The Flat Earth Society

Flat Earth Discussion Boards => Flat Earth Community => Topic started by: brad1138 on October 30, 2016, 11:52:19 PM

Title: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on October 30, 2016, 11:52:19 PM
By the people that come here and think you are actually serious.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: geckothegeek on October 31, 2016, 02:46:19 AM
By the people that come here and think you are actually serious.

The general opinion seems to be there are really only a few serious true flat earth believers.
This website seems to be populated by us "round earthers" but we really do take most of flat earth as pure nonsense.
I could go into more details, but just read the things from FE's to see what I mean.LOL.
But as another RE says, "Shalom and welcome to the trenches."

Let me give you just one example.
I don't know if you have ever been down to a beach on an ocean or have been to sea on a ship and looked out at the horizon on a clear calm day.
But FE says that you won't see the horizon but just an indistinct blur that fades away in the distance.
Hope you have as much fun as some of us "Round Earthers" do.
NASA is aĺl fakes, and along with all the scientists, engineers, etc. are paid "shills" to hide the fact that the earth is flat. Read on !
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 03:40:30 AM
By the people that come here and think you are actually serious.

Another quality post by a truly intelligent round earther...
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on October 31, 2016, 05:43:27 AM
I honestly believe that FEers fall into 2 categories, the VAST majority are joking/pretending, the others have serious mental issues. I work with satellite dish systems, I am aiming at a satellite 22,000+ miles in the sky.... How do they explain satellites....?
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 09:08:38 AM
I honestly believe that FEers fall into 2 categories, the VAST majority are joking/pretending, the others have serious mental issues. I work with satellite dish systems, I am aiming at a satellite 22,000+ miles in the sky.... How do they explain satellites....?

They make stuff up as they go.  I saw some Youtube Video and they said all the Satellite networking equipment are just blinking lights and do x1,000   I already established Ground vs Satellite communication in my slaughtered lamb thread

Title: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 11:29:24 AM
I honestly believe that FEers fall into 2 categories, the VAST majority are joking/pretending, the others have serious mental issues. I work with satellite dish systems, I am aiming at a satellite 22,000+ miles in the sky.... How do they explain satellites....?

They make stuff up as they go.  I saw some Youtube Video and they said all the Satellite networking equipment are just blinking lights and do x1,000   I already established Ground vs Satellite communication in my slaughtered lamb thread

Not that you're worth attempting to engage with in any attempt at an honest, meaningful discussion, but stop lying to others who post here.

You have literally done nothing of the sort. I appreciate that you think you are the first clever round earther to shit post on our forum, but I assure you that you are not. Nothing about your act is clever nor original.

Also, this FES hasn't put out YouTube videos, so I'd suggest not conflating us with other groups. It only serves to make you look (more) ignorant and foolish.

Take care!
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 05:57:27 PM
I honestly believe that FEers fall into 2 categories, the VAST majority are joking/pretending, the others have serious mental issues. I work with satellite dish systems, I am aiming at a satellite 22,000+ miles in the sky.... How do they explain satellites....?

They make stuff up as they go.  I saw some Youtube Video and they said all the Satellite networking equipment are just blinking lights and do x1,000   I already established Ground vs Satellite communication in my slaughtered lamb thread

Also, this FES hasn't put out YouTube videos

This exactly proves my point that you people make stuff as you go.  So your not a society that have an established set of common beliefs.  Anyone can have their own set of beliefs and others do not even have same identical beliefs.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 06:23:00 PM
I honestly believe that FEers fall into 2 categories, the VAST majority are joking/pretending, the others have serious mental issues. I work with satellite dish systems, I am aiming at a satellite 22,000+ miles in the sky.... How do they explain satellites....?

They make stuff up as they go.  I saw some Youtube Video and they said all the Satellite networking equipment are just blinking lights and do x1,000   I already established Ground vs Satellite communication in my slaughtered lamb thread

Also, this FES hasn't put out YouTube videos

This exactly proves my point that you people make stuff as you go.  So your not a society that have an established set of common beliefs.  Anyone can have their own set of beliefs and others do not even have same identical beliefs.

