Offline Action80

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #540 on: December 19, 2021, 10:45:11 PM »
The bottom line:

Everyone will catch this "virus."

The people needing hospital treatment and/or dying from this "virus" are due to die in a short time anyway, due to the actual cause of their death, either just being old or the comorbidity causing their death.

Specifically define a "short time".

Causes of death and comorbidities in hospitalized patients with COVID-19

"We found that septic shock and multi organ failure was the most common immediate cause of death, often due to suppurative pulmonary infection....Several comorbidities, such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and obesity were present in the vast majority of patients. Our findings reveal that causes of death were directly related to COVID-19 in the majority of decedents, while they appear not to be an immediate result of preexisting health conditions and comorbidities."

So people without Covid yet with some comorbidities would die of Septic shock and multi organ failure in a "short time anyway"? I'm surprised people en masse aren't falling over dead left, right, and center even in non-pandemic times.
Wait, aren't you one of the voices crying out:

EXPLAIN THE EXCESS DEATHS!?!? (i.e., people dying en masse)

Seems you're trying to have it both ways.

You're trolling is once exposed as weak and ineffective.

Go lay down in the corner somewhere.

I don't even know what you're going on about or what connection you're trying to make. In any case, you're not making any sense.

You can't seem to define what a "short time" is whilst claiming anyone with a comorbidity is going to die soon anyways. A truly bizarre argument. Additionally, it appears people with covid and comorbidities (or not) seem to succumb to septic shock and multiple organ failure. I guess, according to you, since these folks are going to die soon anyway, what's all the bother about. Pretty heartless, even for you.
I see no reason at this particular point to expect anything more than total senseless rhetoric or just plain feigned ignorance from you.

The entire "virus scare," was introduced, its timing coinciding with the exact time that more people are reaching the end of natural life expectancy. And when they die, they can be labeled as a COVID death, just because they have the virus.

The hospital gets the free bonus money, the pharmaceutical companies get free bonus money, and the crooks writing the legislation to set it all up, while playing the stock market to get even richer after lining their pockets with the initial kickbacks and stock options that were payed to write the legislation,  laugh heartily.

Again, your posts are as useful to others as a fart.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 11:33:55 PM by Action80 »
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.

Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #541 on: December 19, 2021, 10:52:25 PM »
This is what confuses me. He seems to arguing that medicine is a waste of time, which seems particularly stupid.

Yeah, it's been his go-to argument against COVID regulations for a while now, people die anyway so why try to save them. Maybe being terminally ill has skewed his perspective or something.  :(

He's only trolling about being terminally ill. Unless of course like all the victims of Covid who were apparantly going to die soon enough anyway and thus have no value that he has no value either

Which, looking at the nonsense he posts is objectively true anyway.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #542 on: December 20, 2021, 06:47:09 AM »
So he didn’t say vaccination alone will end the pandemic. That’s what I thought.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that vaccination will end the pandemic and that vaccination would provide immunity.

This reporter remarks the same:


Offline stack

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #543 on: December 20, 2021, 07:45:49 AM »
So he didn’t say vaccination alone will end the pandemic. That’s what I thought.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that vaccination will end the pandemic and that vaccination would provide immunity.

This reporter remarks the same:

Sure, as Rama mentioned, part of the plan, not the only element. He’s promoting all of these levers we currently have: Vax, masks, social distancing, etc. Problem is you and your folks (I wonder which way that “news” site leans…) refuse all three+ levers. In other words, you’re the problem, not Joe Biden.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #544 on: December 20, 2021, 08:05:37 AM »
So he didn’t say vaccination alone will end the pandemic. That’s what I thought.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that vaccination will end the pandemic and that vaccination would provide immunity.

This reporter remarks the same:

Sure, as Rama mentioned, part of the plan, not the only element. He’s promoting all of these levers we currently have: Vax, masks, social distancing, etc. Problem is you and your folks (I wonder which way that “news” site leans…) refuse all three+ levers. In other words, you’re the problem, not Joe Biden.

Actually Biden explicitly said that if you were vaccinated you wouldn't get Covid.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 08:07:17 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #545 on: December 20, 2021, 09:25:47 AM »
So he didn’t say vaccination alone will end the pandemic. That’s what I thought.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that vaccination will end the pandemic and that vaccination would provide immunity.

This reporter remarks the same:

Sure, as Rama mentioned, part of the plan, not the only element. He’s promoting all of these levers we currently have: Vax, masks, social distancing, etc. Problem is you and your folks (I wonder which way that “news” site leans…) refuse all three+ levers. In other words, you’re the problem, not Joe Biden.

Actually Biden explicitly said that if you were vaccinated you wouldn't get Covid.

Yeah, he did, back in July during a town hall appearance. And he was obviously wrong. I remember in early June when I was beyond two weeks second jab, I thought I was fully immune, like 95% immune…Then came delta. And a couple of weeks later we had the P-town Delta breakthrough explosion, that doubled down on the fact that he was wrong. (Me too)
 No vax is 100% so he was wrong out of the gate. But, the vaxs provide some immunity and can greatly reduce the severity if you do get it. I’ll take some level of protection more than I have already. Better something rather than nothing. And if I don’t get, I can’t spread it someone else, that’s the point.
So what’s the issue here, the president said something that was incorrect? Grossly exaggerated?  I guess that’s never happened before.


