
Offline xasop

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Scheduled maintenance, 2019-03-09
« on: March 04, 2019, 08:56:09 PM »
The homepage, forum and wiki will be going offline for about five minutes on 2019-03-09, between 10:00 and 10:15 UTC.

In your local time (if you are logged in and have your time offset correctly configured), this is:
March 09, 2019, 10:00:00 AM

The intent is to install security updates on the server which hosts the homepage, forum and wiki. These will be non-disruptive to functionality, as the server is running a stable OS release that gets critical fixes only.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline xasop

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Re: Scheduled maintenance, 2019-03-09
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2019, 10:06:38 AM »
Maintenance complete.

I also took this opportunity to disable DNS services on the server, which were no longer in use as of a few days ago. It's unlikely to break anything, but let me know if you notice anything odd.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol

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Re: Scheduled maintenance, 2019-03-09
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2019, 09:54:26 PM »
Thank you Parsifal, very cool!
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