I would suggest reviewing the wiki and FAQ for a better understanding of this society's commonly accepted beliefs. There isn't just one society that everyone is a part of. I'm not sure why that's hard for you to grasp.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 07:36:12 PM
Sorry but your FAQ really don't mean anything and are not solid facts.  All it does it make you look as bad as with the more than 30,000 christian denominations who all have different views.   The Christian Rastas who like to Smoke Weed, while the Catholic Church forbids it. 

It's all failed logic and you will soon see in your lifetime the fall and collapse of the whole Christian religion.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 07:59:12 PM
Sorry but your FAQ really don't mean anything and are not solid facts.  All it does it make you look as bad as with the more than 30,000 christian denominations who all have different views.   The Christian Rastas who like to Smoke Weed, while the Catholic Church forbids it. 

you will soon see in your lifetime the fall and collapse of the whole Christian religion.
Don't care, I'm an atheist.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 08:03:49 PM
Nice try but you must accept the truth and consequences of Failed Logic.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 08:44:34 PM
Nice try but you must accept the truth and consequences of Failed Logic.

Cool story, bro.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 09:11:08 PM
Unfortunately for you and your half brain of thinking lead you to the slaughter and you have no legs to stand on now.  Your blood does taste good and your story did not end well being put in a check mate position.   :P
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 09:23:13 PM
Unfortunately for you and your half brain of thinking lead you to the slaughter and you have no legs to stand on now.  Your blood does taste good and your story did not end well being put in a check mate position.   :P

That is very interesting. Please, tell me more.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 09:34:42 PM
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 09:40:56 PM
That's a photoshop. You can tell by the pixels.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 09:53:30 PM
Too bad you only have a half a brain and will never understand the concept and rules of Chess
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 10:02:30 PM
Don't forget, it's a proven fact that All Roads Lead to Mr. Wonderful

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on October 31, 2016, 10:19:24 PM
Not spicy enough
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on October 31, 2016, 10:57:59 PM
Secret herbs from the Gods.  This is guaranteed to put a good tingle and entertain your taste buds

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on November 01, 2016, 12:01:05 AM

You know you guys could put a quick end to your entire belief system, if you just raise a few bucks and take a flight on one of the "edge of the atmosphere" flights available these days...

Also, would you care to explain how a satellite, 22,000+ miles in space, stays up there? Using triangulation(It is at a 36 degree elevation from my location), even using a "FE" model, it is at least 10,000 miles in space, it would be a pretty damn tall tower.......

( I can't believe I am even engaging in this...)
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 01, 2016, 12:59:36 AM

You know you guys could put a quick end to your entire belief system, if you just raise a few bucks and take a flight on one of the "edge of the atmosphere" flights available these days...

Also, would you care to explain how a satellite, 22,000+ miles in space, stays up there? Using triangulation(It is at a 36 degree elevation from my location), even using a "FE" model, it is at least 10,000 miles in space, it would be a pretty damn tall tower.......

( I can't believe I am even engaging in this...)

What belief system would that be?

And what evidence can you provide about the existence of satellites, along with their distance from earth?
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 01:37:40 AM
Why do you want evidence ? We all could very well be living in a virtual reality matrix and it would disprove everything anyway
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 01:45:31 AM
The provide and existence of satellites is very simple and refer to the Slaughtered Lamb thread.

Real simple.  Satellites can be hacked. People in Canada have been able to hack into the Sirius/XM Satellite radio system and get U.S. subscription services without having to pay or to have a U.S. address.  Canada gets a whole different feed for Canadian subscribers and choice of channels.

Since the world is ROUND, people in at the most southern part of South America or even Africa are unable to tap into those Satellites.

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 01, 2016, 02:14:10 AM
Why do you want evidence ? We all could very well be living in a virtual reality matrix and it would disprove everything anyway

Mostly to dive into some critical thinking and deeper discussion. Those tend to be the best conversations.

