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Messages - Jade

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why the round earth hoax?
« on: November 29, 2020, 05:49:29 PM »
The existence of a hoax is extremely relevant given that you are suggesting that the truth is being hidden from the entire populous. There has to be a reason. The powers that be that are manipulating our very existence.. they desire the human population to be stupid and wrong? Why? To be Kings of the Dipshits?

The suggestion that this hoax was created by ancient european aristocracy who knew and planned for there to be a global-dominating force that they literally could not grasp (I'm having a tough time knowing which science is real vs. which science is fake, and yet extremely plausible and sensical; as well as what was known in this ancient time and kept secret from the populace, and where that advanced knowledge came from),  doesn't make sense.

Why exactly, if the USA was destined since the beginning of time to be the dominant force on a war-like planet, did the USSR participate in the space race? Were they participating in this hoax? Obviously, we (the royal) did not go to the moon, but the USSR claims to have been; and during a time that we were beefing. So why would they participate? Why would they not weaponize this flat-earth truth and use it against us? Are all wars fake? Are other countries helping to perpetuate this falsehood that leads to US global domination, because that is the plan? If war is fake, why the lies? What benefit does the globe gain from taking a perpetual war-like stance vs. a peaceful existence based on advancement? (This all reminds me of a plot line in Stargate SG-1)

What does this world get from hiding the knowledge that the earth is flat? This is an extremely relevant question, as it is the entire reason why this secret is supposedly being kept secret to such a vast degree that science isn't actually science, NASA plays with tidlywinks, and pilots everywhere are participating in this myth. The reason for the hoax is literally everything.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why the round earth hoax?
« on: November 29, 2020, 03:54:16 AM »
I, too, want to ask the question "why?" It isn't an argumentative question; it is extremely valid. The magnitude of this conspiracy to perpetuate a round earth myth is huge. The amount of people that would have to be in on it, combined with the absolute secrecy they've been able to maintain, makes the question very valid.

So not to be argumentative, but why the round earth hoax? I've seen many vague comments about gov't conspiracies, but zero actual explanations. Given the global climate of distrust and war, how would all countries be able to both war with each other, and work with each other to continue to perpetuate the myth? That info in itself is extremely weaponizable given the massive secret.

It really is a completely innocent question. Wouldn't it be problematic if people believe round earth is a myth, but they have absolutely no reason for it?

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