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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #240 on: July 15, 2021, 09:47:21 PM »
I think it fairly obvious they were transvestites. The idea that you can change your gender just by believing that you can, is ironically a very modern view. Not even 4500 years ago did they believe you could wish yourself the opposite sex and it would be so. They'd still put on a dress and pretend, but crucially the rest of society didn't pander to them.

"Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady." - Elagabalus

More about Elagabalus - "He carried his lewdness to such a point that he asked the physicians to contrive a woman's vagina in his body by means of an incision, promising them large sums for doing so." The three main contemporary sources for this person are pretty negatively biased because they disliked his religion and thought he was weird. So you can't go crying that some blue haired liberal wrote it.

But going into the topic of gender and what they truly identified with would be a lot more complicated discussion because we'd also need to fully understand how cultures of the past even viewed gender and/or sex and that's a huge undertaking. But overall, it's absolutely not new - just the way we talk about it now might be different.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #241 on: July 15, 2021, 09:59:48 PM »
"Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady." - Elagabalus

More about Elagabalus - "He carried his lewdness to such a point that he asked the physicians to contrive a woman's vagina in his body by means of an incision, promising them large sums for doing so." The three main contemporary sources for this person are pretty negatively biased because they disliked his religion and thought he was weird. So you can't go crying that some blue haired liberal wrote it.
So we have a man, ... no ordinary man but an emperor, who has this perversion dysphoria issue. He demands to be a woman ... and yet they do not hack his Johnson off. They didn't even pander to an emperor, so ridiculous the request. - Interesting example though.

But going into the topic of gender and what they truly identified with would be a lot more complicated discussion because we'd also need to fully understand how cultures of the past even viewed gender and/or sex and that's a huge undertaking. But overall, it's absolutely not new - just the way we talk about it now might be different.
The desire to be a different sex isn't new. That's a very old mental illness I'm sure. What is new is other people being compelled to use a preferred pronoun under threat of losing ones job if failing to indulge the delusion. What's new is allowing the man to compete against women in sport or to use a woman's toilet. What's new is encouraging young men and women to have these ghastly procedures. You can pinpoint all these things starting in 2008 when Obama gets in.

@Iceman, you're up. You get a second chance.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 10:08:14 PM by Toddler Thork »
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Rama Set

Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #242 on: July 15, 2021, 11:01:31 PM »
"Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady." - Elagabalus

More about Elagabalus - "He carried his lewdness to such a point that he asked the physicians to contrive a woman's vagina in his body by means of an incision, promising them large sums for doing so." The three main contemporary sources for this person are pretty negatively biased because they disliked his religion and thought he was weird. So you can't go crying that some blue haired liberal wrote it.
So we have a man, ... no ordinary man but an emperor, who has this perversion dysphoria issue. He demands to be a woman ... and yet they do not hack his Johnson off. They didn't even pander to an emperor, so ridiculous the request. - Interesting example though.

But going into the topic of gender and what they truly identified with would be a lot more complicated discussion because we'd also need to fully understand how cultures of the past even viewed gender and/or sex and that's a huge undertaking. But overall, it's absolutely not new - just the way we talk about it now might be different.
The desire to be a different sex isn't new. That's a very old mental illness I'm sure. What is new is other people being compelled to use a preferred pronoun under threat of losing ones job if failing to indulge the delusion. What's new is allowing the man to compete against women in sport or to use a woman's toilet. What's new is encouraging young men and women to have these ghastly procedures. You can pinpoint all these things starting in 2008 when Obama gets in.

@Iceman, you're up. You get a second chance.

Unsurprisingly, everything Thork wrote is wrong.


Offline Iceman

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #243 on: July 16, 2021, 12:39:23 AM »
@Iceman, you're up. You get a second chance.

Second chance at what?  I just want to hear all the details about how Obama created transgenders. It seems like you've gone to the Tom Bishop research academy on this one...

Offline Action80

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #244 on: July 16, 2021, 03:31:55 PM »
In that way, I'm not sure that reassignment surgery and mutilating one's genitalia is appropriate.
Mutilating is absolutely the incorrect word. Surgery is not a violent disfigurement. No one says, "hi, I'd like to make an appointment for my breast mutilation."
Yeah, that is why so many live to regret the surgery later on, even utilizing the word, "mutilation," once time has passed.

Females do not feel mutilated and "less than" after a mastectomy.
Regretting a surgery does not make it mutilation. It makes it a surgery they regret. And regretting transitioning, while tragic, is not the topic at hand. The word mutilation for surgeries in this thread is only being used for outrage effect.
No, the word mutilation is being used because it is the correct term.

And like I wrote, breast cancer patients having mastectomies feel mutilated afterwards because they are.

This essentially boils down to what is obviously a small, but very vocal group of morons, not having the slightest clue about life in general, being currently successful in their foisting of bullshit upon the people surrounding them.

The reason it is provably bullshit is the common practice of instantaneous changing of the meaning of the words, the history, or whatever else deemed necessary in order to cater to their current feelings about an issue.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2021, 04:02:07 PM by Action80 »
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.

Rama Set

Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #245 on: July 16, 2021, 03:41:31 PM »
Like using the word mutilation to describe a surgical procedure.

Offline Action80

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #246 on: July 16, 2021, 04:00:35 PM »
Like using the word mutilation to describe a surgical procedure.
^And here it is.

Breast cancer patients use the word mutilation after a mastectomy because, like it or not, that is what took place. A mutilation.

You, in support of appeasing some mentally disturbed individual who doesn't likely know their fucking ass from a hole in the ground, want to allow them to feel any way they wish at any given moment in time.

A breast cancer patient?

Fuck their feelings, I suppose, when it comes to labeling the results of their operation a mutilation of their body.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.

