Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:02:36 AM »
Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to clarify that I'm not a troll. But sincerely, I think the earth is a sphere and probably I will think the same after that. But I want to know what are the reasons that lead you to think that the earth is flat. And I would appreciate someone answering these questions that I have:

-Why in the north of the world (For example nordkapp) it's always night at a time of year? I have seen that with my own eyes. This zone is in the "center" of a flat earth.  ???

-What are northern lights and why occurs only in the center of the flat earth and in his edge?

-Why compasses point magnetic north?? And why magnetic north changes?

-Why a flight duration between London and Toronto is the same (8 h) than between Luanda and Sao Paulo? The distance of the second flight should be biggest because this cities are more remote of the center of the circle.

-Why I cant see the edge of the world?

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?

-Why the earth is flat but the other planets are spheres?

-How can the satellites orbit arround the earth? How works GPS?

Sorry for my english but this isnt my mother tongue. I repeat it: IM NOT A TROLL. But I think that the flat earth astronomical sistem cant answer these questions.



Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2017, 05:24:29 PM »
There are very real explanations to each one of these questions, but to be answered in a thread alone would take a lot of writing, explaining, and visualizing..

These are things that need to be researched on your own..

The answers are all there, but are quite expansive. The reason that its not easy to respond to them in a concise manner is that you have been programmed your whole life to believe the sphere and they have done a HELL of a job. All you know is globe math, globe theory, and your mind is riddled with space fantasies.

Basically you are asking for us to deprogram a whole life's worth of info in a few questions.

The fact that you are on this forum is that you sincerely have some type of doubt.

Follow you heart, research and dive deep into the rabbit hole.

If you are of average intelligence and you look at everything with an open mind, you will find all the answers you are looking for.



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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2017, 05:39:27 PM »
-Why in the north of the world (For example nordkapp) it's always night at a time of year? I have seen that with my own eyes. This zone is in the "center" of a flat earth.  ???
As I understand it, the sun circles above the earth but as the seasons change the circle expands or contracts.  During winter in the northern hemisphere, the sun circles in a circle wider than the equator, so it is far from the north pole. The light just doesn't get there.

-What are northern lights and why occurs only in the center of the flat earth and in his edge?
I don't know what the auroras are exactly, but it is interesting that they only happen close to the center and at the edges of the earth.  I suspect something to do with magnetism but I am not an expert here at all.

-Why compasses point magnetic north?? And why magnetic north changes?

-Why a flight duration between London and Toronto is the same (8 h) than between Luanda and Sao Paulo? The distance of the second flight should be biggest because this cities are more remote of the center of the circle.
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

-Why I cant see the edge of the world?
Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
It doesn't, this is a myth. 

-Why the earth is flat but the other planets are spheres?
Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

-How can the satellites orbit arround the earth? How works GPS?
I think answers here will vary.  i think if the sun and moon can circle above earth then satellites probably can too, but I don't know what holds them there.

Sorry if I was vague or uncertain in my answers, I'm new and questioning a lot of things myself.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2017, 06:56:57 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2017, 08:33:47 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2017, 08:53:06 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2017, 09:12:51 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.

These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

There are plenty of professionals outside of these mainstream "communities"  that have proven the globe math and constants to be complete fabrications.

Did you know that the G constant established by newtown which is used to calculate anything from the mass of the earth to the acceleration of gravity is completely fabricated?

Why on earth are we still using 1600s math and theories????

Holy crap people are gullible and will buy anything that is on TV.

If the G constant is crap, then everything having to do with a globe earth and the theory of gravity goes out the window.

If we actually cannot calculate the mass of the earth, then the theory that a body attracts another body is complete crap.

This is the logic that the globe is based on. Thats how they explain the planets, and the orbits, yada yada yada..... ITS BS and people are too conditioned to question it.

It takes a very special type of individual to accept the truth.

BTW modern medicine is meant to keep you just healthy enough so that you have to go back to the doctor.

Cured people are not customers. Sick people are customers.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2017, 09:18:11 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.

