IMHO if it happens as predicted it is a very good validation of the RE model.
When you yourself sits (for however long needed) in a candle lit room with nothing more than a window, telescope, pencil, and paper and YOU can predict when this will occur, then that will be validation.
Until then, you and every other RE'er are riding on the coattails of other men and THEIR math.
"Your" Wiki claims that:
The Lunar Eclipse
A Lunar Eclipse occurs about twice a year when a satellite of the sun passes between the sun and moon.
This satellite is called the Shadow Object. Its orbital plane is tilted at an angle of about 5°10' to the sun's orbital plane, making eclipses possible only when the three bodies (Sun, Object, and Moon) are aligned and when the moon is crossing the sun's orbital plane (at a point called the node).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It is estimated that the Shadow Object is around five to ten miles in diameter. Since it is somewhat close to the sun the manifestation of its penumbra upon the moon appears as a magnified projection. This is similar to how during a shadow puppet show your hand's shadow can make a large magnified projection upon your bedroom wall as you move it closer to the flashlight.
I could say to you.
"When you yourself sits (for however long needed) in a candle lit room with nothing more than a window, telescope, pencil, and paper and YOU see that shadow object, then that will be validation.
Until then, you and every other Flat Earther is riding on the coattails of other men and THEIR guesses. Guesses, because no-one has ever seen it.
The bit I quoted, like so much in "the Wiki" is pure guesswork, without any observation.
Essentially all the theories in the Heliocentric Global Earth are backed up by numerous observations.
All of the Flat Earth supporters are completely hypocrital in this regard. When asked a question, you demand personal observation, yet so much of your "theory" is based on simply guesswork and I fail to see how you can deny this.
If you do deny this I am sure I can come up with hundreds of things in FE "theory" that YOU have not personally verified and an almost equal number that no-one has ever verified.