Offline AATW

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #546 on: December 20, 2021, 09:46:50 AM »
Actually Biden has repeatedly said that the masses getting vaccinated will end covid.

Imagine being wrong about Covid...

Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"

Rama Set

Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #547 on: December 20, 2021, 01:23:59 PM »
Biden saying that pre-delta and before we knew about waning efficacy was very slight hyperbole. He shouldn’t have said it, but saying it then is actually pretty factual.


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #548 on: December 20, 2021, 06:31:46 PM »
I guess the former is on board...

Trump met with boos after revealing he received Covid-19 booster

According to video tweeted by O'Reilly's "No Spin News," the former Fox News host says, "Both the President and I are vaxxed" and then asks Trump, "Did you get the booster?"

"Yes," Trump says to a smattering of boos in the audience. "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't," Trump says in the video, seemingly trying to quiet the boos. "That's all right, it's a very tiny group over there."


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #549 on: December 20, 2021, 07:45:20 PM »
I guess the former is on board...

Trump met with boos after revealing he received Covid-19 booster

According to video tweeted by O'Reilly's "No Spin News," the former Fox News host says, "Both the President and I are vaxxed" and then asks Trump, "Did you get the booster?"

"Yes," Trump says to a smattering of boos in the audience. "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't," Trump says in the video, seemingly trying to quiet the boos. "That's all right, it's a very tiny group over there."

And why not?  He warp speeded the vaccine.
Its ironic as hell that these people would attack the senate on his implied words but hate the idea of a vaccine so much that they'd boo him for supporting it.

The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #551 on: December 20, 2021, 10:23:00 PM »
40% of Joe Biden's own party thinks that he should be impeached.

You're just getting to this now? It's from 9/1 and predominantly in response to the Afghanistan withdrawal. Also Rasmussen is a conservative commentary and polling site. And has been criticized in the past for being biased. The original article is behind a paywall so I can't see how the poll was conducted and the nature of the respondents.

Regarding that specific poll you cite, from WaPo:

95 percent of those who view this article are brilliant and/or can read English
Or: How to whitewash subjective rhetoric with polling

Well, it comes from a laughably slanted poll conducted by the organization Rasmussen Reports. Rasmussen, which has become increasingly strident in its politics, asked 1,000 likely voters (a group that in its polling skews Republican) not whether Biden should be impeached but if they agreed with this statement:

“I think Joe Biden deserves to be impeached because he’s abandoned thousands of Afghans who fought with us and he’s going to abandon some American citizens because he capitulated to the Taliban to a 31 August deadline.”

This isn’t really a push poll, as such, since push polls are generally meant to use polling as a veneer for introducing an idea to a large number of voters. A push poll is calling 20,000 people in a state and asking if they’d still vote for a candidate if they learned that he’d committed murder. This is what might be called a lure poll, seeking to generate a particular response so that people like Greene can claim that even Biden’s base has turned against him.

The Rasmussen example is an extreme example of how the objective analysis conferred by polling can be used to launder or rationalize a particular position. Thursday morning brought a more subtle one.

That's a very specific question that isn't representative of your blanket and outdated, 40% Dems thinks that he should be impeached rhetoric.

Try and be more timely, relevant, and accurate with your critiques and less knee-jerk partisan and glom onto to anything that pops up in your Twitter feed that fits your narrative.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #552 on: December 20, 2021, 10:55:53 PM »
I don't see that Biden's disapproval has changed significantly since September.

Rama Set

Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #553 on: December 20, 2021, 11:04:08 PM »
I don't see that Biden's disapproval has changed significantly since September.

Nice attempt at a bait and switch. You were talking about impeachment, not approval rating. You don’t even have enough substance to address anything Stack posted. Perhaps you should concede and move on.


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #554 on: December 21, 2021, 08:04:26 AM »
Incorrect. Biden's unpopularity and wanting Biden impeached does have something to do with each other.

Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #555 on: December 21, 2021, 08:11:21 AM »
Incorrect. Biden's unpopularity and wanting Biden impeached does have something to do with each other.

Yeah. The repugs are like immature children. Impeach because you don't like a guy. Reason enough for them

Trumps impeachment trials were because he is a legit traitor to America. Only cronyism saved Trump from actually getting indicted.

Rama Set

Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #556 on: December 21, 2021, 11:22:58 AM »
Incorrect. Biden's unpopularity and wanting Biden impeached does have something to do with each other.

You are incapable of showing that the desire to impeach remains so you tried to substitute another metric that does not show that people continue to want to impeach Biden. You have nothing.


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #557 on: December 21, 2021, 10:55:48 PM »
Don't worry. When the GOP takes the house next year and appoints mtg as the speaker then there'll be wall to wall impeachments for the next 2 years.


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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #558 on: December 21, 2021, 11:18:19 PM »
When the GOP takes the house next year and appoints mtg as the speaker

The fact that this is actually a plausible scenario shows just how big a disaster America has become.
I hope you understand we're maintaining a valuable resource here....


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: President Joe Biden
« Reply #559 on: December 22, 2021, 08:39:09 AM »
Incorrect. Biden's unpopularity and wanting Biden impeached does have something to do with each other.

You are incapable of showing that the desire to impeach remains so you tried to substitute another metric that does not show that people continue to want to impeach Biden. You have nothing.

Actually Biden continues to be a deeply unpopular president. Your claim that people have changed their opinion on him since September is what needs evidence, rather than assumed.