I've seen no evidence of any impropriety.
If only your standards were this low for the tribe you
don't like...
Other places have been crowdfunded but that isn't "stealing". If someone sets up a fundraiser for a holiday and people want to contribute then that's their business.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there. And I'm not gonna hide this - to me, that makes you morally reprehensible. I'm sure you're devastated by that.
They were selling this trip to a dedicated fandom with the promise of finally delivering the "smoking gun" that will, once and for all, shut up those evil Flat Earthers. In reality, they went on a fancy holiday and made further money from the YT videos and exposure. The reality contradicts the promise, and we knew from the beginning that this would be the case - that's about as fraudulent as things get. It's completely predatory, and your only response is one of victim-blaming: "Well, if they're happy being scammed, then what's the problem? If they didn't want to get scammed, they just wouldn't pay up!

This isn't true. The experiment was specifically picked because FE and RE did NOT agree on the outcome.
You and other people on here may not have disputed it but you aren't the FE authority - you've already said there isn't one. The FE people they were engaging with claimed there was no 24 hour sun in Antarctica, that's why that experiment was chosen. You may regard those FE people as grifters but...you said you're not the authority. Jeranism has already said he didn't expect the outcome - you may regard him as one of the grifters but he's been quoted on here before.
I despise the fact that you recycle old arguments like this, and just completely ignore any past disucssion on the same subject. Do you suffer from memory loss? We've gone through this loop so many times.
Extreme tl;dr version: if you wanna count these people as part of the FE camp, then I'm gonna start counting idiots who mix up velocity and acceleration as part of the RE camp.
After all, they're RE'ers just like you! There's just no gosh darn way to tell who's who! We must immediately solicit ₹1,00,00,000 to figure out if acceleration and velocity are the same thing or not. After all,
some RE'ers think they are! Surely, this is the debate to end all debates!!!!11!!
I've never seen an explanation that I find satisfactory.
Right, but your personal satisfaction is not the litmus test here. I've never seen a RE model that I find satisfactory, either.
You did know, from day 0, that no true
ScotsFE'er would find the results of this experiment to be valuable, and that's because you know that we expected the same outcome as you. You might not understand
why that is, but that doesn't necessitate flying a bunch of grifters to Antarctica.
I'm happy to be educated if you have a detailed explanation.
Sorry, but you've firmly convinced me that that would be a waste of my time. You're just going to ask the same questions in 2 months time and insist that the conversation never happened, or that you didn't find it convincing. For all intents and purposes, you're a stochastic parrot.
The best/worst example being Celestial Gravitation. The Wiki page about it literally just says that it might be a thing.
Again - stochastic parrot. We've had this conversation before. You know what "gravitation" is, because you made it through compulsory education. Observations suggest that celestial bodies (you know what those are, right?) exhibit gravitation. It's that simple, and that's why the page is that simple. Could it be expanded? Probably, to questionable benefit. Is that high on the priority list? Of course not.