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Messages - Tron

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Okay, we'll see how the cards fall.   :-X

So, I just watched a short video of Putin saying he wants peace and end the war.  I believe him.

Once the Donbass regions were admitted into Russia then Russia has achieved it's goals in the war.   

So, here we are.  We could not stop him from acquiring anything in Ukraine.  It has happened. 

We can continue to fight, and fight, and fight, or we can try to think diplomatically.  On what terms can we agree to a ceasefire?

I don't think we are getting the Donbass regions back.  They do not want to be part of the new government of Ukraine and have been fighting for independence for a decade. 

Crimea is an interesting topic.  I'm still not comfortable with Russia's annexation of it. They did not win themselves any friends.

Before the war started in 2014, Ukraine and Russia docked there naval fleets together in Crimea.  Russia took there ships and started to return them but cited violence in Donbass would make them keep the rest of them. Although they have not been converted into the Russian fleet.

My hope is that if Russia and Ukraine can agree on a suitable form of government in Ukraine  then the possibility of Ukraine playing a bigger part in Crimea is realistic. 

I guess the alternative is to go with the Western narrative that Russia sucks, they're wrong, and do not appreciate Ukrainian free will.  And we can continue to fight until we are blue in the face and recruit all of Ukraine and anyone else to join.  It's a beautiful idea...

I just have doubts as to the absoluteness of "our" cause meaning Western-Ukrainian relations.  And I don't want to encourage an endless war in light of this.

Lol,. I hope a bigger war doesn't happen...  I'm all for finding truth.

So your saying if you travel as far north as you can you'll go into a boundry?  on most maps the center of earth is the "north" and so you'll just go accross the arctic ice sheets and end up in north america if you leave Norway anyway..

I happen to think the "edge" is due north though, but I don't think thats what you saying.

In Zelenskyy defense he does speak Ukranian, Russian, and English so he might be in a good position to negotiate..   He's also a friend of Trump...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 07, 2022, 10:47:15 PM »
I might play with a glass bowl and put the sun above and below it but for now the glass atmodome is the best I have.

  I'll try to fill a dome with water and record the lighting effects.  Someday I'll stick a GoPro in there and record the results. 

The most accurate experiment is to fill a dome with air and bring it to space and compare it to the vacuum of space.   ;D

Stack - I can't speak for another group, but in my point of view Gorbatrev was a popular person among american business professionals and seen as a friend.  During the Bush era, Putin seemed to support America in whatever it is we thought was necessary.

Over the past 10 years it seems like nobody domestically or overseas, friend or foe, was reporting good news on TV..

I personally don't understand why Putin took Crimea.  It was offensive.  But so was the Maiden revolution in Ukraine, and the supposed strong arming of Russia to pressure Ukraine out of an importnat EU Trade deal.

It just doesn't end...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 04, 2022, 03:05:25 PM »
These are great websites..  Thanks..

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 04, 2022, 07:17:55 AM »
It's not, but the atmosphere has water vapor which can add to refraction...

It seems you have not studied the effects of water vapor on the index of refraction.

Also, the sun sets in deserts and over the ocean alike.  Ascribing correct or incorrect effects of water vapor doesn't help.

Okay, fair enough.   Nitrogen and Oxygen are 99% of the earth's atmosphere - not water vapor.

I'm still trying to find data about the properties of the atmosphere after which I can compare the effects of refraction.

no way, you can see the weather outside!

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 07:36:42 PM »
I hope to make a more accurate model to scale to test some of these assumptions...

And yeah, I believe in space travel and photography.  The only way to reconcile FE Theory and space travel in my view is to not doubt its authenticity, rather finding a different interpretation of the data if called for.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 05:43:52 PM »
Cashew its like saying refraction exists through solid mediums - liquid mediums - and gaseous atmospheric mediums...  Its an established phenomenon.  We can argue how much atmospheric refraction exists which I think is your general point.

I can give you a few numbers as to what the diameter of the earth is, sun, moon, and distance between them but its really not worth it.   

But generally I'd put all my distances within thousands of miles which is similar to some general FE theory.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 03:42:52 PM »
The bulb is definitely too big but I'm not sure about the distance being wrong.  I used to think a spotlight sun was the only way to simulate the day/night and other observations on earth but then I tried different distances and they all worked the same.  I'm trying to recreate Voyager 1 photos of the sun and earth to get a more accurate simulation...

Here's a close up of the Earth Sun relationship...

Earth is located where it says "E", Venus "V" and the sun appears in only some photos but I marked it as "Sun".  You can see how far away Earth is relative to the Sun which I hope isn't too far off from my photo.  Moving the lightbulb away like I did is not accurate but I was just proving the point of atmospheric refraction.  If you actually turn the Map in a circular motion or in many other configurations you can also get a sunset and night effect.  It's bizarre almost but the light just fades away.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 03:10:54 PM »
It's not, but the atmosphere has water vapor which can add to refraction...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 02:51:35 PM »
Yes solid..

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Comprehensive explanation for sunsets
« on: October 02, 2022, 09:38:28 AM »

Here is another FE theory about Sunsets.  In the first image, you can see a light bulb hovering over a flat earth map with a glass magnifying dome on top.  You can see how half the earth is covered with light and the other half in darkness (night).

To explain sunsets, you need to understand how light is seen from earth through an atmospheric dome... In this short video, I placed a camera beneath the dome pictured above and slowly walked away to simulate the sun moving away from observers during a sunset.  As you can see, the glass dome slowly fades the image of the light bulb into darkness...

Yes, perhaps not everybody voted but I I think there was an effort to include residents of the area, including those who fled to Russia.  It does seem like a high number.  Zelenskyy said he's concerned about people within these regions who may not be so quick to pick sides.

Why does anyone doubt that the some regions in eastern Ukraine would want to seperate themselves from the current Ukrainian government?  In 2014, the same government overthrew there Russian Guy who has since been in exile in Russia. ?

Thanks :)

So apparently they have scrapped Tuesday's 9/27 launch attempt because of Hurricane Ian approaching Florida's launch site (See images below).  Later Tonight or Tomorrow Nasa will decide whether to move the shuttle back to its main housing facility. IF they do, then their next October 2nd launch attempt will be scrapped and a later date will be made. 

Today's Weather (9/25)

Tuesday's Forecast (9/27)

Update:  The spacecraft will be moved to its "Vehicle Assembly Building" 4 miles from the launch site.  A new Launch date hasn't been mentioned.  AND Nasa just crashed a rocket into an Astroid with there "DART" mission...  It looked like a video game.  :)

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