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Messages - jroa

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Man in Vermon creates a rifle using a shovel.

You missed out the part where he shows you how to make it!

Do you not think there's something wrong with that?

No, there is nothing wrong with that.

He made a shitty looking upper receiver out of a shovel.  He could have spent $10 to get proper steel to make it out of, but he chose to make it out of a household item.  It works, but it is not practical.

He purchased the barrel and the other 95% of the weapon.  So what if he made the upper receiver?  He still bought most of the weapon.  He is not showing kids how to make a firearm using their bicycle frame, a nail, and a cigarette lighter. 

Oh, and that is the ugliest stalk I have ever seen.  However, it is good to know that I can make a stalk out of a shovel handle, if I ever need to. 

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Gateway Musicians
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:08:08 AM »
Metallica, Pantera, and Slayer, amongst others. 

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Gateway Musicians
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:05:50 AM »
Faith No More
lol, but seriously. 

Technology & Information / Re: The Flat Earth Society official IRC chat
« on: December 06, 2013, 08:16:06 AM »
lol he trolled you

Technology & Information / Re: The Flat Earth Society official IRC chat
« on: December 06, 2013, 02:59:36 AM »
There are downsides to having Chat built into the forums.

1.  Guests will probably be able to read it.  People post personal information on the current IRC.

2.  People, especially noobs, will likely think that the chat is a live FE Q&A session and treat it as such.

3.  We do talk about people behind their backs a lot there and it would make it harder to do that if anyone can see it.

These are a few that I could think of off the top of my head. 

Flat Earth Community / Re: Virgin Galactic
« on: December 06, 2013, 01:18:31 AM »
Also, I don't think NASA will ask for a refund.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Brooklyn Nine Nine
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:25:53 PM »
I believe it is on hulu, if anyone is interested. 

Announcements / Re: New logo!
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:55:51 PM »
Blanko is truly talented.  However, it does look a lot like the old logo, just rearranged.  I am not saying that I don't like it, though. 

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: FES Video
« on: December 04, 2013, 06:56:37 PM »
Great idea.  Moving to S&C since it is such a great suggestion. 

Announcements / Re: Intention to set up CMS homepage
« on: December 04, 2013, 02:05:34 PM »
I'll write or edit anything I am asked to.  It will not be done probably before the weekend starts, but I am fairly sure I can put together anything that is needed.

Announcements / Re: Comments wanted: Switching domain to
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:59:52 PM »
If only we had sokarul's retirement account available to us.  It would almost cover half of the opening bid. 

Suggestions & Concerns / The Lounge
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:51:02 PM »
On the .org site, the Lounge section was hidden from Guests.  This was done so we could talk a little more openly amongst ourselves without having to worry about hundreds of strangers reading our personal information or looking at our pictures. 

Currently, Guests can not see the lower fora.  I propose that the Lounge section be setup like this as well. 

Announcements / Re: Help wanted to make this place better
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:42:36 PM »
I vote for Crudblud to be the voice of FES.  Thork would be a fine choice, as well, but Crudblud sounds like he could have been an actor or something. 

Crudblud (3)
Thork (2)

Announcements / Re: Comments wanted: Switching domain to
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:37:25 PM »
This sounds like a good idea.  I would hate for any one person to pay for something like that.  Perhaps we could have a drive in the mean time and try to get donations from members?

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Technical Issue?
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:59:54 PM »
I got that 10 minutes ago.  It went away a few minutes later.

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Forum structure
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:44:44 AM »
I like FE Q&A.  It implies, to a noob, that, "Here is a place where you can ask questions, and we nice FE'ers will try to answer them for you".  Too many times, FE'ers post, "Read the FAQ", or "Read ENaG".  We should keep this forum and try to actually provide answers to questions, as the name implies, even if they have been asked a thousand times.

Also, as I have stated before, I don't believe that the perma noobs should be allowed to turn questions into debates in this forum.  It seems to work out that way often.  I would suggest some sort of warning for the first offense, and maybe bans after that that keep the perma noob from posting in this particular forum.  After all, noobs want to hear FE answers; they already learned the RE answers in school. 

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Quick-Search Bar
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:30:34 AM »
I think .org has the same problem.  I only see half a Search box in both.

Announcements / Re: The .org site is down
« on: August 30, 2013, 10:54:02 PM »
I think you are onto something.

Announcements / Re: The .org site is down
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:32:03 PM »
F*cking .org has been shit lately.  What the fuck is going on?

Also, there are no noobs to troll here.  Someone, let me troll you.

Blanko is gullible.  Blanko where are you?

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