These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

There are plenty of professionals outside of these mainstream "communities"  that have proven the globe math and constants to be complete fabrications.

Did you know that the G constant established by newtown which is used to calculate anything from the mass of the earth to the acceleration of gravity is completely fabricated?

Why on earth are we still using 1600s math and theories????

Holy crap people are gullible and will buy anything that is on TV.

If the G constant is crap, then everything having to do with a globe earth and the theory of gravity goes out the window.

If we actually cannot calculate the mass of the earth, then the theory that a body attracts another body is complete crap.

This is the logic that the globe is based on. Thats how they explain the planets, and the orbits, yada yada yada..... ITS BS and people are too conditioned to question it.

It takes a very special type of individual to accept the truth.

BTW modern medicine is meant to keep you just healthy enough so that you have to go back to the doctor.

Cured people are not customers. Sick people are customers.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
Proof or evidence of any of your claims? Preferably from any sort of non-biased source. No need to try and source the doctor one btw, I already know that ones hogwash.

What I DO know is that I can and have personally used equations based on the Newtonian/Einteinian model to check the locations of objects in the sky and found them accurate. Which is more than can be said for anything FE has put out, since FE has NO equations.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2017, 09:32:00 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.

These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

There are plenty of professionals outside of these mainstream "communities"  that have proven the globe math and constants to be complete fabrications.

Did you know that the G constant established by newtown which is used to calculate anything from the mass of the earth to the acceleration of gravity is completely fabricated?

Why on earth are we still using 1600s math and theories????

Holy crap people are gullible and will buy anything that is on TV.

If the G constant is crap, then everything having to do with a globe earth and the theory of gravity goes out the window.

If we actually cannot calculate the mass of the earth, then the theory that a body attracts another body is complete crap.

This is the logic that the globe is based on. Thats how they explain the planets, and the orbits, yada yada yada..... ITS BS and people are too conditioned to question it.

It takes a very special type of individual to accept the truth.

BTW modern medicine is meant to keep you just healthy enough so that you have to go back to the doctor.

Cured people are not customers. Sick people are customers.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
Proof or evidence of any of your claims? Preferably from any sort of non-biased source. No need to try and source the doctor one btw, I already know that ones hogwash.

What I DO know is that I can and have personally used equations based on the Newtonian/Einteinian model to check the locations of objects in the sky and found them accurate. Which is more than can be said for anything FE has put out, since FE has NO equations.

Hmm.. do know acknowledge that your beautiful globe spins at a 1,000mph at the equator, just like NASA tells you so?

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Now, plug in the numbers, or use algebra to solve for other factors and tell me if the spinning of the earth still makes sense.

Let use this for reference:

The same force of gravity that hold the trillions of gallons in the oceans is the same force that allows a tiny blade of grass to prop up.

Is the force of gravity stronger than the centrifugal force?

Why is there land in the equator if all the water would be pulled towards the equator?

Have you ever wondered how the earth spins perfectly with no deviation although the center of mass cannot possibly be in the dead smack middle of the "Ball"?

The density of the earth is not constant, no body knows the material of the earth all through out. It is not symmetrical and it has many different materials in different locations.

Have you ever played Play station and had the controller rumble? Do you know why it rumbles??

think about this and then get back to me .
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 09:34:14 PM by Seedz »

Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2017, 09:39:33 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.

These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

There are plenty of professionals outside of these mainstream "communities"  that have proven the globe math and constants to be complete fabrications.

Did you know that the G constant established by newtown which is used to calculate anything from the mass of the earth to the acceleration of gravity is completely fabricated?

Why on earth are we still using 1600s math and theories????

Holy crap people are gullible and will buy anything that is on TV.

If the G constant is crap, then everything having to do with a globe earth and the theory of gravity goes out the window.

If we actually cannot calculate the mass of the earth, then the theory that a body attracts another body is complete crap.

This is the logic that the globe is based on. Thats how they explain the planets, and the orbits, yada yada yada..... ITS BS and people are too conditioned to question it.

It takes a very special type of individual to accept the truth.

