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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« Last post by garygreen on Today at 01:18:50 PM »

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” Trump exclaimed to a cheering crowd in West Palm Beach, Fla.

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added.

“I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.

someone tell me more about how undemocratic the democrats are. and how crazy i am for thinking of trump as a pathetic little fascist.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by garygreen on Today at 01:04:30 PM »
instead of speaking in vague generalities, can you point to the specific laws or regulations that are being violated?
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by Action80 on Today at 09:50:05 AM »
Once again, dumbocrats eschew the entire primary process and say, "Here is your candidate!"

Which party supports free and fair elections?
The primary process is about picking delegates. Those delegates choose the nominee for president. If Biden drops out the delegates have to pick someone else.

So what are you actually talking about? Part of “free and fair” elections is the parties accepting the results after the election. Remind me which party failed to do that after the last one?
What do you know? Someone outside of the US, with absolutely NO IDEA about elction law, butting in...

Color me surprised.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by Roundy on Today at 07:10:10 AM »
It seems like the sneaky, underhanded kind of thing the Republicans would do to cheat, but in fact it's always been the rule. This whole process is completely by the book.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by AATW on Today at 05:54:56 AM »
Once again, dumbocrats eschew the entire primary process and say, "Here is your candidate!"

Which party supports free and fair elections?
The primary process is about picking delegates. Those delegates choose the nominee for president. If Biden drops out the delegates have to pick someone else.

So what are you actually talking about? Part of “free and fair” elections is the parties accepting the results after the election. Remind me which party failed to do that after the last one?
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by Rushy on July 26, 2024, 12:32:14 PM »
Recent polling shows Kamala Harris closing the gap both nationally and in swing states with Trump still firmly in a narrow lead.

I believe this election is really going to come down to whoever wins Pennsylvania. Both of the post-Kamala-switcharoo polls put Trump at +2, well within the margin of error. If these polls don't change significantly, PA will be a big gray area up until the election. If Kamala manages to poll better in other swing states (such as Georgia or Florida), then PA won't matter as much, but for now, Georgia and Florida are firmly red, so much so that I can hardly call them swing states this year.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by Action80 on July 26, 2024, 11:03:36 AM »
Once again, dumbocrats eschew the entire primary process and say, "Here is your candidate!"

Which party supports free and fair elections?
Flat Earth Theory / The Firmament /Dome
« Last post by Buttercup on July 25, 2024, 09:30:27 AM »
Why is the sky blue? What is the firmament made out of? What is the dome above us? The answer may be something known as silica aerogel.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« Last post by Rushy on July 24, 2024, 11:24:17 PM »
In fairness, the last time we had a woman candidate, she had great polls and failed.

Maybe this time she'll have bad polls and win?

Hillary almost certainly would have won had Comey not released his report mere days before the election. The polls didn't have time to adjust and the FBI made it sound like Hillary was quite literally about to go to jail, back when that sort of news mattered. Combined with record low dem turnout, it was a perfect storm of surprise-loss.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Election poll
« Last post by Crudblud on July 24, 2024, 05:59:14 PM »
My vote doesn't matter but clearly RFK is the most sane and normal person of all time.