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Messages - Rushy

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Arts & Entertainment / Re: Survivor2299
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:59:12 PM »
My question was not answered.  Reveal yourselves, old-school fanboys!

Has anyone else played the original games?

What original games? No one answered because no one knows what you're talking about.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:53:57 PM »
& notice, Israel doesn't have any oil for export. They produce enough for their own consumption. So the US isn't getting anything on that deal. & given that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, & the only country where you don't get stoned for disagreeing w/ the State, I'd say its more about knowing America's true friends (Israel) from so-called 'allies' who directly or indirectly support terrorism (most of the other nations in the region). & I take you back to 'I will bless those who bless you...' Enough Christians & Jews here believe those words to make that a primary motive for supporting Israel. To quote Yul Bryner, 'So let it be written, so let it be done!'

I didn't say the oil is from Israel. Israel is the United States' foothold in the Middle East. It's a thoroughfare country used for our benefit. If the Middle East were ever to fall to the Chinese (Like Iran) then we would have to back out, resulting in Israel's inevitable destruction. Israel exists because the most powerful country in the world wants it to, there are no gods involved.

Well, I'd take a bunch of Jews over a bunch of Muslims any day.

I don't see the difference between them.

Technology & Information / Re: How to Subnet, an Example
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:36:21 PM »
A lot of super computers, and a lot of time.

Well, you're not wrong.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:34:53 PM »
By that argument, what happened to the Natives of Australia was a good thing. & the Natives here should pack up & leave too. Well, Israel has God on its side.

So does the Middle East. I don't know if anyone has told you, but there are multiple religions. Everyone has a god on their side.

'I shall bless those who bless you, & curse those who curse you', says the Scripture. & we have seen that to be the case. Its like the old Jewish joke: 'They tried to kill us, we won, lets eat.' It has always been thus. The nations who tried to destroy us are in the dustbin of history. We are victorious. Thus it has been, is, & always will be. End of speech.

The US is the only reason Israel hasn't been turned to rubble and no one in the US actually gives a shit about Israel. The US just wants that delicious, delicious oil that Israel is surrounded with.

Technology & Information / Re: How to Subnet, an Example
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:28:30 PM »
How do I brute force AES-256?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:15:29 PM »
Even ignoring Torah, Canaanites don't exist any more, so the Jews qualify as the original inhabitants. Ergo, the Arabs must go.

Original inhabitants are irrelevant. The Jews simply want what isn't theirs anymore. The whole world tolerates Israel's violent shenanigans for no good reason.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 07, 2013, 10:01:51 PM »
I understand your point. But, in reality, the book was inspired by God. Even Christians acknowledge that. Heck, even Muslims acknowledge that much, though they believe it has been superceded (although how 'forever' suddenly doesn't mean 'forever' is beyond me).  But, ignoring Torah, Jews still have a strong claim to the Land since the Arabs interloped on the area.

No, the book was made up by humans. Writing a book and then telling other humans the book commands you to give me your land is horrid logic.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:57:32 PM »
Incidentally, racially, Jews are like Hispanics, in the sense that they can be white (like Costa Ricans), brown (like most Mexicans), or black (like many Cubans).

That's probably because Judaism is a religion, not a race. How many times do I have to tell people this? Why does so much of the world think Jews are a race?

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Survivor2299
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:51:17 PM »
I remember I looked on reddit's Fallout board once, it was terrible. Some people didn't even realise F3 was the third game in the series.

Did the game with a huge ass "FALLOUT 3" title on the box not, you know, give it away?

All the non-terrible British people left when the United States came into being. Only the idiots were left on the island, resulting in a propagation of idiocy and the downfall of the British empire.

It still took European missionaries to make it a written tongue.

In other words, the British didn't do anything. Thanks for pointing that out.

Parliament, by the time of Victoria, had become a fairly representative body w/ political power. Even as far back as Henry VIII, tyrant though he was, Parliament controlled money, & stopped Henry from @ least 1 war. By the time of the Glorious Revolution in 1688, when they 'invited' the Catholic King James II to abdicate, and kindly offered the throne to his Protestant daughter Mary II, & her husband William the Stadholder, they had proven themselves stronger than monarchs. It is true that the franchise was limited til the latter half of the 19th Century, but nobody's perfect. The fact that the franchise even existed was a step up from most countries.

The parliament had little power and was almost non-stop corrupted by tyrants. That hardly counts as very civilized, even by Britain's own standards.

Xhosa was not a written language. Nor were most sub-Saharan African languages before European contact. Britain had established parliamentary democracy early in the Imperial period. Victoria was hardly an absolute monarch.

Missionaries made Xhosa a written language, they were there before the British came along.

Britain had established parliamentary democracy early in the Imperial period. Victoria was hardly an absolute monarch.

The parliament during most of the British empire's years is not the sort of parliament you think of today. It existed as more or less advisors to the current monarch, the monarch could still do whatever s/he wished with tyrannical power.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:27:59 AM »
Rama, you have a point. But only an ethnic group can use an ethnic slur to refer to someone outside the group. Ergo, Jews are an ethnic group. To be sure, the term is not a slur. Jesus even used the term in the Gospels. It is an identity designation, nothing more.

Jews are not an ethnic group. Judaism is a religion, not a race.

Well, a written language, for 1. Most cultures the British displaced didn't write.

Give me one native civilization the British took over that didn't have a written language.

Government, for 2. Most cultures displaced were absolute monarchies functioning as dictatorships.

And the British weren't? What British are you referring to?

3. If India had been ruled by Germany or Russia or China (or by many of her own native Princes!), Gandhi would have been done in w/i 5 minutes! He did what he did because he had inalienable rights under British law. Those are just a few examples. I could go on, but that should suffice.

None of those places would have enslaved an entire country in the first place.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Time and Gravity are the same thing.
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »
Explain? I thought mass came from a ton of particles from the big bang coming together slowly over time to create small amounts of mass, which would then accumulated into larger amounts as the universe was simultaneously cooling down. According to this, I would imagine that gravity is a by product of mass rather than actually creating mass.

The Big Bang is the result of all gravity and time in the Universe culminating into a single point-source. That point source exploded outwards into what we see today.

At the same time, I think this explanation of 'mass curving space-time thus causing gravity' only explains things on a larger scale, not so much on a small scale. This is also why they have attempted to explain gravity in other ways and have introduced Quantum Physics, correct?

Gravity is what determines that mass should exist over any given period of time. This is why dark matter is almost gravitationally non-existent, it can't exist because gravity hasn't brought it into being. How gravity picks and chooses is unknown.

Announcements / Re: New logo!
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:34:42 AM »
Not yet, had it for a year now and still can't figure that out.

It's normally some combination of the power and volume buttons.

What are you defining as the qualities that make British civilization better than what was already there?

Uhh no. The British brought British civilization, not civilization in general. "Civilization" is not some objective entity that you can slap onto a location. The British damn sure made the world more British and while it could be worse, it could be a hell of a lot better.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: SpaceX commercial satellite launch
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:57:21 AM »
It isn't that their client is NASA, it's that they're essentially NASA under a different name. Commercial companies can't just launch things into space on their own terms, even if space travel were real.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Time and Gravity are the same thing.
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:53:38 AM »
Explain self awareness. Not thought. Awareness.

Define awareness.

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