BTW modern medicine is meant to keep you just healthy enough so that you have to go back to the doctor.

Cured people are not customers. Sick people are customers.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
Proof or evidence of any of your claims? Preferably from any sort of non-biased source. No need to try and source the doctor one btw, I already know that ones hogwash.

What I DO know is that I can and have personally used equations based on the Newtonian/Einteinian model to check the locations of objects in the sky and found them accurate. Which is more than can be said for anything FE has put out, since FE has NO equations.

Hmm.. do know acknowledge that your beautiful globe spins at a 1,000mph at the equator, just like NASA tells you so?

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Now, plug in the numbers, or use algebra to solve for other factors and tell me if the spinning of the earth still makes sense.

Let use this for reference:

The same force of gravity that hold the trillions of gallons in the oceans is the same force that allows a tiny blade of grass to prop up.

Is the force of gravity stronger than the centrifugal force?

Why is there land in the equator if all the water would be pulled towards the equator?

Have you ever wondered how the earth spins perfectly with no deviation although the center of mass cannot possibly be in the dead smack middle of the "Ball"?

Have you ever played Play station and had the controller rumble? Do you know why it rumbles??

think about this and then get back to me .
No evidence for any of your claims then? Just more random statements? I've run the equation for the centrifugal force of the Earth, and the equivalent acceleration is a fraction of that of the force of Gravity. Most of the rest of your 'argument' is just a logical fallacy.

As well the Earth doesn't 'spin perfectly' that's a strawman. Tides. Hopefully you can get to the correct location from there. You should know the model you're refuting pretty well to reject it after all.


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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2017, 09:42:42 PM »
There are several explanations as to distances in the southern hemisphere, but for one thing, there isn't an accurate "map" of a flat earth without distortion.  until we have one, there are bound to be discrepancies like this.

We have a map and it is extremely accurate. It matches all time/distance requirements. Why would you think the currents maps are wrong? If the Earth was flat, our current maps would not work. They do work precisely because the world isn't flat.

Are you in antarctica? :)  It's pretty far away.  I don't think the edge is where most people think it is (I suspect there may be something "past" antarctica), but that's just a hunch on my part.

We have been all around Antarctica - there is nothing "past" it in the sense you are thinking.

Probably the same reason that the earth has human life and the other planets don't.  The earth is clearly different.

The Earth has life because of it's location in the habitable zone around the Sun. I the sun were warmer, Mars may have been the life-bearing planet. Earth is quite similar to the other rocky planets.

The more you learn about FEH, the more hard it is to believe it. (if you take the time to think about it)

Why do you people INSIST on using fake data? Like "habitable area from the sun" and "the maps are accurate because it is a globe"

Cant you see that the maps they give are indeed accurate for both flat and globe earth?

Also, there is very little "professional" science that has been invested into supporting a flat earth model.

So yeah.... Its all meant to deceive you, and the sheep keep citing NASA and FAKE science.

I don't try to convince people anymore, I just tell them to investigate for themselves if they truly are curious.

It is only fake because you disagree with the contents. If I posted stuff that could support FEH you would think I'm telling the truth. You can spare me the sheep garbage, too. I support peer-reviewed science. Not ancient theories that were cast away long ago. If you ever get really sick, don't go to a doctor. Figure out the cure for yourself. There is a very good reason we have experts.

News flash - the FE community has no map, so how, exactly, is it accurate??? You can't take the map of a globe and make it flat without introducing errors.

These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

There are plenty of professionals outside of these mainstream "communities"  that have proven the globe math and constants to be complete fabrications.

Did you know that the G constant established by newtown which is used to calculate anything from the mass of the earth to the acceleration of gravity is completely fabricated?

Why on earth are we still using 1600s math and theories????

Holy crap people are gullible and will buy anything that is on TV.

If the G constant is crap, then everything having to do with a globe earth and the theory of gravity goes out the window.

If we actually cannot calculate the mass of the earth, then the theory that a body attracts another body is complete crap.

