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Messages - Pete Svarrior

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 08, 2025, 02:35:39 PM »
The only place "the ua" is defined in the entire internet is the wiki?

And I was supposed to guess that just from a single mention of "the ua" in the op?
No. You are supposed to be familiar with the FET prior to posting here. You shouldn't have to guess the very basics, because you're supposed to already know them. You agreed to this when you chose to post here. If you don't like that, post somewhere else.

Please either brush up on the basics and start engaging in good faith, or refrain from spamming the forum. I'm making this request politely for now, but if you don't make a decision, one will be made for you instead.

It feels like you're being exceptionally unreasonable. You're not even giving me a chance lol.
I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I hope you'll be able to find a place online to hang out at that makes you feel better.

Hell, even when I Google "the ua flat earth" it doesn't look like anything from whatever wiki you're referring to comes up on the entire first page of results
I'm not sure why you'd admit to this. "I can't work a search engine, life is so unfair 😢". Just conceding that you failed to even try would have been a better look.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:58:47 PM »
I don't believe I said anything about a wiki page. What are you talking about?
You're in a thread about one - it's where UA is defined. I suggest you failed to read it before posting. It sounds like I didn't go nearly far enough.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 07, 2025, 09:06:04 AM »
Seems to me that in FE models, there is only one possible frame.
Highly questionable. If I were you I'd stop relying on your gut feeling - it "seems" to only make things harder for you.

The UA theory says we are accelerating, which implies a location [...] to measure acceleration relative to.
It actually specifies the observer. You could have just read the basics section of the UA page.

outside the dome
This is likely incorrect.

As far as I know most flat eathers reject relativity, and gravity altogether.
I really don't understand why we have so many people here discussing a wiki page they blatantly haven't read. Aren't you RE'ers supposed to be the enlightened intellectuals in the room? Wouldn't it have been prudent to read the document you're debating before declaring what you "know"?

Flat Earth Community / Re: An updated simplified TFES Animation Model
« on: January 19, 2025, 11:41:44 PM »
what's with the large number of people denying the recent antarctica trip as faked?
I doubt it's actually "a large number" - the Twitter/YouTube crowd has always been pretty loud, but it's a small group.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 06, 2025, 06:57:21 PM »
It is clear and obvious that the only peaceful solution here is the breakup of Russia into a number of independent* republics, under Donald Trump's watchful guidance and mentorship. I look forward to his strong leadership delivering this outcome. We've let the undesirables hold on to their country after last time, they once again aren't behaving, so now it's time for Trump to finish what Nixon and Reagan couldn't.

* - Western-influenced, naturally. Like Japan, Korea, and other successful projects

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2025, 05:45:57 PM »
Broke: Tom thought that Greenland wants to join the US. Silly, sad!
Woke: Tom thought that it is obvious that Greenland wants to join the US. Smart, cool!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 04, 2025, 01:51:13 PM »
If they do leave, and if you think that a country of 55,000 people want to make it on their own as an independent power, you are foolish.
Man, you couldn't keep up the "I'm not saying anything at all, dude" schtick for even a single post. :(

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is the UK okay?
« on: January 01, 2025, 01:02:06 AM »

Damn, guys, I guess Joe Biden's America is literally the UK. Certifiably not OK :(

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 29, 2024, 11:31:00 PM »
I don't know what that means.
Jesus, you don't have to admit that. That should be the kind of stuff I accuse you of, but which I can't quite prove.

And for the record I don't particularly like or dislike any "tribe"
I'm sorry, you have YEARS of actions here which speak SO MUCH louder than words. This conversation just makes it worse - we've got an open-and-shut case of some YouTubers doing unsightly stuff. It would be very easy for an honest person to say "yea, these guys are kinda whack", but you're not capable of doing that. Partially because you're not capable of criticising a RE'er, and partially because you never read their crowdfunding pages. You need to understand that, with this sort of track record, no one with a serious interest in debate will show you any good will on this account.

I can't pretend to have looked into this in any detail. I don't know where the money came from to fund the 1 FE and 1 RE place which were prepaid.
Indeed. You also don't know how many people were paid for (it's 5 not counting the organiser, so arguably 6; not 2). So, given how little you know, why the fuck are you still talking?

