Though we live in a world fraught with Fake News, occasionally a really good story comes across our desks here at The Flat Earth Society. We believe in a tactile approach to learning and understanding, one that forces individuals to break out of the constraints placed upon them by society and achieve new heights. Terms like, “that’s as hard as rocket science” was questioned by fellow Flat-earther Mike Hughes who is challenging such notions by
building his own steam-powered rocket to launch himself into the atmoplane. Hughes is a limo driver from the American West Coast and while he was unable to be reached for comment, his understanding of concepts like trajectory, magnetopause, and terracentric orbital dynamics was clearly not stifled by the liberal round-earth agendas of our “top” universities. Once Hughes launches himself high into the air, it will be yet another piece of evidence for our flat-earth.
What’s perhaps most impressive is that in true Rowbothiam fashion, Hughes has made his rocket steam powered! Not even the laws against building ballistic missiles can keep Hughes grounded. Godspeed, Hughes. We here at The Flat Earth Society salute you.