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Re: Trump
« Reply #7880 on: December 25, 2020, 09:44:54 PM »
Sooo... the COVID bill got axed on two sides.  America is sooo fucked.  This is truely a 2020 christmas.

We still have 7 days to really destroy this country with Trump's scorched earth approach and cap off 2020 to make it a complete and utter shitshow that it is.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7881 on: December 25, 2020, 09:48:54 PM »
It is possible to provide evidence that you didn't murder someone. Establishing alibies, aquiring security cam footage that you were somewhere else at the time, showing receipts/phone location history, proving that the evidence of the murder doesn't fit your profile, proving that it was actually someone else who was the murderer. Plenty of ways.

You sound like you speak from experience. Have you stopped murdering people?

Benford's law is an established method of identifying evidence of election fraud. Iceman said that it was applied wrongly and that anyone who says Biden's votes don't follow Benford's law is doing it wrong. I asked for a source showing that Biden's votes do follow Benford's law and I got silence. Iceman said it was not necessary for liberals to provide such information. They just need to dismiss something as incorrect and rely on their own lacking credibility.

From Walter R. Mebane, Jr., Professor, Department of Political Science and Department of Statistics, Research Professor, Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan, Haven Hall, Ann Arbor, MI (Included background data because all of a sudden you are beholden to who has the better Phd credentials in examining he facts):

Inappropriate Applications of Benford’s Law Regularities to Some Data from the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States
November 2020

"As vote counting is drawing to a close in the 2020 presidential election in the United States, some are claiming that application of Benford’s Law to the precinct vote counts from a few counties and cities give evidence of election fraud. The displays shown at those sources using the first digits of precinct vote counts data from Fulton County, GA, Allegheny County, PA, Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, say nothing about possible frauds
...Final verdicts regarding the elections in these and other jurisdictions should await the production of completed vote counts and should draw on additional information about election processes that go beyond mere vote count data. To date I’ve not heard of any substantial irregularities having occurred anywhere, and the particular datasets examined in this paper give essentially no evidence that election frauds occurred.

I read that. It concluded that in some counties the Biden Harris results were hard to explain, except when you compare it to the results of "some German elections" which he assumed to always be legitimate.

"The 2BL test(based on the second digits and Benford’s Law digit probabilities, (Mebane 2014)) shows
second-digit means that differ significantly from 4.187 for both Biden Harris and
Trump Pence: the Trump Pence result is perfectly compatible with nonstrategic votes (see
Mebane 2013, Figure 2), while the result for Biden Harris is harder to explain—but it
matches results observed in some German elections (Mebane 2013, Figure 22) that are
generally not considered to be problematic."

So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.
This is all so tedious. At least come the 20th it will just be the magaheads/Qanon freaks complaining for 4 years and not gumming up the airwaves and courts with frivolous lawsuits anymore.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7882 on: December 26, 2020, 12:22:37 AM »
So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.

Your source didn't assess all counties. Your source only looked at a few counties, and in those sets found things which were hard to explain.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7883 on: December 26, 2020, 12:47:57 AM »
Hey, Tom, remember when you said this?

You claim nothing is going to happen, that no one is believing the fraud claims, and Biden is going to win, yet less than two hours ago it has escalated to a point to where the Arizona legislature just invoked a constitutional statue to give the Arizona election a contested outcome.


It's been over two weeks, and the Arizona legislature still haven't announced they're contesting the election results. Are you going to admit you were wrong about this, and that maybe Daniel McCarthy wasn't someone to be casually cited as if he were somehow an authoritative source?
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7884 on: December 26, 2020, 01:12:18 AM »
Nope, the AZ Republican legislature did rally to decertify. The AZ house speaker then closed the house due to Covid to prevent the special session needed to decertify.

12/7 - Republican Arizona Legislators Call For Decertification of False Election Results (VIDEO) - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/republican-arizona-legislators-call-decertification-false-election-results-video/

12/9 - Trump supporters target Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers over election results - https://www.azfamily.com/news/politics/election_headquarters/trump-supporters-target-arizona-house-speaker-rusty-bowers-over-election-results/article_8368a120-3a80-11eb-8106-8be083047f7a.html

"Bowers closed the state House this week over concerns of the coronavirus. The move angered some Trump supporters as well as some Republican politicians and sparked a backlash."