Cool story about hacking, though.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 02:17:40 AM
Problem is you are unable to connect the dots.  The forum should be re-named The Flat Half Brain Society  ;D

Your never going to realize your home is on fire before it's too late
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 02:22:00 AM
You invited me for a Beer.  What evidence do you have that it's actually Beer that we would be drinking   :P
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 01, 2016, 02:33:38 AM
You invited me for a Beer.  What evidence do you have that it's actually Beer that we would be drinking   :P

Ah, you're right. We'd have to take a session to brew our own. Then, randomly split the batch in half, then reconvene in about six weeks to compare. Excellent deduction.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 02:59:17 AM
Very slick, and you do have a full brain.   Surely we would not trust each other and some sort of trickery could happen leaving things un-attended.  We could compare notes upon return and see if they match.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on November 01, 2016, 03:57:33 AM

You know you guys could put a quick end to your entire belief system, if you just raise a few bucks and take a flight on one of the "edge of the atmosphere" flights available these days...

Also, would you care to explain how a satellite, 22,000+ miles in space, stays up there? Using triangulation(It is at a 36 degree elevation from my location), even using a "FE" model, it is at least 10,000 miles in space, it would be a pretty damn tall tower.......

( I can't believe I am even engaging in this...)

What belief system would that be?

And what evidence can you provide about the existence of satellites, along with their distance from earth?


Belief system... that the world is flat, or maybe I should say the total and complete forfeiting of logic and reason. When you take one of those upper atmosphere plane rides, you can see the curvature of the earth for yourself.

Evidence of satellites... I aim a dish at one (actually 5 to 6) daily, it is my work and has been for almost 20 years. I know there exact location, via elevation and azimuth. It is how TV gets to EVERYBODY. Even cable companies get their signal from satellites (in most cases). If not a satellite, please tell me what I am aiming at....
Title: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 01, 2016, 04:49:21 AM


Belief system... that the world is flat, or maybe I should say the total and complete forfeiting of logic and reason.
I'm not sure who you are referring to, as I haven't made any such claim.

When you take one of those upper atmosphere plane rides, you can see the curvature of the earth for yourself.
This is a fairly common, low-effort RE demand. Let me know when you've raised the funds for such an endeavor.

Evidence of satellites... I aim a dish at one (actually 5 to 6) daily, it is my work and has been for almost 20 years.
I think you mean that you (allegedly) aim a dish at the sky. Unless you have evidence otherwise...

If not a satellite, please tell me what I am aiming at....
Probably could be several things. However, asking me to provide your evidence is a bit silly.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on November 01, 2016, 05:23:01 AM

OK... It is a bit hard to get a grasp on what you are saying. You come across like someone defending FE, in multiple posts, then you say you never said that....

It is obvious that you would balk at doing the one thing that would prove to you the earth is round. No I am not going to do it for you...

I think you mean that you (allegedly) aim a dish at the sky. Unless you have evidence otherwise...

That really doesn't even make sense... Are you saying I am lying, and that I don't do that? You are aware of satellite TV providers, that install a dish on your house? Are they all out there installing fake dishes and the people actually get their TV through magic???

If not a satellite, please tell me what I am aiming at....
Probably could be several things. However, asking me to provide your evidence is a bit silly.

I hadn't read that one till now.... That makes even less sense, you're really not all there are you???

I know I aim at a satellite, and I can prove, with geometry how high in the sky it is (let me guess, math is a scam/conspiracy...).

You can't stand next to someone with a red car, and say I don't believe it is red, and tell him he is the one that needs to come up with proof that it is red. You are the one claiming the red car isn't red, and you need to provide proof it isn't.

And you avoided the question of if not a satellite, what am I aiming at? and how would it "float" up there.

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: Sirius_Gulf201 on November 01, 2016, 08:35:53 AM
He's just playing games with you, and it's psychological.  It's very much like this game I used to play when younger called The Realm.   

You get someone stoned, especially girls, they fun to screw with and you talk about The Realm and what is in The Realm and what is not to screw with them.  It's easier to observe because I'm typing all this but --

Example the floor and walls are in The Realm, but the ceiling is not in The Realm. 

Example #2  The Green and Yellow paint in the picture is in The Realm, but the picture frame is not in The Realm.

