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Messages - Kernow

Pages: [1]
I'm new to this Flat Earth stuff and whilst I am finding it hard to believe, I'm opening my mind to it and would like to ask a question on this topic of the ICE wall... It seems like the logical thing would be for someone to fly around the world keeping the ICE WALL on one side of the plane and the rest of the earth on the other side and record the whole thing...?! I work in the aerospace industry so fully believe (with evidence) that there has been travel in space... but has any-one in the Flat Earth Society ever tried to prove the ICE WALL theory or anything else?

Also... I've seen some sort of documentary where it showed penguins falling off the edge of the earth over the ICE WALL... but, if you were to endure the dangers and climb the ice wall (but much like rock climbing) not fall off the other side and actually climb down the other side of it... where would you get too??? (obviously I'm aware you might need a magic backpack with food/ shelter etc)

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