The matter has already been impeached. The inability to calibrate the three chamber version of the device is direct evidence that the water is not level.
Last year a caged water device was built by a member of our forums, which showed that the alignment of the liquid in the device is susceptible to error. It was seen that the liquid did not align and that water did not find its level.
Two days ago this video was commented with something like
I tried this at home and the only way that I could achieve this was to block the middle chamber
and pour as much water as it would mismatch ending chambers for just a bit.
I encourage everyone to try this on their own and see the truth.
Today, after the encouragement, the comments are disabled/deleted. LOL
1. If the video is true, then the Rowbotham's "water is always level" is disproven.
2. If the video is false, then it shows the lack of real proof and need to fabricate some.
So, which will it be: 1. or 2. ?
try this at home. Question everything and do your own investigations is
the basics of Zetetism, isn't it?