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Messages - ggrupea

Pages: [1]
Technology & Information / Re: do select * lock tables on oracle 10 and 11
« on: December 04, 2017, 08:47:36 PM »
The wildcard (*) is very far from a "fast-track to not put the columns name". If anything, it's the opposite of a fast-track.

What I'm looking for, is to demostrate the select * is a wrong solution on querys. I'm trying to generate an advance documentation to discuss with some coworkers who said this is wrong.

Technology & Information / do select * lock tables on oracle 10 and 11
« on: December 01, 2017, 06:14:01 PM »
Hi everyone, here with a friend are discussing about oracle locks on databases and how to resolve that problem. I have been talking about for a lot of days, and thinking about data trees architecture and why locks happen. We have tried some solutions and the only one we see working better is putting the columns name on the query. That's very curious, because I undestarnd about * is just a "fast track" to don't put the columns name.

I was thinking on the difference is because when you put a "*" on the query, the server have to go to master tables to recover the columns name and data types. But, I still thinking if this is the correct response or not.

Somebody have any iddea about what is the difference?

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