12/23 - AZ House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) and AZ Senate Leader Karen Fann (R) are resisting calls for a special session to retroactively certify the Trump electors! - https://thedonald.win/p/11RNk2eyG5/az-house-speaker-rusty-bowers-r-/


The legislature has been otherwise engaged in other avenues until that is sorted.

Dec 15 - Arizona Does What All States Should Do – Issues Subpoenas – Forensic Audit to be Completed in Maricopa County - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/arizona-states-issues-subpoenas-forensic-audit-completed-maricopa-county/

Dec 10 - Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee Will Hold Official Legislative Hearing on Election Integrity with Subpoena Power Tomorrow Morning https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/arizona-senate-judiciary-committee-will-hold-official-legislative-hearing-election-integrity-subpoena-power-tomorrow-morning/

Dec 22 - Arizona GOP senators sue Maricopa County over subpoenas for copies of ballots, records - https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/12/22/arizona-republican-senators-sue-maricopa-county-over-subpoenas-karen-fann-eddie-farnsworth/4016741001/
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 01:24:08 AM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #7885 on: December 26, 2020, 01:41:12 AM »
It's not clear that Benford's law applies to second digits of numbers.  There has been some work on this, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as Benford's law is.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7886 on: December 26, 2020, 03:15:03 AM »
It's not clear that Benford's law applies to second digits of numbers.  There has been some work on this, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as Benford's law is.

Rama Set: "Here are the facks. Source: Myself"

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #7887 on: December 26, 2020, 03:52:47 AM »
It's not clear that Benford's law applies to second digits of numbers.  There has been some work on this, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as Benford's law is.

Rama Set: "Here are the facks. Source: Myself"

No, I’ve listened to mathematicians talk about it. Just like I’ve listened to lawyers talk about the court cases and why I’ve been consistently correct in the outcomes I’ve predicted. If I listened to YouTube videos by dudes with PhDs in Theology, then I’d be wrong all the time. Like you.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7888 on: December 26, 2020, 03:59:35 AM »
So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.

Your source didn't assess all counties. Your source only looked at a few counties, and in those sets found things which were hard to explain.

Like I said, so what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election. Period.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7889 on: December 26, 2020, 04:10:20 AM »
Nope, the AZ Republican legislature did rally to decertify. The AZ house speaker then closed the house due to Covid to prevent the special session needed to decertify.

Hilarious. The irony. They closed due to super spreader Giuliani dripping covid laced hair dye all over the assembly?

"Giuliani COVID-19 diagnosis closes Arizona Legislature"

Dec 22 - Arizona GOP senators sue Maricopa County over subpoenas for copies of ballots, records - https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/12/22/arizona-republican-senators-sue-maricopa-county-over-subpoenas-karen-fann-eddie-farnsworth/4016741001/

Yep, this one just got kicked to the curb too:

"Judge tosses Senate's demand that Maricopa County turn over ballots, other election files"

I'm sure they will try something else...That will fail as well.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7890 on: December 26, 2020, 07:09:01 PM »
It's not clear that Benford's law applies to second digits of numbers.  There has been some work on this, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as Benford's law is.

Rama Set: "Here are the facks. Source: Myself"

No, I’ve listened to mathematicians talk about it. Just like I’ve listened to lawyers talk about the court cases and why I’ve been consistently correct in the outcomes I’ve predicted. If I listened to YouTube videos by dudes with PhDs in Theology, then I’d be wrong all the time. Like you.

You are neither a mathematician or a lawyer, and are therefore not a good source to claim to understand and convey their asserted truths.

If you want to share information from the 'experts' you need to quote them directly and make the conversation about Expert vs. Your Opponent rather than Understanding of a YouTuber vs. Your Opponent. Else you will be summarily dismissed.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #7891 on: December 26, 2020, 07:09:45 PM »
It's not clear that Benford's law applies to second digits of numbers.  There has been some work on this, but it isn't nearly as prevalent as Benford's law is.

Rama Set: "Here are the facks. Source: Myself"

No, I’ve listened to mathematicians talk about it. Just like I’ve listened to lawyers talk about the court cases and why I’ve been consistently correct in the outcomes I’ve predicted. If I listened to YouTube videos by dudes with PhDs in Theology, then I’d be wrong all the time. Like you.

But you are neither a mathematician or a lawyer, and are therefore not a good source to claim to understand and convey their asserted truths.

Neither are you. But I do understand why first digit analyses of benfords law don’t work. It’s super simple actually.

If you want to share information from the 'experts' you need to quote them directly and make the conversation about Expert vs. Your Opponent rather than Understanding of a YouTuber vs. Your Opponent. Else you will be summarily dismissed.

