
Offline Tom Bishop

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Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:26:14 PM »
All diseases can be cured through natural means. Diabetes, Chrons, Arthritis, Lyme, Asthma, Ebola, Polio, and many more diseases which are thought to be "incurable" are easily cured by cleaning the body and providing the nutrients and vitamins it needs to combat the disease.

There is a website called curezone.com, where people the world over get together and speak about what works for them. There are thousands of willing and desperate people who are willing to try anything, any supplements, any diet, any fast, any cleanse, to rid themselves of their ailments. I've heard of people with Diabetes curing themselves with a purely raw diet. There are stories of Chrons sufferers curing themselves with DIY fecal transplants. Arthritis is a symptom of toxicity, and is virtually eliminated once the body is detoxified with a substance like organic sulfer. Bilary colic and galbladder disease is cured via liver flushing. Asthma is really a fungus infection of the lungs, and can be cured with anti-fungals. A lot of these methods are ancient, but the power of the internet has brought people together to experiment and refine on a large scale.

There is a conspiracy in medicine. I've learned a lot over the last year I've been sick with my own disease affecting every organ in my body. I've come to the concision that doctors don't really know much. They went to medical school and were taught by the industry and pharmaceutical companies with a twisted view of medicine designed to maximize profits. See, a pharmaceutical company can't get behind a substance like Vitamin C, because it is unpatentable. No pharmaceutical company will invest tens of millions of dollars to put Vitamin C through the FDA approval process because it gets them nowhere. There is no protection for a substance anyone can make.

Pharmaceutical companies maximize profits by educating medical students under their allopathic version of medicine where profit trumps health. Antibiotics are handed out like candy. People are kept on Proton Pump Inhibitors for years. Cancer treatments literally poison the body. If you're old and in pain, doctors would rather treat you with pain killers and call it a cure, than to figure out the root cause of the condition. If you get worse with the poisons they're feeding you, all the better, it just means more profit for them when you crawl back begging for more.

The greatest minds of medicine are not at Stanford University, but at schools like Bastyr University, the top Naturopathic school in the country. Students are taught the truth about the human body, and the truth about disease. They are not fed lies like "having yellow stools for a long period of time is of no concern" like you would hear in a medical school. If you complain of light colored stools you will go untreated. But yellow stools are a bad thing and lead to other diseases. It means there is a bilary duct obstruction and must be treated by removing the liver stones with a Liver Flush and liver cleansing. There is no such thing as a liver flush, or cleaning of the organs, in allopathic medicine. If you ever develop gallbladder disease the recommendation is removal. If you develop liver disease you are put on a waiting list for a transplant, hoping that you get a liver before you die like many others have with that disease.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 11:21:08 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 02:46:12 PM »
All diseases can be cured through natural means. Diabetes, Chrons, Arthritis, Lyme, Asthma, Ebola, Polio, and many more diseases which are thought to be "incurable" are easily cured by cleaning the body and providing the nutrients and vitamins it needs to combat the disease.

Ebola is easily curable? 

Oh wait.. Mr. Bishop


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 03:08:44 PM »
All diseases can be cured through natural means. Diabetes, Chrons, Arthritis, Lyme, Asthma, Ebola, Polio, and many more diseases which are thought to be "incurable" are easily cured by cleaning the body and providing the nutrients and vitamins it needs to combat the disease.

Ebola is easily curable? 

There is an easy cure for Ebola as there is for any viral disease. Ebola can be  easily cured via Vitamin C injections.

The main reason we don't see the FDA and CDC descending on Africa with Vitamin C is because this single vitamin threatens trillion dollar empires. They would rather see people die than Vitamin C take off. Vitamin C, an acid natural to the body, is the ammunition the immune system uses to combat viruses, bacteria, and fungus which invade the body. The immune system identifies the disease the uses the vitamin acid to dissolve it from existence. By receiving mega-doses of the vitamin, a vitamin which cannot be created by the body, we can assist the immune system in its natural process of combating disease.

Have you ever noticed that dogs and other animals rarely get sick, except maybe right before they're about to die? We don't see many animals with chronic long-term diseases like we see in humans. That's because their bodies naturally create megadoses of Vitamin C in times of crisis. Humans and a few other species such as Guinea Pigs, are among the few who cannot create Vitamin C and must receive it from an outside source.

Vitamin C is the cure for many diseases. It has been studied for the last 60 years. There are few conditions it cannot help out with. This single vitamin has been suppressed by higher powers because they are afraid of it. It can cure tuberculosis. It can cure the common cold. It can cure pancreatis. It can cure polio and malaria and influenza and pneumonia. In sufficient quantity it can even cure cancer.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 04:22:17 PM by Tom Bishop »

Ghost of V

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 04:27:56 PM »
Vitamin C injections... I'm seeing a pattern here.


Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 04:30:27 PM »
What fruit should one eat to cure HIV?

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2014, 04:41:18 PM »
What fruit should one eat to cure HIV?
Fruits are what cause HIV. Without the fruits, God wouldn't punish man with this horrible disease.


Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2014, 04:42:42 PM »
No, God is punishing people for pushing their penises into bottoms or sleeping with people who do.

Rama Set

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2014, 04:48:59 PM »
All diseases can be cured through natural means. Diabetes, Chrons, Arthritis, Lyme, Asthma, Ebola, Polio, and many more diseases which are thought to be "incurable" are easily cured by cleaning the body and providing the nutrients and vitamins it needs to combat the disease.

Ebola is easily curable? 

There is an easy cure for Ebola as there is for any viral disease. Ebola can be  easily cured via Vitamin C injections.

