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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #400 on: December 26, 2014, 10:03:42 PM »
I personally don't like the series because the story isn't interesting at all to me. The religious elements mixed with the animus are just bizarre. If those elements were taken out and you simply played as a different assassin in different settings then I think I would like it a lot more. But as it stands, the story is so uninteresting that I don't even pay attention to cut scenes anymore and generally have no idea why I'm killing anyone. But the repetitiveness mixed with bad story just flop. They're beautiful games and I honestly wished I liked them more.

Maybe I only like the first one because I was in my stoner prime and loved nothing more than to get really high and try to find flags. My enjoyment of the game didn't really extend past that.

Ghost of V

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #401 on: December 26, 2014, 10:28:17 PM »
I'll elaborate. I agree with both rooster and Vindictus on their points, but will also add some of my own.

The entirety of the gameplay is shallow and boring. The combat is clunky and feels very unnatural. That's my biggest issue with the series other than the really pretentious and unnecessary story elements. Why are we playing as a modern day guy accessing genetic memories? Why can't we just play as the Ezio or whatever his name is? Was this really necessary? It's like they couldn't figure out how to make the story work without adding a little twist to it that feels tacked on and unnecessary when compared to the gameplay. Plus, the story feels like it was written by a mentally handicapped Dan Brown. This is Ubisoft, after all, so I'm not really surprised.

Interrogation is entirely unrealistic, too easy, and predictable. You follow a guy around until there are no guards. Then you knock him around a bit and he tells you everything. This happens every time. No variation. It's not fun. This also applies to things like eavesdropping (sit on a bench and press x, ohhhh so cool). Then there's the retarted flag fetch quest where you have to collect 40 or so flags just to get information from this one guy. What a tedious waste of time.

The game is based on stealthily killing people, yet the game makes it very hard to do that. In theory all you have to do is sneak around your target until the guards are gone, but there are far too many guards and I almost always ended up alerting them which resulted in a street brawl between the guards and if I got lucky the target who, for some stupid reason, thought it was a good idea to join the street brawl with an obvious assassin. Sure, I still kill the target and a bunch of guards, but that's not assassination. It doesn't help that the controls are unintuitive and clunky, making the combat annoying so I just end up doing the same basic moves over and over to dispatch all my enemies.

Plus, if you're trying to find a target, good luck spotting him in the vast clusterfuck that are the various streets in the game. Add the weird cyberpunk-esque lines and data floating about above people and it becomes very confusing very quickly, not to mention out of place and weird for the setting.

The world itself is pretty cool, though. It's large enough and diverse enough to be interesting, but unfortunately the lackluster gameplay kinda ruins that for me.

The parkour elements are also cool, but are boring after about 30 minutes. All you have to do is run up to stuff and press a single button to do every acrobatic feat ever imaginable. There should be more variation with the controls when it comes to free-running.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:33:28 PM by Vauxhall »


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #402 on: December 27, 2014, 02:12:57 AM »
I think armored core is a great game with robots and they also made Lost kingdoms which is way better than kingdom hearts
Maple syrup was a kind of candy, made from the blood of trees.

Ghost of V

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #403 on: December 27, 2014, 02:18:37 AM »
I think armored core is a great game with robots and they also made Lost kingdoms which is way better than kingdom hearts

They made Dark Souls too.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #404 on: December 27, 2014, 09:56:36 AM »
I think armored core is a great game with robots and they also made Lost kingdoms which is way better than kingdom hearts

They made Dark Souls too.
I know but not saying dark soul would allow me to get to speak again.
Maple syrup was a kind of candy, made from the blood of trees.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #405 on: December 28, 2014, 07:29:11 PM »
Portal and Portal 2

The bae bought Portal 2 for me for Christmas and we've been playing co-op which is really fun and I have a good knack for it. So I installed the first Portal which my brother bought me forever ago. I don't like the first one as much and I've yet to think Glados is funny at all, but I do like thinking with portals.

Ghost of V

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #406 on: December 28, 2014, 07:34:07 PM »
Portal and Portal 2

The bae bought Portal 2 for me for Christmas and we've been playing co-op which is really fun and I have a good knack for it. So I installed the first Portal which my brother bought me forever ago. I don't like the first one as much and I've yet to think Glados is funny at all, but I do like thinking with portals.

I feel like Portal was an experiment on Valve's part. Maybe they were testing the portal gun before it's implementation in Half-Life 3 (my personal theory as I think Half-Life 3 will reference the Portal series). They gave it away for free with CS: Source and Half-Life 2, and people seemed to like it a lot so they made a more fleshed out version: Portal 2. The story and characters in Portal 2 are better by far, but the original Portal is still great as a puzzle game and the extra missions are surprisingly challenging.

I like both, but Portal is the only one I've beaten. Portal 2 seemed to drag a bit, while Portal has a nice progression to it. It's short and sweet like cake.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #407 on: December 28, 2014, 08:30:09 PM »
I only ever played the first Half-Life, I think it was actually the first computer game I played (outside of educational kid games). Portal makes me want to revisit Half-Life with all the sound effects, acid, and being able to look around after you die. Gives me a big case of nostalgia.

