the antarctic circle, the sun will be exactly at the horizon at noon on winter solstice at midnight, it will look like a brief partial sunrise then goes back down. Closer to the pole, more days on either side of solstice the sun will not come up. Move towards the equator, and around the solstice, days will start in mid-morning and end mid-afternoon. Check the sunrise/sunset times for places at various latitudes, try south pole, McMurdo, Punta Arenas, and Singapore. the equator, days are quite uniform. The farther south or north you go, the more the change in day length by season. Close enough to the poles, and at solstice, the days (summer) and nights (winter) are 24 hours.
Endless documentation by personal report, scientists, explorers, tourists, military, airliners go over the north pole, etc, streaming video, textbook diagrams. All matches - observation, theory and RE geometry.
On FE, requires conspiracy and/or new or different laws of physics.
Gotta call this one for RE.