Basically The Realm are words with a double letter.  Depending how stoned and clueless they are, some never get it.  You don't really make it obvious and double match things when discussing The Realm, they are examples

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 01, 2016, 02:34:23 PM

OK... It is a bit hard to get a grasp on what you are saying. You come across like someone defending FE, in multiple post, then you say you never said that....
Can you provide more detail on this? Or give examples of me exhibiting what you claim here?

It is obvious that you would balk at doing the one thing that would prove to you the earth is round. No I am not going to do it for you...
This suggestion is neither original nor reasonable. You are either trolling, or don't understand the cost or availability relative to such an idea. How would you suggest someone go about arranging such a venture? Where can I go buy a ticket today? We frequently hear from RErs that space tourism is going to be taking off (no pun intended) any time now, yet it hasn't and there isn't much hope at least in the near future.

I think you mean that you (allegedly) aim a dish at the sky. Unless you have evidence otherwise...

That really doesn't even make sense... Are you saying I am lying, and that I don't do that? You are aware of satellite TV providers, that install a dish on your house? Are they all out there installing fake dishes and the people actually get their TV through magic???
If you take a minute or two to read the words, it actually does make sense. No, I did not say you are lying, as evidenced by a lack of me ever saying that. Yes, I know that satellite TV providers install dishes on houses. I am not sure why you would insinuate I think the dishes are fake, as I also never said that, so please don't put words in my mouth.

If not a satellite, please tell me what I am aiming at....
Probably could be several things. However, asking me to provide your evidence is a bit silly.

I hadn't read that one till now.... That makes even less sense, you're really not all there are you???
I am sorry following simple logic makes "less sense" to you. You are the one coming in here making claims about what you do and how certain you are about what your dish is pointing at. All I did was ask for some evidence which you failed to provide.

I know I aim at a satellite, and I can prove, with geometry how high in the sky it is (let me guess, math is a scam/conspiracy...).
Fantastic, now we are getting somewhere. Please share some of the data you have relative to your setup that will prove what you are pointing at. We actually love maths here, but please continue to provide baseless conjecture, as it only makes your claims weaker (not that they can get much weaker at this point anyway).

You can't stand next to someone with a red car, and say I don't believe it is red, and tell him he is the one that needs to come up with proof that it is red. You are the one claiming the red car isn't red, and you need to provide proof it isn't.
I don't think you understand how analogies work, as that is not even a remotely equivalent scenario (if you need help with understanding why it isn't remotely equivalent, just ask, I'd be happy to help). You also don't seem to understand how the burden of proof works. The only one making a claim in this scenario is you. Therefore, it is up to you to provide proof for your claim. I haven't said anything about what your claim "isn't," yet you are asking me to prove a negative about something I never said. I would suggest working on your understanding of this a bit more before you try again. It would make the conversation more productive.

And you avoided the question of if not a satellite, what am I aiming at? and how would it "float" up there.

I'd need to know more about your setup, but it could be pointing at stratellites, ground-based towers, or something else. Again, I don't know for sure, which is why I am asking you to prove your claim.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: brad1138 on November 02, 2016, 03:05:25 AM

OK, this is done. You can't make a coherent point or keep a train of thought to save your life. You are basically using the "Chewbacca defense"*, saying so many incoherent things, it is very difficult (at least more difficult than you are worth) to know where to start to pick it apart.

I am going back to my 2nd post. You are either joking or have severe mental issues. Not sure which one you are, but either way, not worth spending any more time with.

Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 02, 2016, 03:40:45 AM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: andruszkow on November 02, 2016, 07:50:36 AM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
The other day you asked for examples of you resorting to ad hominem. There you go.

The condescending tone doesn't help either. And before you state that "I just replied, pointing out his missing support of his own claims" it would be far more superior (along the lines of what your trying to portrait yourself as) to just not reply.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.
Title: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 02, 2016, 12:48:34 PM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
The other day you asked for examples of you resorting to ad hominem. There you go.