I don’t need to do anything. You dismiss everything anyway. For example, the hand recount in Michigan of hand-filled ballots matched the canvass which matched the machine tabulation which matched the certified results. There was no fraud, but you don’t give a fuck because you are a sycophant and care more about tribalism than the truth. It’s ok, but just like you will never be allowed to forget Mitt Romney’s massive victory, you won’t be allowed to forget this.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7892 on: December 26, 2020, 07:17:22 PM »
You were already debonked about the michigan hand count. Why bring it up again? Desperate. Do keep up.

The Antrim County hand recount, as part of their audit resulted in a 12 vote gain for Trump. Once again, the Dominion Voting Machine conspiracy proves to be filled with pure crap.



The content in this story is false or misleading and suggests that there were very minor discrepancies found. This is incorrect. The hand recount in Antrim didn't show minor discrepancies from the original reported results on election day. It showed major discrepancies. The county originally declared that Biden won in Antrim county, but that was later revised to declare that Trump won, and a hand recount showed the original election claim to be false.

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night


"A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed that a Michigan county falsely reported on election night a win for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The recount in Antrim County found 9,759 votes for President Donald Trump, versus 5,959 for Biden.

On Nov. 3, county officials said Biden received over 3,000 more votes than Trump. Two days later, they said Trump won by about 2,500 votes. A third change took place on Nov. 21, with Trump being certified the winner by nearly 4,000 votes.

Officials blamed the skewed results on human error.

Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software."

Here is another source which reported that there were significant discrepancies from the original reported Antrim county election night results, which your link hides or neglects to report:


"BELLAIRE, Mich. (AP) — President Donald Trump didn’t win Michigan, but he can put a small county in the victory column after an unusual second look at the results.

Trump defeated Joe Biden in Antrim County, getting 56% of the vote, according to revised totals posted Thursday. Republican John James was the favorite in the Senate race.

“It certainly makes a lot more sense with people who are familiar with Antrim County,” said Jeremy Scott, deputy county administrator.

Questions were raised after the county first reported a local landslide for Biden, a Democrat, in an area that usually votes Republican. Officials acknowledged the results seemed “skewed” and promised a second look. More than 16,000 votes were cast."
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 07:24:08 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7893 on: December 26, 2020, 07:20:18 PM »
So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.

Your source didn't assess all counties. Your source only looked at a few counties, and in those sets found things which were hard to explain.

Like I said, so what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election. Period.

How did your source find no systemic fraud if he only looked at a few counties? You can't make a conclusion from what you presented. Quite disingenuous of you.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7894 on: December 26, 2020, 07:29:11 PM »
You were already debonked about the michigan hand count. Why bring it up again? Desperate. Do keep up.

The Antrim County hand recount, as part of their audit resulted in a 12 vote gain for Trump. Once again, the Dominion Voting Machine conspiracy proves to be filled with pure crap.



The content in this story is false or misleading and suggests that there were very minor discrepancies found. This is incorrect. The hand recount in Antrim didn't show minor discrepancies from the original reported results on election day. It showed major discrepancies. The county originally declared that Biden won in Antrim county, but that was later revised to declare that Trump won, and a hand recount showed the original election claim to be false.

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night


"A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed that a Michigan county falsely reported on election night a win for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The recount in Antrim County found 9,759 votes for President Donald Trump, versus 5,959 for Biden.

On Nov. 3, county officials said Biden received over 3,000 more votes than Trump. Two days later, they said Trump won by about 2,500 votes. A third change took place on Nov. 21, with Trump being certified the winner by nearly 4,000 votes.

Officials blamed the skewed results on human error.

Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software."

Here is another source which reported that there were significant discrepancies from the original reported Antrim county election night results, which your link hides or neglects to report:


"BELLAIRE, Mich. (AP) — President Donald Trump didn’t win Michigan, but he can put a small county in the victory column after an unusual second look at the results.

Trump defeated Joe Biden in Antrim County, getting 56% of the vote, according to revised totals posted Thursday. Republican John James was the favorite in the Senate race.

“It certainly makes a lot more sense with people who are familiar with Antrim County,” said Jeremy Scott, deputy county administrator.

Questions were raised after the county first reported a local landslide for Biden, a Democrat, in an area that usually votes Republican. Officials acknowledged the results seemed “skewed” and promised a second look. More than 16,000 votes were cast."

Again, old news.  We know they (the county) screwed up but fixed it with a hand recount.  So its fine.  Trump won it, which is fine.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #7895 on: December 26, 2020, 08:21:07 PM »
So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.

Your source didn't assess all counties. Your source only looked at a few counties, and in those sets found things which were hard to explain.

Like I said, so what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election. Period.

How did your source find no systemic fraud if he only looked at a few counties? You can't make a conclusion from what you presented. Quite disingenuous of you.

You've been making disingenuous conclusions based upon a single county here and there for over a month now. So you must be joking. As well as making disingenuous conclusions based upon a motor pool mechanic who Sydney Powell falsely claimed was a cyber security specialist, a day-drinking "witness", Some guy who is an economist, not a statistician making wild statistical claims...and on and on. So don't try and tell me I'm being disingenuous when you wrote the book on it and have been nothing but disingenuous since 11/3. Everyone can see that. I don't know why you can't.

And as far as sources go, how about former Attorney General and Trump loyalist, Bill Barr?  Who said, "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #7896 on: December 26, 2020, 08:38:09 PM »
"I don't understand recounts" -Tom Bishop, Every Election Year

Wow, fascinating.  It's like you just wanted to prove my point.

Re: Trump
« Reply #7897 on: December 27, 2020, 03:03:32 PM »
You were already debonked about the michigan hand count. Why bring it up again? Desperate. Do keep up.

fyi: that a hand recount found errors and corrected them is actually the opposite of the point you should be making
I have visited from prestigious research institutions of the highest caliber, to which only our administrator holds with confidence.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #7898 on: December 27, 2020, 03:32:40 PM »
You were already debonked about the michigan hand count. Why bring it up again? Desperate. Do keep up.

fyi: that a hand recount found errors and corrected them is actually the opposite of the point you should be making

The errors were found before the hand recount and certification happened and the numbers were corrected.  A hand recount confirmed those corrected numbers were accurate and there was no significant deviation from the canvass either.  The Dominion conspiracy in Antrim County was utterly toothless; at best the process needs to be evaluated so errors can be caught quicker, but the errors were caught regardless and were not nefarious.  Tom either doesn't understand what his own accusations are or doesn't care what the truth is and just yearns, nay throbs for Trump.  Maybe both.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #7899 on: December 27, 2020, 06:10:19 PM »
So what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election.

Your source didn't assess all counties. Your source only looked at a few counties, and in those sets found things which were hard to explain.

Like I said, so what? Still no systemic fraud that altered the outcome of the election. Period.

How did your source find no systemic fraud if he only looked at a few counties? You can't make a conclusion from what you presented. Quite disingenuous of you.

You've been making disingenuous conclusions based upon a single county here and there for over a month now. So you must be joking. As well as making disingenuous conclusions based upon a motor pool mechanic who Sydney Powell falsely claimed was a cyber security specialist, a day-drinking "witness", Some guy who is an economist, not a statistician making wild statistical claims...and on and on. So don't try and tell me I'm being disingenuous when you wrote the book on it and have been nothing but disingenuous since 11/3. Everyone can see that. I don't know why you can't.

And as far as sources go, how about former Attorney General and Trump loyalist, Bill Barr?  Who said, "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

We have already talked about positive evidence for fraud, for which there is plenty. We are now talking about the positive evidence for no fraud. You have admitted to have insufficient evidence and are only imagining that there is no systemic fraud, essentially saying "so what, I don't need evidence." This is a ridiculous sentiment.

The errors were found before the hand recount and certification happened and the numbers were corrected.  A hand recount confirmed those corrected numbers were accurate and there was no significant deviation from the canvass either.  The Dominion conspiracy in Antrim County was utterly toothless; at best the process needs to be evaluated so errors can be caught quicker, but the errors were caught regardless and were not nefarious.  Tom either doesn't understand what his own accusations are or doesn't care what the truth is and just yearns, nay throbs for Trump.  Maybe both.

The election night results in that county were found to be very wrong. They reported that Joe Biden won by a local landslide, and a second look and count revealed that actually Trump had won. A later hand recount confirmed that Trump won in that county and affirmed that second look count. You are claiming that because the later hand recount confirmed that 'second look' count that the original election was legitimate and that the Dominion machine audit which found machine issues in that county should be disregarded. Lol no. Your increasingly desperate arguments that forensic audits should be disregarded are from a losing position.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 06:28:35 PM by Tom Bishop »