
Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #300 on: October 10, 2023, 05:14:59 AM »
I'm sorry but I'm still waiting on your facts. 
I could post polio and smallpox numbers pre and post vaccine to prove they work but for some reason, you don't care.  You dismiss it without a second thought.  You can't even explain why you know vaccines do nothing or are intentionally made to harm. 
Perhaps I am projecting.  But then I'd expect you to put me to rest with more than your word or some youtuber who thinks a fire looks wierd because his gut tells him.  Or a known manipulator who made his career with edits and hypothetical questions kept off camera that would make a reality tv producer look like an ameature.

But you don't.  Just the same old  song and dance.

It's not my job to personally explain anything to you. Especially because I know you're just gonna attempt to debunk anything I say or give some argument as to why I'm wrong.
The truth doesn't mind being questioned.  A lie does.
Yes, I will try to debunk it.  That is literally the point of a debate.  The point of this forum.  What, don't like having to answer questions?  To defend your own beliefs?  Sounds like you need to find somewhere else to go.  Where no one questions you.  Where everyone agrees with you and you don't have to try to answer things you can't answer.

I can post this nicely presented information for anyone interested, but you Dave are gonna have to take your amazing debunking arguments to the producing channel, because I personally don't care about them. I'm too old for that shit even though I'm still young (and healthy as fuck).  ;D

I'll look at it later.

Also: I'm too old for this shit too yet here I am, trying in vein to get answers from you.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #301 on: October 10, 2023, 09:10:39 AM »
The truth doesn't mind being questioned.  A lie does.
Yes, I will try to debunk it.  That is literally the point of a debate.  The point of this forum.  What, don't like having to answer questions?  To defend your own beliefs?  Sounds like you need to find somewhere else to go.  Where no one questions you.  Where everyone agrees with you and you don't have to try to answer things you can't answer.

That sounds very nice but unfortunately for you I'm the last person on Earth who needs a safe space. I'm not always in the mood to deal with demanding belligerent zealots, that's all.

And, trying to debunk something is not the same as actually debunking it. I have debunked the belief that curvature has been measured many times and I even offered an experiment to measure it. Do globe believers care? Of course they don't. They insist that we live on a geometricall ball even though that geometry has never been demonstrated. Since you're one of those people, you know where you stand and you know where I stand. There's no debate because it's a fact.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 09:14:16 AM by Dual1ty »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #302 on: October 10, 2023, 09:37:28 AM »
The truth doesn't mind being questioned.  A lie does.
Yes, I will try to debunk it.  That is literally the point of a debate.  The point of this forum.  What, don't like having to answer questions?  To defend your own beliefs?  Sounds like you need to find somewhere else to go.  Where no one questions you.  Where everyone agrees with you and you don't have to try to answer things you can't answer.

That sounds very nice but unfortunately for you I'm the last person on Earth who needs a safe space. I'm not always in the mood to deal with demanding belligerent zealots, that's all.
Everyone needs a safe place.  Its one of the basic psychological needs of animals.  If you don't need one, you're not mentally healthy. (By safe place I include shelter.  Like a home.)

And, trying to debunk something is not the same as actually debunking it. I have debunked the belief that curvature has been measured many times and I even offered an experiment to measure it. Do globe believers care? Of course they don't. They insist that we live on a geometricall ball even though that geometry has never been demonstrated. Since you're one of those people, you know where you stand and you know where I stand. There's no debate because it's a fact.
And yet reality disagrees with your facts.  And did you perform this experiment or just thought it up and said: go do it yourself?

Also: A person isn't a zealot if they're right. :P
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 09:53:30 AM by Lord Dave »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #303 on: October 10, 2023, 10:26:59 AM »
The truth doesn't mind being questioned.  A lie does.

It's funny that you said that because that video got censored by YouTube in 6 mins according to one of the commenters even though the video is 27 mins long. I wonder why it got censored? Why not leave it there if it's all made-up lies that can easily be debunked? Anyway, I look forward to seeing your amazing debunking comment on Odysee.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #304 on: October 10, 2023, 03:45:29 PM »
The truth doesn't mind being questioned.  A lie does.

It's funny that you said that because that video got censored by YouTube in 6 mins according to one of the commenters even though the video is 27 mins long. I wonder why it got censored? Why not leave it there if it's all made-up lies that can easily be debunked? Anyway, I look forward to seeing your amazing debunking comment on Odysee.
I'm not gonna sign up for Odysee to comment.  Like I want them to scalp my info. :/

Anyway, it sounds like she's saying viruses don't exist.
Also, how did she know there were ground up flies and poop in the injections?  She obviously wasn't there and such information wouldn't be documented.  Is she just... assuming? (No, she's reading someone else's work.  She's a puppet.)

Anyway, this is a very biased video.  The host throws out history, ignores the rest of the world, and makes the claim that viruses, which have been imaged, don't exist.

No mention of how viruses were even discovered either, which you'd think would be important.  Nor that Virilology began decades before Rockefeller.  Or how the discovery of a virus was found when a diseased plant was filtered and strained yet still could infect another plant.  Concluding, therefore, that it was neither disease nor toxin.

Amazing that the work of Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovsky wasn't even mentioned.  Again, she focused on America as though only Americans discovered viruses existed.  Its quite interesting.  Especially since she lives in New Zealand. 

She also must be making alot of money as she hasn't practiced medicine in several years.

