If that's as deep as you go, anything might be true.
Why, if it is at the top of the dome, can I not see the north star from the southern hemisphere?
Why do star trails go opposite directions in south and north hemisphere?
The north star is at an angle from the horizon equal to latitude. At the equator, it is on the horizon, 0 degrees, With FE geometry, that puts it on the surface at the north pole. If it is at 3100 mi altitude over the north pole, a triangle calculator gives an angle of 26 degrees above the horizon. How does this work? Where is the north star on FE?
The moon and stars go across the sky all night. On the side where they are rising, where do they come from? On the setting side, where do they go?
I can see stars at night all over the sky, everywhere on the dome. Why can't I see the sun? Where did it go?
RE knows where it went and all these things. Who do you stand with, colleges, universities, 100s of years of exploration and confirmation, or a slightly tipsy herbologist (not to say they might not have knowledge of herbs, and sometimes be sober)?