The main reason we don't see the FDA and CDC descending on Africa with Vitamin C is because this single vitamin threatens trillion dollar empires. They would rather see people die than Vitamin C take off. Vitamin C, an acid natural to the body, is the ammunition the immune system uses to combat viruses, bacteria, and fungus which invade the body. The immune system identifies the disease the uses the vitamin acid to dissolve it from existence. By receiving mega-doses of the vitamin, a vitamin which cannot be created by the body, we can assist the immune system in its natural process of combating disease.

Have you ever noticed that dogs and other animals rarely get sick, except maybe right before they're about to die? We don't see many animals with chronic long-term diseases like we see in humans. That's because their bodies naturally create megadoses of Vitamin C in times of crisis. Humans and a few other species such as Guinea Pigs, are among the few who cannot create Vitamin C and must receive it from an outside source.

Vitamin C is the cure for many diseases. It has been studied for the last 60 years. There are few conditions it cannot help out with. This single vitamin has been suppressed by higher powers because they are afraid of it. It can cure tuberculosis. It can cure the common cold. It can cure pancreatis. It can cure polio and malaria and influenza and pneumonia. In sufficient quantity it can even cure cancer.

Cmon man.  If you think curing every disease is curable by a Vitamin C injection, then you are an easy target for the billion dollar market: homeopathic cures which is for the most unsubstantiated wives tales with no science backing it up.

Rama Set

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2014, 04:49:25 PM »
No, God is punishing people for pushing their penises into bottoms or sleeping with people who do.

Why are you repeating what Duck Dodgers said.


Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2014, 04:50:56 PM »
No, God is punishing people for pushing their penises into bottoms or sleeping with people who do.

Why are you repeating what Duck Dodgers said.
I missed the pun. I have been at work all day. I'm tired and susceptible to being outwitted. I should log off to preserve my reputation. :(

Ghost of V

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2014, 04:51:36 PM »
Cmon man.  If you think curing every disease is curable by a Vitamin C injection, then you are an easy target for the billion dollar market: homeopathic cures which is for the most unsubstantiated wives tales with no science backing it up.

This is when the medical conspiracies start getting involved..

"Vitamin C is considered quack cure because big pharma wants to make money off you by killing you"

It's circular reasoning. The only solution is to let Tom OD on Vitamin C then continue letting him claim that his kidney stones are curing his terminal illness.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 04:54:04 PM by Vauxhall »


Offline markjo

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Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2014, 04:53:49 PM »
Vitamin C injections... I'm seeing a pattern here.
Vitamin Conspiracy?
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2014, 04:54:33 PM »
What fruit should one eat to cure HIV?

The treatment for HIV is Vitamin C.


The Truth about HIV and Vitamin C

A Cure For AIDS?

High Levels of Vitamin C Prove Toxic to HIV

What Doctors Don't Tell You: Vitamin C Cures AIDS

Ghost of V

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2014, 04:55:53 PM »
Vitamin C injections... I'm seeing a pattern here.
Vitamin Conspiracy?

Huge, overarching conspiracy. Completely legit news source.


Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2014, 05:01:05 PM »
What fruit should one eat to cure HIV?

The treatment for HIV is Vitamin C.


The Truth about HIV and Vitamin C

A Cure For AIDS?

High Levels of Vitamin C Prove Toxic to HIV

What Doctors Don't Tell You: Vitamin C Cures AIDS

From the conclusion paragraph of your own source, Tom
Quote from: http://wwddtydty.com/2013/10/wddty-lies-vitamin-c-aids-cure/
The claim that Vitamin C cures AIDS was at the centre of vitamin überquack Patrick Holford‘s attempts to silence Ben Goldacre. It is, needless to say, complete bollocks.

Rama Set

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2014, 05:11:43 PM »
What fruit should one eat to cure HIV?

The treatment for HIV is Vitamin C.


The Truth about HIV and Vitamin C

A Cure For AIDS?

High Levels of Vitamin C Prove Toxic to HIV

What Doctors Don't Tell You: Vitamin C Cures AIDS

Although none of those sources say that Vitamin C cures AIDS or HIV, just that it outperforms AZT, the last link in particular says that that claim is untrue.  Following some of the links contained therein you find a significant dissenting opinion, even among those who once supported Holford's claim.



I might recommend you do a bit more research before you completely abandon the medical mainstream.  After all, not all countries allow Big Pharma in to the classroom or offices of doctor's, and modern medicine is responsible for a steady increase in people's life spans.

Happy hunting.

EDIT: Ninja'ed by Thork, so also: What Thork said.

Ghost of V

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2014, 05:17:29 PM »
How much Vitamin C would I have to take to become immortal?


Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2014, 05:19:34 PM »
How much Vitamin C would I have to take to become immortal?
You are confusing vitamin C with Vodka & Redbull.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2014, 05:22:37 PM »
High Levels of Vitamin C Prove Toxic to HIV

If Vitamin C does nothing to HIV, and was complete bs, then what is this study doing here?

It proves that the HIV load was reduced with Vitamin C. It proves that the body uses Vitamin C to cure itself of disease.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 10:34:32 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Natural Medicine is better than Unnatural Medicine
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2014, 05:30:10 PM »
At the same time, however, extremely high levels of the vitamin are more toxic to the HIV-infected cells than to healthy immune cells, the investigators report in the Feb. 28 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

How does more toxic to HIV cells than healthy immune cells make it a cure for HIV?  What dosage is required to completely cure someone of HIV. There is no indication.  Maybe that is because:

The laboratory research provides the foundation to begin to understand the relationship among vitamin C, HIV infection, and cell metabolism, and may lead to new therapeutic targets to counter the AIDS virus, he added.

It looks like the connection you are claiming is not claimed by this clinic.  Instead it was an interesting preliminary result that deserves further research.  This is not a cure and to claim so is irresponsible.