that is that it is easy to precieve. Especially combined with words like invisible and "patch of darkness".
How is an object that orbits close to the sun "easy to spot" in the night sky?  ???

I also want to know this. Seems quite contradictory to me  ???
Furthermore, I'd like to know how we can see the moon at all. In school and university I've learnt that the moonlight is just a reflection of the sunlight which sounds plausible but however this doesn't work if sun and moon are in the same orbital plane. The moon would always be invisible, it would be completely dark at night, there would be no lunar phases, etc.
I'd really like to know this  :)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:00:10 PM »
Its orbital plane is tilted at an angle of about 5°10' to the sun's orbital plane, making eclipses possible only when the three bodies are aligned and when the moon is crossing the sun's orbital plane.

Could you explain this any further? As far as I've read, the sun and the moon are in the same orbital plane and never really cross each others orbits.
There's this gif in the FAQ ( which demonstrates the orbits of sun and moon quite well but leaves some questions open as i mentioned earlier.
Your explanation of the Anti Moon makes me also wonder what that thing is and why such a small object can even exist that close to the sun without either getting swallowed by the sun or just burnt and destroyed by the powerful rays.

Flat Earth Theory / Moon
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:32:13 PM »

I'm pretty new to this Flat Earth Society but i really like it because it shows us a different point of view on the planet we're living. I've read a lot in the FAQ but however I still have some questions concerning the moon.
In the FAQ there's a beautiful gif, demonstrating the day and night cycle, but why can we see at night at all? Why isn't it completely dark? And especially, how can we see the moon?
And since the moon and the sun are in one geometrical plane parallel to the earth's plane, how can Solar/Lunar Eclipses occur?
I can't seem to find an explanation in the FAQ, so I wanted to ask here and hope to get some clarification :)

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