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Messages - The Guilstrom

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: November 05, 2016, 04:53:54 PM »
I've never been to Antarctica, but my question would be how stormy/snowy/windy, would the weather be? Whether it be going straight through the center on a globe earth or trying to go as far through to find a possible Ice Wall or something of the sort. The weather would probably make it almost impossible to do wouldn't it? And even if we would fly a plane all the way through, would that even be enough to prove a globe or flat earth? That could just prove that the wall is just bigger than we thought, or the globe is actually bigger?

 I'd say if I had to choose a side whether it be Flat Earth or Globe Earth, I'd have to press more towards the globe earth, though recent videos I have watched have called some question to my mind. But what I don't understand is besides the change of scientific beliefs, would the earth being flat actually be something worth hiding from all the people in the world. Or is it just to get us to stop trying to explore the world, because the flat earth theory offers a possibility of something beyond just the Antarctica? Whether that be more land, dinosaurs, Gods, aliens, the cure to cancer?

I suppose it's one of those things where unless someone does it themselves, that person will never be able to for sure know the actual truth. It's like if an infant from the USA never had a toy of a panda,never watched a video on animal planet, never was told what a panda was. They might think it's some kind of monster. Pretty much vice versa for like the American Buffalo/bison. What if both these animals would be extinct years from now? Maybe 200 years perhaps. Our ancestors might even question whether they actually existed. How would we know they they existed though? Answer that question to yourself, and then ask yourself what kind of things do we have to prove other things existed back in history?

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