Ghost of V

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #408 on: December 28, 2014, 08:30:47 PM »
I only ever played the first Half-Life, I think it was actually the first computer game I played (outside of educational kid games). Portal makes me want to revisit Half-Life with all the sound effects, acid, and being able to look around after you die. Gives me a big case of nostalgia.

Half-Life 2 is great. I recommend it. If you like Portal you'll probably like Half-Life 2 as well. The gravity gun is a lot of fun.  8)


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #409 on: December 28, 2014, 08:46:26 PM »
I watched my brother play it and I didn't care for the look of it. The elements I loved about the first one seem to be gone in the second. I like the closed-off, secluded, and restrictive feeling of being isolated inside a building not really knowing what's happening. In the second you have Alyx, a whole city, and some weird new alien/human empire crap. Eh.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #410 on: December 29, 2014, 12:48:37 AM »
I watched my brother play it and I didn't care for the look of it. The elements I loved about the first one seem to be gone in the second. I like the closed-off, secluded, and restrictive feeling of being isolated inside a building not really knowing what's happening. In the second you have Alyx, a whole city, and some weird new alien/human empire crap. Eh.

The environment is different, but the gameplay is pretty much the same. If you found the first one to be fun, the second one will be too, regardless of how you feel about the change in setting.

Ghost of V

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #411 on: December 29, 2014, 12:54:15 AM »
I watched my brother play it and I didn't care for the look of it. The elements I loved about the first one seem to be gone in the second. I like the closed-off, secluded, and restrictive feeling of being isolated inside a building not really knowing what's happening. In the second you have Alyx, a whole city, and some weird new alien/human empire crap. Eh.

The environment is different, but the gameplay is pretty much the same. If you found the first one to be fun, the second one will be too, regardless of how you feel about the change in setting.

This. I actually like Half-Life 2 much better than the original. The original feels dated and hard to play, but that might just be because I played Half-Life 2 first.

Saddam Hussein

Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #412 on: December 29, 2014, 01:01:49 AM »
Half-Life is literally the best game that ever existed.  Rushy knows what I'm talking about.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #413 on: December 29, 2014, 01:39:52 AM »
Half-Life is literally the best game that ever existed.  Rushy knows what I'm talking about.

Half-Life and Morrowind are literally the best games in the universe. Nostalgia Nostalgia Nostalgia


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #414 on: December 29, 2014, 01:43:30 AM »
I'm playing The Long Dark. If you like harsh survival games and thick ambience, I heartily recommend it.
Your mom is when your mom and you arent your mom.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #415 on: December 29, 2014, 02:27:08 AM »
I watched my brother play it and I didn't care for the look of it. The elements I loved about the first one seem to be gone in the second. I like the closed-off, secluded, and restrictive feeling of being isolated inside a building not really knowing what's happening. In the second you have Alyx, a whole city, and some weird new alien/human empire crap. Eh.

The environment is different, but the gameplay is pretty much the same. If you found the first one to be fun, the second one will be too, regardless of how you feel about the change in setting.
But the environment was why I loved it. sigh

The gameplay was okay, but probably not enough for me to care for the second game. My brother bought me Half-Life 2 along with Portal... maybe one day I'll install and play it.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #416 on: December 29, 2014, 02:59:23 PM »
But the environment was why I loved it. sigh

The gameplay was okay, but probably not enough for me to care for the second game. My brother bought me Half-Life 2 along with Portal... maybe one day I'll install and play it.

I can't say anything. I had the Orange Box for a year before I actually played Half-Life 2. That was back when I was a dirty console peasant and I discovered that Team Fortress was tons better on the computer (until the whole hat shenanigans began).


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #417 on: December 29, 2014, 03:06:04 PM »
I think it was the first thing I had in my Steam account just because my brother would not stop badgering me about the Orange box. Growing up I loved watching him play computer games, over one summer break it was a huge ritual that every night he played Half-Life while I watched. It's probably one of my favorite memories with him.

Anyway, I made it Glados last night but stopped cause I didn't want to beat the game in one day. Portal is waaaay too easy.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #418 on: December 29, 2014, 03:07:38 PM »
I think it was the first thing I had in my Steam account just because my brother would not stop badgering me about the Orange box. Growing up I loved watching him play computer games, over one summer break it was a huge ritual that every night he played Half-Life while I watched. It's probably one of my favorite memories with him.

Anyway, I made it Glados last night but stopped cause I didn't want to beat the game in one day. Portal is waaaay too easy.

Portal is little more than a tech demo. If it takes you more than 3 hours to complete it, sorry, but you've been diagnosed with mental retardation.


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Re: Now Playing (the Video Game Version)
« Reply #419 on: December 29, 2014, 03:47:01 PM »
I hear good things about the Portal 2 campaign and look forward to that one.