
Offline Tom Bishop

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'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« on: April 11, 2020, 12:56:10 AM »
I don't usually watch the long YouTube Flat Earth documentaries, as I'm not a fan of the YouTube FE model, but I found one which is more about social commentary which I found entertaining and had some content I've never seen before.

'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary' - Runtime 1h:40m


- Standards of Evidence
- Trust in Government
- Faith in Authority

Favorite parts:

Neil deGrasse Tyson: "You oughta put something in context; If you want to do something with three and a half trillion dollars, you can do whatever you want. Whatever you judge to be important to the profile of the nation you are trying to build and sustain."

Reynolds: Beck, you're wasting our time, you're not going to get us to not believe in evolution.
Beck: And why is that?
Reynolds: The smartest scientists in all the world agree that it's real.
Beck: I'm glad that you brought it up. These were all the smartest scientists (points to pictures). The only problem is, they kept being wrong.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 01:41:51 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline JSS

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Re: 'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2020, 02:31:30 PM »
I don't usually watch the long YouTube Flat Earth documentaries, as I'm not a fan of the YouTube FE model, but I found one which is more about social commentary which I found entertaining and had some content I've never seen before.

'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary' - Runtime 1h:40m

I only watched the first few minutes but had to stop there as I already found so many mistakes and basic math done wrong that I'd need a spreadsheet to keep track of them all if I watched any more.

Favorite parts:

"There should exist nearly seven thousand feet of curvature drop in that bridge ... Do you see it? It ain't there!"

He talks about a 102.4 mile bridge, but shows a picture of a much smaller bridge. It's blindingly obvious that is not showing a 102 mile bridge. A quick image search showed that this is not the Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge, it's the Hangzhou Bay Bridge. This is what happens when you just blindly repeat memes you find on the internet.


Attached is a screenshot from the video, and a picture of the bridge shown in the above link.

Not impressed.


Offline JSS

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Re: 'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2020, 06:24:17 PM »
"Most popular" - 45,174 views since 22 Feb 2018 ...

To put that in perspective, a simple review of a Porsche car gets over 1.1 million, just this month.

Channel Doug DeMuro, "The 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S 992 Is the Newest Ultra 911" - 1,128,939 views since 7 Apr 2020

To add to the perspective, I've got videos of me playing with magnets for less than 2 minutes that have more views. Without a single meme even.

Offline CJO

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Re: 'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2020, 02:18:28 PM »

Offline CJO

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Re: 'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2020, 02:31:17 PM »
The part about the bridge was good.  It's all about perspective.  Standing with a 90 degree angular view in the center of bridge the fall would be about 1700 ft in both directions.  In order to view the whole bridge on would have to get so high and or so far away that 1700 ft is imperceptible.  Also when standing at ground level at one end the drop is less than a mile.  Horizon is only about 3 miles for a year ft man.  Again u would have to get so far away to view the whole bridge that 1 mile curve cannot be perceived.  The narrator even talks about camera lens distortion. I like how FE use it to prove flat earth and to use it to disprove it at the same time.  Just depends on the image they are scrutinizing.

Offline CJO

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Re: 'Most Popular Flat Earth Documentary'
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2020, 02:32:22 PM »
I meant 6 ft man. Damn auto correct.