Flat Earth Community / Re: Geocentric Round Earth
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:27:20 PM »If the government and academia are lying to us about cosmology, perhaps it's more likely they're lying to us about the layout of the heavens, than they are the shape of the earth.
A lot of what academia is telling us about the sun, moon and stars seems counter-intuitive.
If you had no knowledge of academic science, and were to look up at the night sky, would you think the earth is spinning, or the heavens are?
Would you think the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon, but 400 times further away, so they only appear to be the same size and the same distance from the earth, or would you think they are just as they appear, the same size and the same distance from the earth?
Would you think the stars are millions of times bigger than the earth, and trillions of miles away?
That the gaps between the stars are trillions of times larger than they appear?
That the sun orbits the center of our galaxy at 400 000 miles per hour, but where is the evidence for this motion?
Where is the evidence for any of this?
How can mainstream science prove any of this to common people?
I'm not taking their word for any of it, their word doesn't mean a whole lot to me, I require evidence.
You could always study and learn about why they say what they say. You seem to assume they are just guessing and making stuff up. Upon further study (using something besides flat earth youtube videios) you might discover that the claims are well founded.