But me not knowing that isn't evidence of fraud, or evidence against it. I wouldn't even know how to investigate that.
It's simple. It's well within public interest to see the financials here. You should be able to just ask. Will you?

If I set up a crowdfunding page and say "I'd like a lovely holiday please, could you pay for it kthxpls?" then I'd expect people to tell me to sod off. But if people did want to pay for me then...well, that's up to them, isn't it? That's what crowdfunding is, what's to agree with or disagree about there?
As with most intentionally dishonest arguments, the issue lies in the premise, which I bolded for your convenience. However, you know you're not arguing in good faith, so how about we don't waste ach other's time?

But your assertion about my morality seems to be based on the idea that I think it's OK to scam people by lying about what I'm crowdfunding for - but I don't think that.
Well, then you'll just gosh darn have to read what's been advertised, rather than imagining it. I made a mistake of assuming thaty you wouldn't defend pitches you haven't read, but I guess you're not just evil - you're evil and incorrigibly stupid. After all, the crowdfunders were very clear about what they're getting money for - and it's not "holidayz plx":

Quote from: MCToon
Flattys have claimed for over 150 years that the sun in Antarctica NEVER circles 360 degrees overhead all day. This is because it would destroy the idea of pizzaland. Testing their own claims is an excellent way to settle the question using their own claim. So I'm going there with some flattys to see what happens.

Quote from: Critical Think
If the Sun is visible for 24 hours, then this will prove that the flat Earth proponents are mistaken. [...] Other things of value to the discussion of the shape of the Earth will be the flight I will be taking across the South Pacific (a flight that is impossible on a flat Earth), and various other experiments related to the unique location.

Quote from: GlobeyMcGlobeface
Following the youtube link in this GoFundMe you will find an experiment put together to try to end this debate once and for all.

Quote from: George Demitropoulos
The Final Experiment is to educatate the flat earth/globe earth community with actual video evidence from the location of that is ANTARCTICA!

Quote from: Kosho
This journey is more than just observing a natural wonder; it's a quest to seek truth through firsthand experience. Some believe that such a phenomenon shouldn't occur under certain world models, and witnessing it ourselves could provide valuable insights. But I don't intend to stop there. During this Final Experiment event, I plan to conduct a series of thorough tests and experiments to explore various questions about our world.

They were consistent in their claims. If you're as independent as you claim, you will find no difficulty in acknowledging that. But you will find difficulty in it, because speaking out against grifers in your tribe is beyond your moral capacity.

FE and RE disagreed about what the outcome would be. Now, YOU may not disagree about it but (all together now) you aren't the FE authority. Because as you tell me repeatedly, there isn't one.
This isn't the gotcha you think it is. RE doesn't have a central authority, either. Indeed, it is the hallmark of the scientific method that Bazza down the pub might be able to shake up the scientific consensus at any moment if he brings the right evidence to the table. There are no material differences here - you just don't like one side of the debate, so you twist my words to mean something they don't. You are a thoroughly dishonest person. That's all there is to it.

Being scammed is in the eye of the beholder. Your claim is that people have been scammed. But for that to be true people would have had to be lied to about what was going to happen.
Luckily, I showed that to be the case through my quotes above. More importantly, the fact that you never even tried reading what the scammers said before claiming you've seen no evidence is telling. Yeah, no fucking shit you've seen no evidence - you went out of your way not to look at it.

It's a false equivalence. The shape of the earth is an established fact, most people are taught it and believe it and many don't really understand much science and don't need to in their daily lives. Most people believe a load of stuff without really understanding it or thinking about it too hard. To be a flat earther you must surely have looked in to the matter in some depth and are therefore a de facto FE expert.
Wow, way to double down on a double standard. No, you absolutely don't need to be an FE expert to argue for FE on the Internet. Hell, even you could do it! There's literally nothing stopping you, right now, from making pro-FE arguments. Now, the acutal FE'ers might call you slurs for it, but ga-hyuk, they're nOt AuThOrItAtIvE.

