That will tell you whether or not the chord is 150km.
I believe the capsule was roughly above point X when Felix jumped. The first few seconds of his descent, from the camera above,
show him plummeting toward this point.

The camera in the arc photo appears to be aimed roughly North. The RH end of land feature A is slightly West of North from X, and is off-centre to the left in the photo, as is Fort Sumner (red dot), at the bend in the Pecos River where it bears West, and just in front of Felix's visor, having run North up to this point. This indicates a general Northerly aim of the camera.
The starting points for reference are A, A1 and A2. Their locations are determined by reference to distinctive land features.
A is the dark valley (?) just left of centre, and reference point A is roughly the centre of the RH 'ball end' of it.
Go left, and there's a distinct 6-dot pattern of light areas meeting the inverted "V" of a dark valley. A1 is the light patch to the left of this.
Above A is the "ridge with a V", and above this the dead-straight line of I-70. If we work right from A, there's an unclassified
road running North/South, a cluster forming an approximate V on its side, pointing right, an oval dark area, and a triple cluster of light ground at A2 with highway 42 to the right.
So the base edge of the photo frame, a rough line through A1, A and A2 is around 28km from the point directly under the camera. As per first and third photos above.
Point B in my original is the distinctive cluster of bends in the river, south of Fort Sumner, which is shown with a red dot above. Zoom out on the map a bit, and;

The second red dot, above Fort Sumner in the picture, but to North North West of it, is Turkey Mountains, West of the junction of I-25 and highway 120 at Wagon Mound. You can see the forest areas which broadly encircle it in the photo. The dark area of forest beyond it is, broadly speaking, Carson National Forest. On the map, with a purple line from Fort Sumner to Turkey Mountains;
(Original A/B/C line in green, line to LH edge of picture below that)
From maps
A to A1 is around 26km
A to A2 is around 26km to the highway
A to B is around 55km
A to Fort Sumner is 103km, measured to the Dallas Park Stadium, which seems fairly central in the town
A to Turkey Mountains is around 280km.
We can extend these lines beyond these targets to establish what would be at 706km distance, beyond these landmarks.
Taking a line from X to the leftmost edge of your arc would go through the top of the Cibola Forest, then Valles Caldera, and
the limit of 706km would be around Moab and Grand Junction, south-east of Salt Lake City.
If we extend the upper line through Turkey Mountains, 706km leads to a point just North of Aspen.
Add these two vectors to the large-scale map, and -

I reckon the angle between the two to be around 20 degrees out of the camera's FoV.
The complete circle with a radius of 706km would have a circumference of 360 degrees, length = 4,436 km
20 degrees out of 360 = (20/360)*4436 = 246km.
This tallies broadly with Google Earth's distance from Aspen to Moab, around 265km. Derivation of the width of this arc from landmarks and sightlines therefore tallies broadly with textbook distance.
I reckon the arc you described, from left of the frame to where it is obscured by the capsule, to be approx. 48 degrees of the camera's FoV, therefore approx. 590km. (48/20 * 246) If the left-hand sector is 20 degrees, as determined above, the right-hand one is, by visual estimation, around 28.