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Messages - mannyvz17

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:14:23 PM »
Ok, you got me.  With the exception of directly east or west, on either model, you could theoretically get to Antarctica traveling any other direction. 

Perhaps you do not understand how north and south work on the Flat Earth?

I guess I don't. The model I looked at just shows a Antarctica as a circle that surrounds the continents.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:08:10 PM »
In the round Earth model, you could get to Antarctica by traveling any direction.  It is just quicker to go south.  This is exactly the same in the flat Earth model.  The shortest route to Antarctica is to follow a compass south.

If you went east or west you would never get to Antarctica in the round Earth model. And how is it exactly the same in flat Earth model? I want to know why no one has discovered that Antarctica surrounds the world. Why is their is no documented evidence of this?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:59:16 PM »
Perhaps they don't report these findings for fear of being ridiculed by their peers or loosing their jobs?  If you spend a lifetime being educated and building up your academic standings, would you not think twice if you discovered proof that everything you learned/taught and your entire life work is wrong?

Scientists challenge established theories all the time. It's how science continues to grow and evolve. Without this science would become become like a religion and never change. If there was any credible evidence a scientist would report it.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:56:42 PM »
Are you saying that nobody has seen Antarctica?  You are being very confusing.

In the round Earth model Antarctica is a place that exists at bottom of the Earth. You can get there by traveling south. But in the flat Earth model Antarctica exists surrounding Earth so you could theoretically get to it by traveling in any direction. How come more people haven't realized this?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Antarctica
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:49:38 PM »
How would a pilot know the shape of Antarctica?  Do you think they can see the whole thing at one time?  They fly using their instruments.

I worded my post poorly. What I mean is that there is no documented evidence of this supposed "ice wall". People have traveled all over the world. How come no one has come across this?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:44:01 PM »
They didn't lie about the shape of the Earth. They honestly believe the Earth is round.

They lied about space travel.

So you really think all the scientists in the world are wrong and a few people in a fringe society are right? You'll probably respond with something like " well Newton believed in alchemy." The thing is though that science is constantly adapting. Things get proven and disproven constantly. If there were any evidence that the Earth was flat scientists would report it because they have no attachment to the idea of the Earth being round, but simply to gain knowledge.

Flat Earth Theory / Antarctica
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:36:36 PM »
Where is the evidence that Antarctica surrounds the entire earth? Don't you think more people like pilots or scientists would have figured this out?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:19:22 AM »
If you can control what people think, you control the people.
I've heard this before and I can understand this logic of thinking when it comes to other conspiracy theories, but with this it just doesn't make sense. Why lie about the earth being flat? And don't say to " cover up blah blah blah about spar travel." I want to know why you think the government lied about the earth being flat in the first place? Why can't they say the earth is flat and still make up stuff about space travel?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:16:11 AM »
But why lie about the Earth being flat in the first place?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:39:55 PM »
What is the purpose the for the world's government to tell us that the world is round and hide the "knowledge" that the world is flat? What advantage is their in keeping this information from us?

Bonus question: Why do you believe the earth is flat? What made you believe this?

The government is lying about space travel, and to maintain the lie they have to claim the Earth to be round.

For more information, please see:

You didn't answer my question. I'm asking what is the benefit of the government withholding this information from us?

Flat Earth Theory / "The Round Earth Conspiracy"
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:36:06 AM »
What is the purpose the for the world's government to tell us that the world is round and hide the "knowledge" that the world is flat? What advantage is their in keeping this information from us?

Bonus question: Why do you believe the earth is flat? What made you believe this?

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