Its going to get harder and harder to believe anything you see on video.
I totally agree with that. That's why I mainly trust my eyes.
A sunset above the sea (especially with half of the sun hidden behind/below the horizon) comforts me.
tfes explains sunset as light of the sun being bend 90° (and more) for regions on earth that are in the twilight zone. See this were true, then the earth - as seen from the sun's perspective - would appear to be a
This can be easily seen as follows: imagine a large cubical object (eg big skyscraper) with one side facing West. At sunset, only the front side of this cube is illuminated by the sun. The horizontal top plane ('roof of the skyscraper') is not illuminated directly because the rays of the sun are horizontal to that plane.
This applies to both the RE and FE model.
Now look at this from the sun's perpective. From this point of view only the 'front' side of the cube is visible. So the cube appears to be tilted backwards. This applies to any object which is in the twilight zone between day and night, allover the flat earth (that is: on a circle around and below the sun, as can be seen on many FE models). Objects directly below the sun (at 'midday') are seen from above, because the sunrays are going in a direct straight line from sun to earth (also in the FE model). So the flat earth would appear to be a sphere when seen from that perspective.
Ironically this is in accordance with the pictures from NASA. But FE adherents claim that all of these pictures are faked.
The fact that the flat earth would appear to be a sphere, can also be proved mathematically, because the bent lightrays of the FE model, falling on a flat surface are mathematically equivalent to the straight lightrays of the RE model, falling on a spherical surface. That is: if the curvature of the lightrays is carefully selected in order to correspond with what is observed in real life.
And since they are equivalent in one direction (from sun to earth), they have to be equivalent in the opposite direction as well.