This is the logic that the globe is based on. Thats how they explain the planets, and the orbits, yada yada yada..... ITS BS and people are too conditioned to question it.

It takes a very special type of individual to accept the truth.

BTW modern medicine is meant to keep you just healthy enough so that you have to go back to the doctor.

Cured people are not customers. Sick people are customers.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
Proof or evidence of any of your claims? Preferably from any sort of non-biased source. No need to try and source the doctor one btw, I already know that ones hogwash.

What I DO know is that I can and have personally used equations based on the Newtonian/Einteinian model to check the locations of objects in the sky and found them accurate. Which is more than can be said for anything FE has put out, since FE has NO equations.

Hmm.. do know acknowledge that your beautiful globe spins at a 1,000mph at the equator, just like NASA tells you so?

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Now, plug in the numbers, or use algebra to solve for other factors and tell me if the spinning of the earth still makes sense.

Let use this for reference:

The same force of gravity that hold the trillions of gallons in the oceans is the same force that allows a tiny blade of grass to prop up.

Is the force of gravity stronger than the centrifugal force?

Why is there land in the equator if all the water would be pulled towards the equator?

Have you ever wondered how the earth spins perfectly with no deviation although the center of mass cannot possibly be in the dead smack middle of the "Ball"?

Have you ever played Play station and had the controller rumble? Do you know why it rumbles??

think about this and then get back to me .
No evidence for any of your claims then? Just more random statements? I've run the equation for the centrifugal force of the Earth, and the equivalent acceleration is a fraction of that of the force of Gravity. Most of the rest of your 'argument' is just a logical fallacy.

As well the Earth doesn't 'spin perfectly' that's a strawman. Tides. Hopefully you can get to the correct location from there. You should know the model you're refuting pretty well to reject it after all.

The evidence is only valid if you reach the same conclusion. Only then will you believe it. You have to do the leg work. If I post a long post providing all the evidence all you are going to do is scheme over it and call BS because that is where your heart is right now.  You are dead set on clinging to the globe and you will do anything to tenaciously hold on.

That is why i present my statements as a form of a question.

Look into it. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2017, 09:54:03 PM »
No evidence for any of your claims then? Just more random statements? I've run the equation for the centrifugal force of the Earth, and the equivalent acceleration is a fraction of that of the force of Gravity. Most of the rest of your 'argument' is just a logical fallacy.

As well the Earth doesn't 'spin perfectly' that's a strawman. Tides. Hopefully you can get to the correct location from there. You should know the model you're refuting pretty well to reject it after all.

The evidence is only valid if you reach the same conclusion. Only then will you believe it. You have to do the leg work. If I post a long post providing all the evidence all you are going to do is scheme over it and call BS because that is where your heart is right now.  You are dead set on clinging to the globe and you will do anything to tenaciously hold on.

That is why i present my statements as a form of a question.

Look into it. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Been looking for 5 months now. Still can't explain sunsets, the horizon, tides, and a host of other things. Just toss you into the pile of unhelpful FE believers who are riding the bandwagon rather to feel superior rather than thinking for themselves. You take care now.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2017, 10:01:10 PM »
No evidence for any of your claims then? Just more random statements? I've run the equation for the centrifugal force of the Earth, and the equivalent acceleration is a fraction of that of the force of Gravity. Most of the rest of your 'argument' is just a logical fallacy.

As well the Earth doesn't 'spin perfectly' that's a strawman. Tides. Hopefully you can get to the correct location from there. You should know the model you're refuting pretty well to reject it after all.

The evidence is only valid if you reach the same conclusion. Only then will you believe it. You have to do the leg work. If I post a long post providing all the evidence all you are going to do is scheme over it and call BS because that is where your heart is right now.  You are dead set on clinging to the globe and you will do anything to tenaciously hold on.

That is why i present my statements as a form of a question.

Look into it. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Been looking for 5 months now. Still can't explain sunsets, the horizon, tides, and a host of other things. Just toss you into the pile of unhelpful FE believers who are riding the bandwagon rather to feel superior rather than thinking for themselves. You take care now.