Also the writer of this series sounds like you.

All in all, the doctor simply repeated what Engdahl wrote and what he wrote is very American centric and lacks supporting evidence.  Especially given how we have viewed viruses under a microscope since 1935.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #305 on: October 10, 2023, 04:15:13 PM »
Already several personal attacks by you: "the writer of this series sounds like you" (lol), "she's a puppet" (lol), "she must be making a lot of money" (lol, sure, she does this for money) and "she hasn't practiced medicine in several years". Yeah, that's the price you pay for telling the truth these days. I thought you said truth doesn't mind being questioned? Why does the mainstream need to destroy careers of medical professionals, microbiologists, etc. who question virology? And why does it shut down academic discussion and censors science it doesn't like? Can you please explain?

Anyway, it's not a debate. Virology has long been debunked and right now all that stands next to the pile of bodies that virology has claimed is a pile of lies and misundertandings and dogma. Oh, and a big pile of money, of course - but you don't get none of that.

She has talked about about Ivanovsky and the "tobacco virus" in a previous video, so you are wrong. In fact she has many videos about virology and vaxx and they're all great. An amazing channel for anyone who cares about the truth (aka not you). Keep squiiiirming.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 04:33:16 PM by Dual1ty »


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #306 on: October 10, 2023, 05:52:44 PM »
All in all, the doctor simply repeated what Engdahl wrote and what he wrote is very American centric and lacks supporting evidence.

This is some funny shit considering that the entire point of questioning virology is to bring to the front the fact that it lacks supporting evidence (from day 1 lol) and is therefore pseudoscience, and also funny that focusing on America is a complain considering the fact that Rockefeller played a crucial role in establishing said pseudoscience in the mainstream and considering America's power & influence.

Anyway, keep the laughs coming, Dave.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 06:00:18 PM by Dual1ty »


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #307 on: October 10, 2023, 06:04:08 PM »
... And why does it shut down academic discussion and censors science it doesn't like? Can you please explain? ...
At the risk of stating the overwhelmingly obvious, if what you claim of science were true the scientific view of life the universe and everything would never change, let alone change radically as it has done over the past couple of 100 years.  So there must be some other reason that folks like anti-vaxers or flat-earthers can only self publish on forums like youtube to be taken up by the lay public and can not manage to get published in peer reviewed science journals.  Obviously they simply do not have the data to support their claims and/or are ignoring the data that disproves their claims and/or  are making other similar fundamental mistakes in their methodology.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #308 on: October 10, 2023, 06:21:30 PM »
Already several personal attacks by you: "the writer of this series sounds like you" (lol)
Wait wait wait... you feel thats a personal attack?!  Why?  Is it not flattering?  Do you think I'm comparing you to a crazy person?  I assumed you'd be proud to be compared to someone you agree with.

, "she's a puppet" (lol),
What would you call someone who monologues another person's writings for the viewing pleasure of others while (oddly) getting credit for the words?

"she must be making a lot of money" (lol, sure, she does this for money) and "she hasn't practiced medicine in several years". Yeah, that's the price you pay for telling the truth these days. I thought you said truth doesn't mind being questioned? Why does the mainstream need to destroy careers of medical professionals, microbiologists, etc. who question virology? And why does it shut down academic discussion and censors science it doesn't like? Can you please explain?
Buuuttt she stopped practicing before she was disciplined.  And its not even clear she had any reprecussions as the tribunal was not sure how to handle a doctor who did youtube videos outside of her medical capacity.  She still holds, as far as I know, a doctorate degree as a General Practicioner.
As for money, well, yeah.  How do you think she survives?  Sunlight and morning dew?  She also wrote a book, which I'm guessing she is taking money from.  Unless she's donating it or something.

Anyway, it's not a debate. Virology has long been debunked and right now all that stands next to the pile of bodies that virology has claimed is a pile of lies and misundertandings and dogma. Oh, and a big pile of money, of course - but you don't get none of that.

She has talked about about Ivanovsky and the "tobacco virus" in a previous video, so you are wrong. In fact she has many videos about virology and vaxx and they're all great. An amazing channel for anyone who cares about the truth (aka not you). Keep squiiiirming.

I meant in that video, specifically, but given she didn't write it, its not surprising it wasn't mentioned.

Honestly, your a contradictory person.  On one hand, you dismiss a virus because its invisible and can't be seen with the eyes.  On the other hand you embrace a fire created by an invisible beam of energy as the only explination.  Quite intriguing.

Wow, she is a really bad scientist if wrapping a leaf a little is too many variables. XD
The control is easy: do the same thing and prepare the same salv but from a healthy plant.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #309 on: October 10, 2023, 06:37:01 PM »
Yes, clearly you soundly debunked those two videos, Dave. Well done.

Alright, go get some sleep now before the baby wakes you because he hurts from the vaxx.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Died Suddenly
« Reply #310 on: October 10, 2023, 08:07:06 PM »
Yes, clearly you soundly debunked those two videos, Dave. Well done.

Alright, go get some sleep now before the baby wakes you because he hurts from the vaxx.
Sorry but its hard to debunk nothing.

Microwaves don't exist.  That entire part of the spectrum is a lie, purpetrated by the kitchen appliance conglomerate to make people less averse with nuclear power.  The so called "microwave" ovens really just use hot air to heat food.  And they say 'don't open it while its on' to ensure their ruse is not discovered.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.