Rama Set

Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #247 on: July 16, 2021, 06:07:34 PM »
Like using the word mutilation to describe a surgical procedure.
^And here it is.

Breast cancer patients use the word mutilation after a mastectomy because, like it or not, that is what took place. A mutilation.

So?  Why does being a breast cancer patient make their use of language correct?  Sounds like you are letting feelings get in the way.

You, in support of appeasing some mentally disturbed individual who doesn't likely know their fucking ass from a hole in the ground, want to allow them to feel any way they wish at any given moment in time.


A breast cancer patient?

Fuck their feelings, I suppose, when it comes to labeling the results of their operation a mutilation of their body.

I guess you can make up anything to satisfy your tribal urges.

Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #248 on: July 16, 2021, 10:55:02 PM »
The issues are in your head. Not your body.

your head is part of your body, you nut.

either way, the point is that you have been arguing that being trans is a psychological issue with respect to one's genetics. that's why you use words like "delusional" — you're saying it's a delusion about one's genetics. any way you slice it, your argument is "some medical treatments are bad because they defy your genetic code."

I have no idea what you are talking about

really? it's not that complicated, but i can try to dumb it down for you.

i'm trying to figure out why you think it's okay to use medicine to fix things about ourselves in some cases — even when those things are caused by our genetic code — but not okay in other cases.

alice wants to have a double-mastectomy to make her look more like a man, even though her genetic code says she is a woman.
bob wants to have laisik eye surgery to make his vision better, even though his genetic code says he is nearsighted.

i'm still waiting for someone to explain an actual qualitative difference between these two scenarios without simply bleating "but..but..alice's genetic code!"
« Last Edit: July 16, 2021, 11:41:28 PM by garygreen »
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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #249 on: July 17, 2021, 07:36:51 AM »
The problem is in your brain. The treatment targets everything and anything else.

This is like chopping off a man's foot because he has toothache. It'll certainly take his mind off his teeth for a while, but its not a cure.
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Offline xasop

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #250 on: July 17, 2021, 11:01:17 AM »
This is like chopping off a man's foot because he has toothache. It'll certainly take his mind off his teeth for a while, but its not a cure.
Oh, is it like that? Can you link me to the evidence for chopping off feet making people with toothaches' lives better?
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #251 on: July 17, 2021, 11:22:44 AM »
This is like chopping off a man's foot because he has toothache. It'll certainly take his mind off his teeth for a while, but its not a cure.
Oh, is it like that? Can you link me to the evidence for chopping off feet making people with toothaches' lives better?
The point is that it won't make their lives better.

And you can give a man a new pair of boobs and I'm sure it'll keep him busy playing with those for a few months, but eventually he's going to realise he's just a guy with some silicon implants and he'll be unhappy again. He needs therapy, not new boobs.
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Offline xasop

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #252 on: July 17, 2021, 11:26:09 AM »
Oh, is it like that? Can you link me to the evidence for chopping off feet making people with toothaches' lives better?
The point is that it won't make their lives better.
I'm aware that that's your point, but you seem to have missed mine, which is that your uninformed opinions are not more reliable than medical studies.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #253 on: July 17, 2021, 11:32:03 AM »
I'm aware that that's your point, but you seem to have missed mine, which is that your uninformed opinions are not more reliable than medical studies.
I disagree. Medicine has become utterly corrupt. It is about funding and grants. You can bend statistics to say whatever you like. We've been sold a lie that science is infallible, and that it is the source of truth. In reality it is the exact same as "god said so". You just have the elites people paying scientists instead of priests to come to the conclusions of truth that they require. You arrive at the answer that transgender isn't a thing .... your funding stops. Now the only papers being generated are the ones saying it is a thing.
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Offline xasop

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #254 on: July 17, 2021, 11:46:18 AM »
I disagree. Medicine has become utterly corrupt. It is about funding and grants. You can bend statistics to say whatever you like. We've been sold a lie that science is infallible, and that it is the source of truth. In reality it is the exact same as "god said so". You just have the elites people paying scientists instead of priests to come to the conclusions of truth that they require. You arrive at the answer that transgender isn't a thing .... your funding stops. Now the only papers being generated are the ones saying it is a thing.
What are you basing this on?
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #255 on: July 17, 2021, 12:12:58 PM »
One such example.

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #256 on: July 17, 2021, 12:14:41 PM »
One such example.
You didn't say you had one example. If you look hard enough, you'll find an example of just about anything. You said it applied to the entire medical profession.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #257 on: July 17, 2021, 12:22:39 PM »
One such example.
You didn't say you had one example. If you look hard enough, you'll find an example of just about anything. You said it applied to the entire medical profession.

The video is 23 minutes and 54 seconds long.

You noticed my post and had a reply sent in under 2 minutes. I'm going to go right ahead and make the assumption you din't watch the video and have no fucking clue what the video is even about, and yet here you are challenging my example.  ::)

The example shows ... with the use of over 20 scientific papers, how the system is corrupt. But you don't want to see that, you just want to refute my assertion.
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Offline Action80

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #258 on: July 17, 2021, 12:25:03 PM »
One such example.
You didn't say you had one example. If you look hard enough, you'll find an example of just about anything. You said it applied to the entire medical profession.
And you presented "medical studies," not "medical study." as reliable, when they're not.

Who you tryin to zoom here?
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


Offline xasop

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Re: Trans athletes
« Reply #259 on: July 17, 2021, 12:44:40 PM »
You noticed my post and had a reply sent in under 2 minutes. I'm going to go right ahead and make the assumption you din't watch the video and have no fucking clue what the video is even about, and yet here you are challenging my example.  ::)
Correct. You have proven repeatedly that your points are not worth spending 24 minutes on, so if you can't take the time to write a summary of the point you're trying to get across, I'm certainly not wasting my time on it.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol