"But what caused Earth to tilt?
Cartoon of large object hitting Earth, knocking out big chunks of material that become the future Moon, and tilting the Earth's axis.
Why do you find this so unbelievable?
Because, in a vacuum, void, etc., which is supposedly where the earth resides, it's ONLY because it's a vacuum with no resistance that the perpetual motion of earth continues. I might be incorrect in my understanding of that, but, let's continue.
If Earth were spinning, and had a certain alignment with the Sun, I find it hard that a collision that knocks it hard enough to cause it to move 23.5 degrees (mind you, that movement must have some 'imaginary' axis through the earth, right?) is not going to do more than that. It's as if a spin were initiated and then halted somehow. I'm not buying the 'somehow', nor am I buying that the collision that large would not have sent the earth off it's current trajectory--before the collision.
Spin a globe in a vacuum and then add a collision to knock it off kilter, and if it does what earth does, I'll be satisfied, I imagine. Only, it can't be CG. Another thought is this: There is no pole in which the earth revolves around that would help 'balance' it or revolve around; this event would cause chaos to any rotation and alignment as far as I believe. We tend to forget, when we imagine, it as being just a globe randomly spinning NOT on any 'pole' that exists in reality.
That's my issue. A force caused something to happen, then no force stopped it.