The earth's diameter is 12,742km
The moon's is 3,475
The distance from the earth to the moon is 384,400
And the satellite is at a distance of 1609344 (I just converted 1,000,000 miles to km)
Using this angular size calculator: size of earth from 1609344km = 0.45364 Degrees
Angular size of moon from 1,224,944km (1609344-384,400) = 0.16254 Degrees
0.45364 / 0.16254 = 2.79
So the earth should be 2.79 times bigger than the moon.
If you look at the image, earth is 380 pixels, the moon is 140.
380 / 140 = 2.714
Given that the resolution is quite small, I've taken a rough Googled number for the distance to the moon and assumed the satellite is exactly a million miles away, which I doubt is the case, I'd suggest that 2.79 and 2.714 are close enough that this is pretty much what you'd expect to see from this distance.