Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #380 on: March 22, 2016, 11:08:13 PM »
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 08:03:47 PM by Saddam Hussein »


Offline beardo

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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #381 on: March 23, 2016, 05:29:08 AM »
Reviews are irrelevant.
The Mastery.


Offline Snupes

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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #382 on: March 24, 2016, 05:23:48 PM »
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.

Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #383 on: March 25, 2016, 02:38:19 AM »

That thousand-yard stare.

Rama Set

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #384 on: March 26, 2016, 05:33:23 AM »
May I be the first to say that all of Saddam's worst nightmares about this movie are true.

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #385 on: March 26, 2016, 11:44:11 PM »
It was pretty bad, I feel that the RT score is spot on. There's so many problems, from the run time, to the excessive plot elements they've shoved in, to jarring tone shifts. I think the biggest problem is the weak script, a lot of the things characters were saying had me rolling my eyes, a good example of which is the Lex, Clark and Bruce scene that was spoiled in the trailers. The first Man of Steel had this issue too, where entire scenes were effectively trailer shots and felt very weird when placed in the context of the movie itself. Snyder's direction really isn't that bad besides all the grim-dark going on, it's Goyer they need to do away with. The whole thing would've benefited from throwing away the Doomsday/JL sequence and focusing on BvS, with a hint of the JL formation in the end. The only compelling part was the BvS struggle, but it's over far too early and far too quickly. It's pretty stupid how it's resolved as well, with Batman not murdering Superman because he loves his mummy.

I also think it's pretty humorous that they effectively ignored all of the criticism surrounding the destruction scenes in MoS, instead choosing to double down on it. Oh, and Batman straight up executes dudes in this, because it's a serious movie for seriously serious people.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 11:46:54 PM by Vindictus »

Rama Set

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #386 on: March 27, 2016, 12:12:56 AM »
I thought Snyder's direction was terrible. The tone shifts are entirely his fault, the excessive images he uses to trick people in to feeling, particularly the one used in your spoiler, are all style, no substance. He does not give you any context for a Batman who brands people and executed en masse (this is also the terrible scripts fault). I thought the Doomsday sequence was the best part because they stopped trying to tell an epic story and just told a story.

None of the character's actions were as thoughtful or intelligent as you would hope from the subjects and Jesse Eisenberg made every acting mistake you can.

I had really low expects and it failed every one of them.  Anyone who likes this movie deserves their fate.

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #387 on: March 27, 2016, 01:08:31 AM »
I thought Snyder's direction was terrible. The tone shifts are entirely his fault, the excessive images he uses to trick people in to feeling, particularly the one used in your spoiler, are all style, no substance. He does not give you any context for a Batman who brands people and executed en masse (this is also the terrible scripts fault). I thought the Doomsday sequence was the best part because they stopped trying to tell an epic story and just told a story.

None of the character's actions were as thoughtful or intelligent as you would hope from the subjects and Jesse Eisenberg made every acting mistake you can.

I had really low expects and it failed every one of them.  Anyone who likes this movie deserves their fate.

Aren't the jarring tone shifts the script? The cape joke and the "LOL IS SHE WITH YOU?????????" joke are both the result of a shit script.

Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #388 on: March 27, 2016, 01:19:54 AM »
Batman spares Superman's life because their mothers shared the same first name?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Who fucking greenlit this shit?

I'm sorry, I had to get that off my chest.  But seriously, I don't think the movie was awful.  Not quite good, but not as bad as I was expecting.  I'd say they've got the Batman side of it down fairly well (his rather cavalier attitude to killing aside), but Superman is once again all scowls and sullen brooding, without a hint of the optimism and positivity the character is supposed to embody.  Like Vindictus mentioned, the BvS fight isn't the climax of the film, but a five-minute prelude to Doomsday, who shouldn't have been in the movie at all.  Or at the very least, they should have given him a design that wasn't so generic and butt-ugly.  And Lex Luthor is just fucking horrible.  He's not funny in the slightest, just obnoxious, and his motivation - something that I've always felt is the most interesting element of his character - is barely touched on.  Something something my daddy hit me tee hee I'm just so cuh-razy!!!  Was he trying to do a riff on the Joker?  I wouldn't be surprised if he was.  WB wants all their superheroes to be like Batman, so it makes sense that they would want all their villains to be like Batman's villains.

They definitely need to get rid of Snyder as surely as they do Goyer, though.  The overall organization of this film, as in its pacing and editing, are completely fucked.  The first hour or so suffers the most from it.  There's no transition, no establishing shots, nothing to help guide the audience along with the flow of the plot.  It just lurches from scene to scene with quick cuts in very short lengths of time.  Suddenly we're in the Indian Ocean.  Suddenly we're in Africa.  Suddenly we're in LexCorp.  Suddenly we're at the Daily Planet.  Suddenly we're in Lois and Clark's home.  Suddenly we're in a prophetic dream.  Snyder zips from scene to scene as casually as he would switch perspectives when two characters are talking.  He's fine for flashy action, but for a multi-pronged story that follows several characters in different subplots, he's no good at all.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 05:58:35 PM by Saddam Hussein »

Rama Set

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #389 on: March 27, 2016, 12:06:38 PM »
Even the flashy action was muddled. The chase with lexcorp and the batmobile was almost incomprehensible. I could not tell how close batman was to his objective or not. And it finished with superman's terrible intervention giving us the "line we had been waiting for" from the preview: "do you bleed, derp, derp?"

And how about Martha Clark proclaiming to Kal, "you don't owe them a damn thing?"  No one superman is so bitter in the film.

Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #390 on: March 28, 2016, 03:15:16 AM »
I've brought this up a couple of times on IRC, but I might as well do it here too.  Here is Snyder's ridiculous justification for why Batman kills so casually in this movie.  There are a lot of things wrong with it.  First of all, Batman's reputation as a non-killer has long been a canonical element of the comics (with a few exceptions over the years, obviously) - it has absolutely nothing to do with the Burton movies, in which he actually killed quite a lot.  Second of all, Batman doesn't kill a bunch of times in TDKR, and I'm pretty sure that Snyder misinterpreted the scene he was referring to.  It's a little ambiguous, but the most logical interpretation is that Batman either shot the wall next to the criminal or else just wounded him, far from shooting him in the head.  A running theme throughout the comic is Batman trying to resist the temptation to kill, even as he fears that he's no longer a physical match for his enemies in his advanced years and Gotham is now more full of crime than ever.  Batman's inner struggle wouldn't make sense if he had just executed a guy with a headshot like it was no big deal and it was never brought up again.

I wouldn't normally be this nitpicky about accuracy to the source material, but faithfulness to the comics, both in terms of visuals and writing, has always been arguably Snyder's biggest - I'm not sure if I want to say "strength," but maybe...defining characteristic? - when it comes to his comic book movies.  Both he and his fans frequently bring it up as his "contribution" to the genre, or what he brings to the table, so to speak.  Both Watchmen and 300's faithfulness to the comics were heavily vaunted.  Snyder usually defends the destruction in MoS by arguing that it's "the real Superman" or accurate to the comics.  And even for BvS, Snyder made a similar appeal to accuracy when he was asked about the critical panning the movie had received:

Quote from: Zack Snyder
I’m a comic book guy and I made the movie based as much as I could on that aesthetic. And so I don’t know how else to do it 100%, so it is what it is.

So if faithfulness to the comics is Snyder's one big thing, his main draw, his biggest strength, etc., then it really doesn't look good when he can't even get that right.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 08:13:05 PM by Saddam Hussein »


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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #392 on: March 28, 2016, 04:18:29 AM »
Everyone is so buttmad.
The Mastery.


Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #393 on: March 28, 2016, 07:44:39 PM »
Ben Afleck has form for being in bad movies and doing absolutely nothing to save them.

Still, he'll go home to his gold brick house in his $900,000 super car to have sex with his kid's nanny and pour Cristal Champagne down the toilet and he'll be fine. Batman on the other hand, might never recover from having Afleck's fist that far up his arse.


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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #394 on: March 29, 2016, 01:11:00 AM »
The highlight of my trip to the movie theater was playing pool and air hockey with my friend.

I'm not gonna say much about the film, because there isn't much to say other than it was pretty dull, but I will say Batman's solo scene in the warehouse was amazing. The choreography was fantastic and makes me want to see a solo Batfleck movie. Affleck isn't the best Wayne we've had, but is easily the best Batman.
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.

Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #395 on: March 29, 2016, 02:35:41 AM »
I'm really glad they're moving past the "realism" of Nolan's Batman, too.  He zips around with a grappling gun.  He fights like he's in an Arkham game.  And he's finally wearing a Batsuit that doesn't seem to be designed first and foremost as a big clunky suit of armor that he can barely move in.  I'd be delighted to see a solo Batfleck movie, provided that Goyer and Snyder are kept far, far away from it.

Also, on the notion of Wonder Woman.  I liked her, but I can't honestly say that's due to the acting or writing.  I think I just liked her because she felt like something different.


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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #396 on: March 31, 2016, 01:10:59 PM »

I hate to say it, but Batman's murder sprees in BvS have kind of soiled the character for me in this universe. I wish he could make a Batman film that bears no relation to it.
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #397 on: March 31, 2016, 01:21:57 PM »

I hate to say it, but Batman's murder sprees in BvS have kind of soiled the character for me in this universe. I wish he could make a Batman film that bears no relation to it.
In fairness, batman murdered people in the '89 batman movie.  The entire church scene has him killing several henchmen AND the joker.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Saddam Hussein

Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #398 on: March 31, 2016, 04:36:04 PM »

I hate to say it, but Batman's murder sprees in BvS have kind of soiled the character for me in this universe. I wish he could make a Batman film that bears no relation to it.
In fairness, batman murdered people in the '89 batman movie.  The entire church scene has him killing several henchmen AND the joker.

Are you implying that Batman fans were okay with that?  They really weren't.  Burton's movies received a ton of criticism from fans for its deviations from the comics, and nowadays is respected more for its historical value (helping disassociate Batman from the lighthearted goofiness of the Adam West series, encouraging studios to create big-budget capeshit films, etc.) than for being a faithful adaptation of the character.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: First Look at Ben Affleck's Batman
« Reply #399 on: March 31, 2016, 06:09:28 PM »

I hate to say it, but Batman's murder sprees in BvS have kind of soiled the character for me in this universe. I wish he could make a Batman film that bears no relation to it.
In fairness, batman murdered people in the '89 batman movie.  The entire church scene has him killing several henchmen AND the joker.

Are you implying that Batman fans were okay with that?  They really weren't.  Burton's movies received a ton of criticism from fans for its deviations from the comics, and nowadays is respected more for its historical value (helping disassociate Batman from the lighthearted goofiness of the Adam West series, encouraging studios to create big-budget capeshit films, etc.) than for being a faithful adaptation of the character.
No, just saying its not new.  I had no idea wbat the fan reaction was to the movie.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.