While I can understand the appeal that this represents to a community regarded by the majority as an aberration, I see an extremely dangerous time for those engaged in this discussion in the near future, my guess would be this year given the release and management of the short attention span our society possesses.
Wait to see what will happen to B.o.B. and Tila Tequila, it will not end well and the common denominator will be their thoughts on the Flat Earth. These two prominent cases will provide the foundation for what I fear to be corrective measures taken upon individuals that exhibit early symptoms of this contrived "form of mental illness".
Most of us are familiar with the typical reaction observed when this discussion is brought in public. If mental illness is associated with any amount of agreeing with a Flat Earth then people will steer clear of you in fear of being adjudicated by association.
This is conjecture, and my intent is not to spread FUD and I apologize in advance as it may seem as such.