Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Investigating flight paths experiment for round earthers
« on: March 16, 2022, 02:02:09 PM »New question.. Why are there never any planes in the Southern Hemisphere on flight radar?
Let me guess.. Covid or Putin.
Many reasons.
As has been said, the vast majority of people are in the Northern hemisphere.
Also, there are more population centres further to the north (in the N hemisphere) than they are to the south (in the S hemisphere).
You just have to look at your screenshot of FR24…. Look at the location of the equator, then look at the amount of populated land mass above that dotted line and compare it to the populated land mass below the line.
But given all of that, the effect of Covid is significant. It’s impact on countries such as S Africa, New Zealand and Australia over the past few years, aviation is nowhere near what it was in 2019 when there were more direct flights between S hemisphere cities than there are now. Think about where the flights you think should be in the areas of your question marks would be flying to and from. S. America and Australia/NZ, Aus/NZ and S Africa, S. Africa and S America.
I work at London Heathrow airport, before Covid there were around 30 flights a day (so maybe 6000 passenger seats per day) to New York, because London and New York are incredibly important global cities with many business links and high travel demand.
I don’t think one can compare that city pair to Perth and Buenos Aires.