Again, you are not the FE Authority, why should I believe you when you say that others aren't the real ones?
For the same reason you disregard the folks that don't understand the difference between speed and acceleration. Neither side has an official authority that gets to say what goes. We reject nonsensical fringe arguments not based on their popularity or authoritative appeal, but on their merit.

to claim that you really do have a good explanation for <something>, pinky-promise, but I wouldn't be interested in hearing it
I didn't claim that. FE is riddled with holes and inconsisitencies, and this happens to be one of them - we have a partial explanation, one that's easily accesible to you, and it has issues, but you don't know what those issues are. All that information is available to you, but you're not interested in it - so I have to do both the jobs of the FE and RE proponent. It's kinda sad that only one of us is interested in critically evaluating both models.

You can't exactly spend the better part of a decade here establishing your bad will and then expecting people to take you seriously. You need to either assume a new identity (I won't rat you out, I promise), or accept that it will take you multiple years of non-deplorable behaviour to redeem yourself. Until then, you're simply not worth anyone's engagement, so you won't see any engagement from anyone.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 29, 2024, 10:54:50 PM »
I trust Google AI more
Lmao, Tom trusts stochastic parrots

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 28, 2024, 10:33:46 AM »
I'm pretty sure in WWII Hitler took over countries by force and didn't "offer to buy" and suggest that they would be in a better situation if they joined with him.
Lmao, Tom doesn't know about Hitler

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 26, 2024, 03:09:59 PM »
Now, add scale. Also, take this garbage out of this thread and put it where it belongs.

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 24, 2024, 05:56:23 PM »
But it doesn't help that further down the page you have the moon tilt illusion "explained" by EA when
Now you're just being dishonest. There's a pretty comprehensive page on this subject, which you blatantly haven't read. You looked at ONE illustration, didn't understand why it's there, and went "well duh that don't explain things."

It's an optical illusion and easy to prove it is, I have done that myself
It also has a supplemental page discussing your exact objection. Of course, you haven't read that either. You're entirely disinterested in learning anything, you just want to keep saying the same three things on repeat, for whatever reason.

Are you starting to realise why no one takes your content requests seriously? Why would we write new pages, just for you, if you won't even bother reading them?

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 24, 2024, 05:31:37 PM »
I've seen no evidence of any impropriety.
If only your standards were this low for the tribe you don't like...

Other places have been crowdfunded but that isn't "stealing". If someone sets up a fundraiser for a holiday and people want to contribute then that's their business.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there. And I'm not gonna hide this - to me, that makes you morally reprehensible. I'm sure you're devastated by that.

They were selling this trip to a dedicated fandom with the promise of finally delivering the "smoking gun" that will, once and for all, shut up those evil Flat Earthers. In reality, they went on a fancy holiday and made further money from the YT videos and exposure. The reality contradicts the promise, and we knew from the beginning that this would be the case - that's about as fraudulent as things get. It's completely predatory, and your only response is one of victim-blaming: "Well, if they're happy being scammed, then what's the problem? If they didn't want to get scammed, they just wouldn't pay up! :D"


This isn't true. The experiment was specifically picked because FE and RE did NOT agree on the outcome.
You and other people on here may not have disputed it but you aren't the FE authority - you've already said there isn't one. The FE people they were engaging with claimed there was no 24 hour sun in Antarctica, that's why that experiment was chosen. You may regard those FE people as grifters said you're not the authority. Jeranism has already said he didn't expect the outcome - you may regard him as one of the grifters but he's been quoted on here before.
I despise the fact that you recycle old arguments like this, and just completely ignore any past disucssion on the same subject. Do you suffer from memory loss? We've gone through this loop so many times.

Extreme tl;dr version: if you wanna count these people as part of the FE camp, then I'm gonna start counting idiots who mix up velocity and acceleration as part of the RE camp.

After all, they're RE'ers just like you! There's just no gosh darn way to tell who's who! We must immediately solicit ₹1,00,00,000 to figure out if acceleration and velocity are the same thing or not. After all, some RE'ers think they are! Surely, this is the debate to end all debates!!!!11!!

I've never seen an explanation that I find satisfactory.
Right, but your personal satisfaction is not the litmus test here. I've never seen a RE model that I find satisfactory, either.

You did know, from day 0, that no true ScotsFE'er would find the results of this experiment to be valuable, and that's because you know that we expected the same outcome as you. You might not understand why that is, but that doesn't necessitate flying a bunch of grifters to Antarctica.