You can look for 50 years with that attitude and you will find nothing.

The fact that you are even looking and entertaining the idea means that your heart knows the truth, your brain just has to catch up and recoup from the programming.

devils advocate

Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2017, 10:17:11 PM »

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
It doesn't, this is a myth.

Nonsense Suffragette, water spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere, far from being a myth its a very well known fact!


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2017, 10:28:33 PM »

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
It doesn't, this is a myth.

Nonsense Suffragette, water spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere, far from being a myth its a very well known fact!

It actually is a myth Devil... Look into it.

devils advocate

Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2017, 10:36:13 PM »

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
It doesn't, this is a myth.

Nonsense Suffragette, water spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere, far from being a myth its a very well known fact![/quote]

It actually is a myth Devil... Look into it.[/quote]

Its actually a well known fact Seedz, empirically demonstrated on my travels through the southern hemisphere. Get out from behind your laptop and see the world dude!

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2017, 11:53:11 PM »
These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

Yep, they are all out to get us and implement a fake truth for reasons. Get some help.

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Challenge taken - what numbers are you using?
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2017, 12:09:46 AM »

-Why does the water fall spinning in the other direction in the southern hemisphere?
It doesn't, this is a myth.

Nonsense Suffragette, water spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere, far from being a myth its a very well known fact!

It actually is a myth Devil... Look into it.[/quote]

Its actually a well known fact Seedz, empirically demonstrated on my travels through the southern hemisphere. Get out from behind your laptop and see the world dude!

I am originally from Argentina, Buenos Aires to be precise.

The water spin varies from toilet to toilet. I've seen it.

I think the myth busters did a show in this too, not that I vet them, but they are mainstream media which should suffice as evidence here.


Offline Tom Haws

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2017, 12:15:04 AM »

Hmm.. do know acknowledge that your beautiful globe spins at a 1,000mph at the equator, just like NASA tells you so?

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Now, plug in the numbers, or use algebra to solve for other factors and tell me if the spinning of the earth still makes sense.

Let use this for reference:

The same force of gravity that hold the trillions of gallons in the oceans is the same force that allows a tiny blade of grass to prop up.

Is the force of gravity stronger than the centrifugal force?

Why is there land in the equator if all the water would be pulled towards the equator?

Have you ever wondered how the earth spins perfectly with no deviation although the center of mass cannot possibly be in the dead smack middle of the "Ball"?

The density of the earth is not constant, no body knows the material of the earth all through out. It is not symmetrical and it has many different materials in different locations.

Have you ever played Play station and had the controller rumble? Do you know why it rumbles??

think about this and then get back to me .

You may have a misunderstanding about the Round Earth. Namely that the Round Earth is only extremely roughly conceptualized as a sphere. It's somewhat more closely approximated as an ellipsoid flattened on the polar axis due to the spinning you mentioned. Magma responds to the same forces water responds to. But the closest model of the earth shape is the one that is used for GPS. It is called the Geoid, and it is not exactly ellipsoidal due to variations in the density of the earth's crust. Anyway, as mentioned early by somebody else, the Round Earth allows many equations and predictions that I don't think the Flat Earth allows.
Civil Engineer (professional mapper)

Thanks to Tom Bishop for his courtesy.

No flat map can predict commercial airline flight times among New York, Paris, Cape Town, & Buenos Aires.

The FAQ Sun animation does not work with sundials. And it has the equinox sun set toward Seattle (well N of NW) at my house in Mesa, AZ.


Offline Seedz

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Re: Hello, can you help me with some doubts?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2017, 12:18:07 AM »
These "peer reviews" are all within the same community. If they were deliberately fabricating fact and the intent was to implement a fake truth, you better believe that these "peers" would all be in on it.

Yep, they are all out to get us and implement a fake truth for reasons. Get some help.

If you do, then I recommend you look into the centrifugal equation. Fc = mv^2/r

Challenge taken - what numbers are you using?

Sounds good, gotta spend time with the wife now, I'll get back to you sometime this weekend.

I'll be back.