Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: Today at 12:49:01 PM »
I remember very clearly every incident of Harris baiting Trump to make an ass out of himself and how he fell for it like a child EVERY SINGLE TIME.
It takes a tremendous amount of TDS to actually have watched that and come away thinking Trump was the winner. Only MAGA cultists like Tom, who are truly too far gone to EVER come back from their brainwashing, could possibly come away with that opinion. And seeing them scramble to justify it like Tom is doing has just been madly entertaining.
It takes a tremendous amount of TDS to actually have watched that and come away thinking Trump was the winner. Only MAGA cultists like Tom, who are truly too far gone to EVER come back from their brainwashing, could possibly come away with that opinion. And seeing them scramble to justify it like Tom is doing has just been madly entertaining.