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Messages - Flatout

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Flat Earth Community / Re: Geocentric Round Earth
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:27:20 PM »
If the government and academia are lying to us about cosmology, perhaps it's more likely they're lying to us about the layout of the heavens, than they are the shape of the earth.
A lot of what academia is telling us about the sun, moon and stars seems counter-intuitive.
If you had no knowledge of academic science, and were to look up at the night sky, would you think the earth is spinning, or the heavens are?
Would you think the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon, but 400 times further away, so they only appear to be the same size and the same distance from the earth, or would you think they are just as they appear, the same size and the same distance from the earth?
Would you think the stars are millions of times bigger than the earth, and trillions of miles away?
That the gaps between the stars are trillions of times larger than they appear?
That the sun orbits the center of our galaxy at 400 000 miles per hour, but where is the evidence for this motion?
Where is the evidence for any of this?
How can mainstream science prove any of this to common people?
I'm not taking their word for any of it, their word doesn't mean a whole lot to me, I require evidence.

You could always study and learn about why they say what they say.  You seem to assume they are just guessing and making stuff up.  Upon further study (using something besides flat earth youtube videios) you might discover that the claims are well founded.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat earth map is wrong
« on: May 21, 2017, 01:18:27 PM »
I think Flat earth map isn't wrong

Do you have one that can be used to calculated long range airplane flights?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The distance between the sun and the earth
« on: May 20, 2017, 05:28:25 AM »
It's funny how the water dome and all the bendy light refraction make it look like a spherical earth with straight line paths.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question from a physicist
« on: May 19, 2017, 12:47:28 PM »
    I still query:
    • How the "gravitation" can exist between "other celestial bodies" and objects on earth
      and not between the massive earth and objects on earth.
    You assume without evidence that there is a correlation between mass and gravitational pull.
    You assume that science just makes stuff up.  We have been doing measured mass attraction experiments since the mid 1800's.   Our present understanding of gravity and mass were derived from those experiments. 

    Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question from a physicist
    « on: May 18, 2017, 12:46:08 PM »
    The effects of gravity are also different when objects are in motion going east vs West and in motion at different latitudes.

    Oh!?   That's odd.   What is the cause and effect of that one?
    When traveling east your total velocity (velocity plus earth spin) is greater than when traveling due west (earth spin minus velocity).   The centripetal acceleration is greater when traveling east resulting in lower measured weight. It's called the Eotvos Effect.

    Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question from a physicist
    « on: May 17, 2017, 10:27:52 PM »
    The effects of gravity are also different when objects are in motion going east vs West and in motion at different latitudes.

    Flat Earth Community / Re: Inconsistencies in FE theory
    « on: May 17, 2017, 10:43:36 AM »
    I'll agree that there are things that we don't understand about our vast universe.  Yet, we can use our present understanding of gravity to calculate and predict the nature of falling objects, buoyancy, mass calibration, trajectories, satellite orbits, etc.

    SexWarrior, if you are going to dismiss the theory if gravity based on unknown mass variables in the universe than you would have to dismiss the flat earth idea based on unknowns in your model.   

    Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question from a physicist
    « on: May 17, 2017, 09:28:32 AM »
    Hello everyone. 

    I have a question for you all.  I've been through the FAQ and, although the concept of gravity is discussed, I couldn't see any reference to this particular point.

    Imagine that you're travelling around with an accurate accelerometer (a device which measures acceleration).  At various places you stop and take a measurement, and after a while start to notice that these measurements differ from each other by a small amount.  This shows that the strength of gravity is different at different places on the planet. 

    In classical physics this is well documented and can be explained by a number of different phenomena.  For example, according to Newton's law of gravitation [F=G(Mm)/r^2] if you are at the top of a mountain, gravity should be slightly weaker than if you were at sea level.  Also, the non-uniform mass density of the planet can account for some considerable variation, even if measurements are taken at the same altitude.  In fact, the measurement you take can vary by as much as 0.7% from place to place.

    Now, as I understand it (and do please correct me if I've got the wrong idea) you suggest that the flat Earth is being accelerated upwards at a constant 9.8m/s^2.  Surely, if that were the case, the acceleration measured at any point on the planet would be exactly the same.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing what you have to say.  Please note, I'm not here as a troll, I just find the whole topic fascinating.




    Firstly, the earth is stationary and doesn't move to anywhere. That knowledge is "old theory" and debunked several times, also by ourselves.

    Most part believers accept the "gravity effect" as caused by atmospheric stringency. You may think it as atmospheric pressure. They are not same by phsically but are about same as effective.

    In nature, everything pushes others, including atmospher. So when you are on a mountain, there is less atmospher upper side of you and so, it causes less force to down you. So the gravity is less.