The condescending tone doesn't help either. And before you state that "I just replied, pointing out his missing support of his own claims" it would be far more superior (along the lines of what your trying to portrait yourself as) to just not reply.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

1) it isn't ad hominem.

2) Maybe a bit condescending, but warranted based on the actual ad hominem and other nonsense I was replying to.

3) I can reply to anyone I'd like to, regardless of whether you think I should.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

Wow, assuming gender and perpetuating sexism in one sentence. Well done.

The reality is that another round earther has made himself/herself/xerself look quite silly. Tossing out claims, providing no evidence, then responding with nonsense. My replies aren't for me, they're for others who may stop by this thread. They need to see clear examples of nonsense posted by round earthers being called out for what it is. This is one of those examples.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: andruszkow on November 02, 2016, 01:05:02 PM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
The other day you asked for examples of you resorting to ad hominem. There you go.

The condescending tone doesn't help either. And before you state that "I just replied, pointing out his missing support of his own claims" it would be far more superior (along the lines of what your trying to portrait yourself as) to just not reply.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

1) it isn't ad hominem.

2) Maybe a bit condescending, but warranted based on the actual ad hominem and other nonsense I was replying to.

3) I can reply to anyone I'd like to, regardless of whether you think I should.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

Wow, assuming gender and perpetuating sexism in one sentence. Well done.

The reality is that another round earther has made himself/herself/xerself look quite silly. Tossing out claims, providing no evidence, then responding with nonsense. My replies aren't for me, they're for others who may stop by this thread. They need to see clear examples of nonsense posted by round earthers being called out for what it is. This is one of those examples.
Haha, wow. So literal and touchy. It's a saying. Nowhere did I make assumptions about your gender, nor do I care about your gender.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: juner on November 02, 2016, 02:28:33 PM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
The other day you asked for examples of you resorting to ad hominem. There you go.

The condescending tone doesn't help either. And before you state that "I just replied, pointing out his missing support of his own claims" it would be far more superior (along the lines of what your trying to portrait yourself as) to just not reply.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

1) it isn't ad hominem.

2) Maybe a bit condescending, but warranted based on the actual ad hominem and other nonsense I was replying to.

3) I can reply to anyone I'd like to, regardless of whether you think I should.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

Wow, assuming gender and perpetuating sexism in one sentence. Well done.

The reality is that another round earther has made himself/herself/xerself look quite silly. Tossing out claims, providing no evidence, then responding with nonsense. My replies aren't for me, they're for others who may stop by this thread. They need to see clear examples of nonsense posted by round earthers being called out for what it is. This is one of those examples.
Haha, wow. So literal and touchy. It's a saying. Nowhere did I make assumptions about your gender, nor do I care about your gender.

It's 2016, you should be more careful.
Title: Re: You guys must get a good chuckle...
Post by: andruszkow on November 02, 2016, 02:30:22 PM

OK, this is done.

I agree, as you've failed to support any of your claims. I'm sorry you're upset that I pointed out your various failures. Apparently you have decided to deflect at this point and post silly nonsense since you can't support your claims. It is one of the more common signs of defeat when someone concedes in an argument or debate. Better luck next time, friend.
The other day you asked for examples of you resorting to ad hominem. There you go.

The condescending tone doesn't help either. And before you state that "I just replied, pointing out his missing support of his own claims" it would be far more superior (along the lines of what your trying to portrait yourself as) to just not reply.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

1) it isn't ad hominem.

2) Maybe a bit condescending, but warranted based on the actual ad hominem and other nonsense I was replying to.

3) I can reply to anyone I'd like to, regardless of whether you think I should.

There's no being the bigger man with you it seems.

Wow, assuming gender and perpetuating sexism in one sentence. Well done.

The reality is that another round earther has made himself/herself/xerself look quite silly. Tossing out claims, providing no evidence, then responding with nonsense. My replies aren't for me, they're for others who may stop by this thread. They need to see clear examples of nonsense posted by round earthers being called out for what it is. This is one of those examples.
Haha, wow. So literal and touchy. It's a saying. Nowhere did I make assumptions about your gender, nor do I care about your gender.

It's 2016, you should be more careful.

Duly noted :)