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Topics - Niki4To

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Investigations / Dome or CGI?
« on: July 23, 2018, 04:31:30 PM »
Regarding science:

What is curious to me, is why there isn't observed such phenomena around any celestial object. Of course, the degree at which the light bends will be minimal, but this small angle scaled to the cosmic distances should become easily visible.

Finally, I would expect deep space to be seen something like this(not the same principle, but the result should be similar):

But a lot crazier.

It is curious how they pretend that they are able to measure the oscillation of stars provoked by the mass of orbiting planets, but from the whole outer space, they have seen Einstein rings only few hundreds of times.
It seems like stars were put like models in a fashion show - everyone trying to be seen. Very few overlapping.

The way satellite images are scaled up and still there are nice shapes observed, gives me the impression telescopes look at a flat surface(a dome) or it is all CGI.

Front stars and planets should be seen well, I have not doubt regard this. But when they start to augment and augment finding whole universes in between the tiny spaces between the nearer stars, then again, and again, and always neat stars, it makes me doubt.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Distant spherical dome proposal
« on: July 22, 2018, 04:55:54 PM »
What if the Earth is Flat or Round and it is localized in the center of our small universe.
Earth is not moving, neither rotating.
The Sun is far as they say. All the planets of our system are moving around the Earth.
Earth is the center and is not moving.
Past the last planet of our Solar System, there is a spherical dome. With the rest of the world projected on it. And it is moving too(or the projection is animated).

This is made that way in order to offer divine guidance for humans. For humans to build their horoscopes etc.

Flat Earth Investigations / Reverse God rays?
« on: July 20, 2018, 04:15:39 PM »
When the parallel rays are coming from a sun that is behind the observer:

The same (round earth?..) experience to all of the passengers....

I think people wouldn't pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the promised space excursions if they have monitors instead genuine windows.

This is the video we will discus about:

The photos explaining the experiment can be seen here:

Images are showing how the inclination after 17 minutes haven't changed at ALL(I showed with blue lines the lenses distortion for the ones who think the gyroscope starts spinning inclined since the beginning. Anyway, the change in inclination matters and there is no change in the inclination)(the gyroscope should have not problem to stay inclined because it is a gyroscope. But it is not inclining...).

This, plus this pendulum: proving to me that the earth is planar and it rotates in a way like shown in this GIF:

This experiment should give the most clear results at the equator. And this experiment does not require people to travel. Because it is about degrees, sayings like "Earth is too big to notice it" are not valid.

Please, if you think I am wrong, feel free to disprove my proposal. I want proofs and want to find the truth.

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