It's not what I might not like, it's the definite proofs that Eddington cooked the data (multiple sources).
Now, for someone to say that they have performed an experiment confirming Eddington's data would be to actually confirm his errors. So, the title of the experiment "Modern Eddington X" is somewhat unfortunate.
Problems with the MEE2024:
They used RE stellar parallax and proper motion data, not to mention differential relativistic aberration, using an outside source, namely the US Naval Observatory NOVAS program.
Moreover, FET also states that light will be affected by gravitational waves: both light (e/m) waves and gravitational waves propagate/travel together in double torsion fashion:

If the gravitational wave is influenced by any outside factors, so will the light wave, since they propagate together.
There is only one way to see if the MEE2024 also was arranged in such a way as to "confirm" Einstein's relativity equations. Are the Einstein field equations correct? If they are incorrect, then the data flies out the window at once.
More to the point, do the Einstein field equations apply to dynamical or only static problems? To make the analysis even easier, is there a bounded dynamical solution?
For the dynamic case when gravitational waves are involved, it has been proven in 1995 that the Einstein equation does not have any bounded dynamic solution. This has far reaching consequences.
A. Gullstrand, Chairman (1922-1929) of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physics, did suspect that Einstein‘s equations are invalid because they cannot be derived from the approach of a solution for many-body problems.
he Necessary Existence of Gravitational Waves and the Repulsive Gravitation of General Relativity, Einstein's Errors, and Related Experiments relativity is incomplete since it does not include the gravitational radiation reaction force and the interaction of gravitation with charged particles. Moreover, there is no bounded dynamic solution for the Einstein equation. Note that the Einstein equation with an electromagnetic wave source has no valid solution unless a photonic energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravitational coupling is added. Thus, the photonic energy includes gravitational energy.
Historically, Einstein's confidence on his theory was based on that he obtained the remaining of the perihelion of Mercury from his equation. However, since the calculation of perihelion of Mercury is based on a perturbation approach to get the influence of other planets, Einstein must show that the perturbation approach is valid. Nevertheless, Gullstrand suspected that the Einstein equation does not have such a solution. Thus, Einstein was awarded a Nobel Prize for his photo-electric effects instead of general relativity as many theorists expected.
Errors of the Wheeler School, the Distortions to General Relativity and the Damage to Education in MIT Open Courses in Physics reason, as shown, is that bounded dynamic solutions actually do not exist. For the dynamic case, the non-linear Einstein equation and its linearization also cannot have compatible solutions.
The existence of a dynamic solution requires an additional gravitational energy-momentum tensor with an antigravity coupling.
The issue of dynamic solutions in general relativity existed from the beginning of this theory until currently. The question started with the calculation of the perihelion of Mercury. In 1915 Einstein obtained the expected value of the remaining perihelion with his theory, and thus was confident of its correctness. The subsequent confirmation of the bending of light, further boosted his confidence. However, unexpectedly the base of his confidence was questioned by Gullstrand, the Chairman of the Nobel Prize for Physics. The perihelion of Mercury is actually a many-body problem, but Einstein had not shown that his calculation could be derived from such a necessary step. Thus, Mathematician D. Hilbert, who approved Einstein's initial calculation, did not come to its defense.
The Errors in the Fields Medals, 1982 to S. T. Yau and 1990 to E. Witten Repulsive Gravitation and Errors of Einstein's_Notion_of_Weak_Gravity_Einstein's_Equivalence_Principle_and_the_Absence_of_Dynamic_Solutions_for_the_1915_Einstein_Equation's_Unification's_Inverse_Square_Law_and_Unification_of_Gravitation_and_Electromagnetism_--_the_questionable_accurate_gravitational_constant_of_J_Luo_--'s_Radiation_Formula_and_Modifications_to_the_Einstein_EquationTHE NECESSITY OF UNIFYING GRAVITATION AND ELECTROMAGNETISM, MASS-CHARGE REPULSIVE EFFECTS, AND THE FIVE DIMENSIONAL THEORY''_Constructed_by_Christodoulou_and_KlainermanThe Question of Space-Time Singularities in General Relativity and Einstein's Errors The American Physical Society and Errors in Gravitation on “Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism by Mohammed A. El-Lakany” & Einstein’s Unification non-locality of the gravitational wave reflects that the Einstein equation misses a term, the energy-momentum tensor with the anti-gravity coupling. This missing term is
also the reason that the Einstein equation does not have any dynamic solution.
Dr. C.Y. Lo
PhD Mathematics, Queen's University
PhD Physics, MIT

On the question of a dynamic solution in general relativity of the Einstein Equation and The 1993 Press Release of the Nobel Prize in Physics Gravitational Wave and Einstein Equation C.Y. Lo
A paper by T. Levi-Civita in 1917, one of the inventors of Tensor Calculus, showing that Einstein's pseudo-tensor is nonsense because it leads to the requirement for a first-order, intrinsic, differential invariant, which, as is well known to the pure mathematicians, does not exist: anti-gravitational coupling term for the Biefeld-Brown effect was derived for the first time by H. Weyl in 1917: UFT: UNIFICATION OF THE GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC POTENTIALS