Every point you made has been made here many times. Like you I wanted to come here and patiently and reasonably go through the many proof points of RE. I personally have asked FEs about many things, north star/latitude/sextant, equatorial mount, satellite dish headings, etc etc etc. I have recently asked for FE explanations for 4 of these. 0 zero zilch. They are not here to figure out the true shape of the earth. They are here to build thought castle explanations of how the world can seem so round and yet be flat. Be forewarned, these do not have to be observed or explained, that's their fun. Start with assume FE, then explain a giant gadget/conspiracy to explain.
I once suggested FEs go to the NASA web site and try to figure out exactly who the conspirators were with the execs and org chart. No interest. Endless use of NASA to explain the conspiracy, no interest in the specifics.
Like the old joke where the prisoners tell jokes by just giving a joke number, you can list the FE responses generically:
1. introduce new laws of physics
2. cite never observed and unexplained existence of "correction devices" - atmolayer that turn real FE into apparent RE, or secret boxes in airliner nav systems
3. off into the weeds - pages of equations of obscure physics about anything except your clear point
4. accuse you of bad manners, asking wrong
5. disavow the part of FE that you disproved - you can't say their map is wrong, because it might be another one
6. FE is a young science - RE has to actually prove everything. FE hasn't had time to be held to that sytandard
7. You are brainwashed
8. change subject
9. zetetic solipsism - you can't know because you werenot there - antarctica doesn't exist
10. Giant yet somehow secret multi-generational, multi-national conspiracy with tiny number of people, no detected infrastructure,
and always:
... just don't answer ... The most obvious RE proofs get zero replies.
What you won't get is a clear, simple answer that is consistent with known facts and explains why FE is true.
In the end, what FE proves is that it is possible to get a group of people to believe something absurd and defend their delusion with those strategies. Meanwhile, FEs and REs continue to live ion a world that is RE in every way. I think FEs like it that way. If the world came around to their point of view, this web site would be pointless, it would be absorbed into banality.