I agree, and imo that’s the entire issue with current FE status. It seeks to provide a descriptional account for its claims - which it has yet to fully do. While RE (or just “science”) provides an explanatory framework.
As you have been unable to find a single physicist who says that the three body problem is solved or working for the Sun-Earth-Moon system, this is false. You are unable to contradict the many sources and physicists who say that the Three Body Problem is insoluble except for some symmetrical solutions.
Your model can't even keep the Sun, Earth and Moon together.
I am new to this site (but have read the seven or eight most recent threads in two of the forums in their entirety). I have no background or expertise that really applies - I have English and history degrees (though not scientific or cartographic history, etc.), I have taught 9th and 10th grade HS English, and now I work for a very small tabletop game publisher. Luckily, it seems that no expertise is really needed - just clear thinking and reasoning. (As an aside, I'm here because the apparently growing FE belief is fascinating to me, much more so than traditional conspiracy theories).
I have a point (at least I believe I do!
), but it will take a teeny bit to get to. Bear with me.
First, I need to summarize/characterize this discussion up to your comment if I may (I am sure I'll be savaging some of your words as I rephrase and summarize them, so let me know if I misrepresented anyone) -
The observation that the same face of the moon is seen by people standing in different continents is a big problem for FET. The Wiki doesn't provide an answer. Pete:
That's not actually a problem for FET Me:
[with limited knowledge of physics, astrophysics, geomatics, climatology, or really any physical sciences], well, actually, it's quite an obvious problem that should be readily apparent even to a layman like me. [Reads several sections of the Wiki to make sure I didn't miss something] Also, in looking at this animation further, two more problems arise: 1) A "spotlight" sun is not what we observe, and 2) the moon and sun do not dramatically distort in size as they travel their course, which would clearly be the case if the FE animation were accurate. [Re-checks the Wiki, still finds no answer to these issues.] JSS:
The claim is that light can bend (electromagnetic acceleration), but there's no actual formula or claim for sizes - all the things required to use a scientific claim to resolve these problems with the FE model. BRollin:
That's the entire issue with FET: there's no actual explanatory framework. Instead, each separate FET claim creates more burdens of proof that aren't met. Tom:
[Super out of the blue] The three body problem isn't solved; therefore the RE model can't "keep" the Sun, Earth, and Moon together. [Various others]:
the 3 body problem isn't really a problem. Here's some science links! ....
Wait. What? Again, I really don't know much about physics. But let's say for the sake of argument that the 3 body problem is totally unsolved by "science" up to today. How could that matter? (I'm not trying to obliquely say that it's outside the scope of this thread). I'm saying that a failure to fully describe one particular phenomenon with math is hardly a refutation of the RE model and framework. I would guess (again, no background) that there are loads of phenomena that modern physics has yet to fully describe, making it a "problem" in the same way, and that some of these may have to do with the RE model. But this doesn't help the argument for the FET in the context of simple observations (such as the one that launched this thread and the two I've added to it, none of which have yet to receive answers).
Let me put it in other words:
You're saying we don't know how to use algebra (apparently?) to solve an exceptionally complex math problem (apparently). I would conclude that it must be really damn complex!
I'm saying there are three simple, basic observations that even a total non-physicist (like me!) can make about the FE model that kind of destroys it. Can I have a coherent answer to these? It would help convince me that the FET has a figment of legitimacy among thinking people (which I consider myself a part of!).
The reason I wanted to summarize this thread is to point out how weak the FET claim is
even if you have almost no knowledge of physics and science (as I do). Talking about a super complex algebraic problem that most folks (like me) don't understand is one thing. Making simple observations that show the FE model doesn't match reality is quite another. And it's something I can do! So, can you answer these three problems with the FE model? I'd really like to know.
You see, I cannot do the RE experiments and proofs myself to know that the earth is a sphere (or oblate spheroid or whatever). My background is in English. So I have to rely on experts, NASA, my teachers. You know - all those folks who must be in on the conspiracy, since they DO know how to make the experiments.
But if you cannot even refute the simple observations that I can make by myself regarding the FE animated model, well, FET has some serious problems. Don't bring the 3 body problem into this. Answer my three observations...
Thanks for reading!