    In ground level, the atmospher on your upper side is more than the mountain level, so the gravity effect increases. Thats all.

    You can explain every type of gravity effects by changing the atmospheric weight/or hight which effect to the object.

    PS: I'm an engineer from 20 years.
    You are incorrect in your understanding of the role of atmospheric pressure and the measured weight of a object.  An object of constant density and volume will weigh more when the air pressure decreases.  The phenomenon is known as air buoyancy.  There are correction formulas established to accommodate for this effect when doing mass calibrations.  The less dense the object is the more pronounced the weight increase will be as elevation increases.

    Flat Earth Community / Re: Inconsistencies in FE theory
    « on: May 13, 2017, 03:30:32 PM »
    We have also generated predictive formulas based on what we know about gravity that give measurable results.
    And that's how we know it doesn't work. It gives us measurably incorrect results when you start looking past the sort of stuff that's explainable within classical mechanics.
    And UA explains all that?

    Flat Earth Community / Re: Inconsistencies in FE theory
    « on: May 12, 2017, 10:58:17 PM »
    We measure the effects of gravity all the time.  We have even generated instruments to do it.  We have also generated predictive formulas based on what we know about gravity that give measurable results.

    The violence reaction has nothing to do with scrutiny.  Rather, it has to do with the flat earth communities total abandonment of logic.  We are concerned that this spreading of poor reasoning skills will corrupt​ the world in a negative fashion and slow progress.

    Because once you pass the moon that is overhead, don't you think it would appear differently?
    So you are saying that we are only looking at the bottom of the moon regardless of location?  If it's only 3000 miles away how come you wouldn't see the other side of the moon at the extreme southern hemisphere?  In reality we all see the same side of the moon and see the same phase which suggests that it's farther away than 3000 miles.

    Water is a fluid.  It conforms and reaches equilibrium according to forces present.  Here is a video of fluids in zero g on the Vomit Comet.

    Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat earth map is wrong
    « on: May 08, 2017, 11:01:58 PM »
    Please explain how it shows on the flat earth maps why it is a longer distance from Australia to south America than it is from uae  to Australia? Also when I flew from Doha to Melbourne I flew over Indian ocean but you can't go that route on the flat earth map, the flat earth has you over India . also if you circumnavigate earth if it is a globe then it can travel in a straight path round and on flat earth you go in a circle so you stop going straight and start adding time and distance.? If maps wrong then how can it be fixed without changing distance between the different points?

    A Taiwanese woman gave birth 6 hours into a flight from Bali to LAX, which is 19 hour flight. They had to make an emergency landing in Anchorage Alaska, which is a 23 hour flight from Bali to Alaska. 6 hours into a flight from Bali to LAX and you go over 2,000 miles off course to get to Alaska? That emergency landing doesn't make sense on a globe. It does on a Flat Earth map, though. On a Flat Earth map, Anchorage is in the middle of Bali and LAX.

    I don't know if that proves anything, but it sure is suspicious.

    What the video below or just google "Taiwanese woman gives birth on plane" and see for yourself.
    Since you like getting your education from YouTube here is one from a pilot explaining just why that would be.

    Yes.  I've measured the drop over water with my theodolite.

    I think that the best way to determine wheter the earth has a curve is using a laser pointer and a table with measurements to notice how the laser goes "higher" the farter we move from its origin.
    Why use a laser with a beam that gets wider at farther distances?  There is a thing that has been used to do this for nearly 100 years.  It's call a theodolite.  A used digital one can be acquired for under $500.

    im just saying, even if the beam gets wider, it should be noted the change in height it still shows on the measurement object on would be using. And lasers are very potent, there are some that can reach to cockpits in comercial planes.
    Yes, but to to take accurate measurements  one needs a screen that is larger than the beam so the center can be detected.  Many flat earth experiments have failed for this reason.  They assume that if they can see the laser that the center of the beam is at eye level. 

    Flat Earth Theory / Re: Diameter and Circumference of Flat Earth
    « on: May 06, 2017, 01:53:46 AM »
    The wiki states that each latitude degree is 69.5 miles.  That's a radius of 12,510 miles and a circumference of 78,603 miles.

    Flat Earth Community / Re: Boy, NASA sure has a lot of pics
    « on: May 05, 2017, 04:51:32 PM »
    If someone was going to give me a $1,000,000,000,000 over 50 years I think the least I could do is fake some photos.
    Or build rockets and go into space.....Like every other space agency across the earth.

    I think that the best way to determine wheter the earth has a curve is using a laser pointer and a table with measurements to notice how the laser goes "higher" the farter we move from its origin.
    Why use a laser with a beam that gets wider at farther distances?  There is a thing that has been used to do this for nearly 100 years.  It's call a theodolite.  A used digital one can be acquired for under $500.

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