I'm happy to be educated if you have a detailed explanation.
Sorry, but you've firmly convinced me that that would be a waste of my time. You're just going to ask the same questions in 2 months time and insist that the conversation never happened, or that you didn't find it convincing. For all intents and purposes, you're a stochastic parrot.

The best/worst example being Celestial Gravitation. The Wiki page about it literally just says that it might be a thing.
Again - stochastic parrot. We've had this conversation before. You know what "gravitation" is, because you made it through compulsory education. Observations suggest that celestial bodies (you know what those are, right?) exhibit gravitation. It's that simple, and that's why the page is that simple. Could it be expanded? Probably, to questionable benefit. Is that high on the priority list? Of course not.

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 21, 2024, 10:24:07 AM »
You indeed created the quote "I agree with Pete" and then attributed it to me by replying to me: "You just wrote "I agree with Pete"."
It's so funny how obsessed you are with quote fixing. It's part of the old web forum culture, and it's nowhere neat as sinister as you describe it. You had so much time to learn how this place works, but, throughout so many years, across so many alts, you just can't let go of like 3 things.

You aren't unique or special in your prediction that this Antarctic trip would not end up really moving the needle in terms of RE theory or FE theory
And? How does that affect anyone I or anyone else has said here?

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 20, 2024, 10:46:33 AM »
It's good to see that every prediction I've made in May turned out to be exactly correct. Imagine how much real-world good these guys could have done with the money instead.

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 17, 2024, 11:36:36 PM »
Also, while we're creaming our figurative pantaloons over an "experiment" whose outcome no one ever disagreed about, it's a good time to review the analysis of the scammers' finances. Of course, we still don't know much - that's scamming 101 - but we do know some things.

For example, we can now see a funding breakdown of individual attendees.

We can see that 5 people have been "accepted" for a "free trip", which appear to be paid by the TFE guy that nobody has ever heard about. The TFE guy confirmed that, in Jeran's example, he'd be willing to cover all costs up to and exceeding $45k, including Jeran's clothes. Where did this money come from? Haha, don't ask silly questions, teehee! (We all know where it came from; cope and seethe)

What's more interesting is that 5 of the RE'ers have been openly crowd-funded. If we take a very conservative estimate of $160k (which would cover just the AL&E rates, ignoring all other costs), that's $160k that's been taken from YouTube RE fanatics for precisely nothing. If you feel ethically comfortable with this, well, that's on you. Now, imagine if someone looked into how much money actually went into these fundraisers. Gosh, wouldn't that be fun?!

Flat Earth Community / Re: The Final Experiment
« on: December 17, 2024, 11:11:11 PM »
apparently no-one has been scammed.
What makes you think that? As far as I can tell, the opposite happened - known FE grifters teamed up with known RE grifters to get a free holiday and steal a lot of money from fans - all in the name of an "experiment" that FE and RE agreed would produce a consistent outcome long in advance - and you knew this, since you read this thread before posting in it.

So, given that your statement contradicts your own knowledge, one must ask: are you just dim, or are you sinisterly dishonest? "Both" is an option, of course.

Can you explain how the 24 hour sun shown in that video would work on a flat earth?
I don't know if A69 can, but I do  know you can - you've been here for these conversations, and your memory isn't THAT bad yet. In a critical failure scenario, you could have just scrolled up, which you inevitably would do... so, what gives?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 12, 2024, 11:37:12 PM »
he was the obvious choice for Person of the Year.
Nah, they'd be Luigi Mangione

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: December 04, 2024, 09:24:51 PM »
Abusing exec powers is a non-partisan thing. I have plenty to bitch about whoever is President.
Now, have a read through the message you're currently arguing against. You took a message that said comparing the numbers is silly, chose to disagree with it, and now you're listing off reason after reason for why comparing the numbers is silly.

I know a lot more about his story than Trump does.
Evidently not. And, before you have another Certified Doctor Momentâ„¢, this isn't a comment in support of Trump. It's just an indictment of you knowing precisely nothing.

A Presidential pardon is a federal pardon issued by the President.
Mhm, mhm, and that's as opposed to... what other kind of federal pardon, exactly?

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