Discussing homosexuality with children is a gateway to child sexual abuse.
I’m sure you have excellent evidence of that over and above your own bigotry
Define grooming for me.
Holy shit, you’re making it sound like kids are being actively encouraged to be gay.
This is what I fear, yes. Been going on for decades. I'm not the only one who thinks so.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gay-lessons-promote-homosexuality-children/dp/0948859105Your formative years are just that. Formative. You aren't born having any sexuality.
I’m sure you have excellent evidence of that over and above your own bigotry.
This is demonstrable bullshit. If you bother to talk to any gay person you’ll know that they often always knew they were gay.
Absolute horseshit. Not a person alive remembers being born. No one remembers being 4 months old. In fact you have very few memories of before you were 3 years old if any. You aren't gay as a new born baby. In fact you've just opened your eyes and decided the first thing you looked at must be your mother. She's a source of food and protection. You aren't deciding that screwing people of the same sex might be fun. Your sexuality will develop as you grow. I don't need a liberal professor to bullshit me into believing that people are born gay. It is obvious that they are not and I don't care that gay people want to romanticise it "I was born this way". No ... you turned out that way. Its very different.
(On being asked when he knew he was gay)
“Oh, I’ve always known. As soon as I came out of my mother I looked up and thought ‘I’m not going up one of those again!’”.
- Stephen Fry
You realise that was a joke. You know ... haha ... a joke. Its funny because we know a newborn baby isn't thinking about sex. haha. Come on ... with me ... one two three ... hahahaha!
You know this is not true from your own experience. Unless you’re saying that as a teenager you thought
“Well, I like a bit of cock, but I kinda like pussy too. Think I’ll go with pussy”.
No one has that experience.
No, your formative years will define your sexuality. If you have a new age parent that likes to dress you as a drag queen so you can express yourself at the age of 4 ... you might well turn out gay. Which will delight your awful parents but ruin your life.
A friend of mine “came out” to me and in the ensuing conversation she said that in some ways she wishes she wasn’t gay as her life would be a lot easier. But you can’t control who you are attracted to.
Of course. Being gay sucks. Lesbians have to put up with no children and lesbian bed death. We should do all that is possible to shape the formative years of a child's life with heterosexual norms. Give them the best chance at a happy and healthy life. That's good parenting.
Kids should obviously be taught that being gay is a thing.
Why? Why even put that silly notion in their heads. If they turn out gay anyway, then have the chat. Encouraging children to be gay is wicked.
They shouldn’t be taught it’s “good” or that it’s “bad”.
They shouldn't be taught anything. They should be allowed to grow up naturally without you pounding gay propaganda into their little minds.
It’s just a thing and it’s a thing for a significant enough percentage of the population that kids will probably know gay couples.
Which may well be one of the reasons through out history that homosexuality was unacceptable. So that you keep it behind closed doors and stop pushing it in front of children. Society is for everyone, not just the selfish gays who want to shape the world the way they'd like it.
Just not talking about stuff like that has worked out horribly for previous generations.
You mean the previous generations that went on to create great civilisations over thousands of years? You are one of those people that thinks everyone who lived in the past was stupid. They weren't. they figured out everything. They are the reason you are wearing clothes. Sat in a house. Using electricity. Get medicine. Able to spend money, get a job, use roads, sewers, get food whenever you need. Those people from the past figured out everything, and yet you think they were stupid and didn't know how to raise children.
But it should obviously be done in an age appropriate way, which is what this bill is apparently about.
It is none of the state's business. It is for parents to guide their children. Not a heavily lobbied education department.